
gymnasial, adj.
/jim nay"zee euhm/, n., pl. gymnasiums, gymnasia /-zee euh, -zheuh/.
1. a building or room designed and equipped for indoor sports, exercise, or physical education.
2. a place where Greek youths met for exercise and discussion.
[1590-1600; < L: a public school for gymnastics < Gk gymnásion gymnastic school (deriv. of gymnázein to train in the nude]
/gim nah"zee euhm/, n., pl. gymnasiums, gymnasia /-zee euh/.
(often cap.) (in continental Europe, esp. Germany) a classical school preparatory to the universities.
[1685-95; < G; special use of GYMNASIUM1]

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In Germany, a state-maintained secondary school that prepares pupils for higher academic education.

This type of nine-year school originated in Strasbourg in 1537. Though the usual graduation age is 19 or 20, pupils may terminate their studies at age 16 and enter a vocational school. Secondary or postprimary education is also provided by middle schools (Mittelschulen), teachers' colleges, and commercial schools.

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German school
      in Germany, state-maintained secondary school that prepares pupils for higher academic education. This type of nine-year school originated in Strassburg in 1537. Although the usual leaving age is 19 or 20, a pupil may terminate his studies at the age of 16 and enter a vocational school. In Germany the Gymnasium is differentiated into three main types, according to curriculum: classical, which includes Latin, Greek, and one modern language; modern (Realgymnasium), with Latin and two modern languages; and mathematical and scientific (Oberschule), with two modern languages and optional Latin. Senior departments of elementary schools, middle schools (Mittelschulen), and teachers' training, commercial, and senior girls' colleges also provide general secondary or postprimary education.

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Universalium. 2010.

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