

German education
      in Germany, the first four years of primary school (in certain cities of Germany, the first six years).

      Before the 1920s, upper-class German children attended the Vorschule, a three-year course of preparation for secondary school (which usually began at age 9). Working-class children generally terminated their education at age 14 upon completing Volksschule (primary school). As a result of social reforms under the Weimar Republic, this dual-track system was abolished and the Grundschule system of common elementary schools, which prepares all children for secondary education, was established.

      Currently, students who complete the Grundschule receive their secondary education in one of three different ways. They may attend a Hauptschule (a five-year upper elementary school that prepares students for vocational school or trade apprenticeship), Realschule (a six-year secondary course preparing students for higher business and technical schools), or Gymnasium (a nine-year university preparation school).

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