Duby, Georges

Duby, Georges

French scholar
in full  Georges Michel Claude Duby 
born October 7, 1919, Paris, France
died December 3, 1996, near Aix-en-Provence
 member of the French Academy, holder of the chair in medieval history at the Collège de France (France, Collège de) in Paris, and one of the 20th century's most prolific and influential historians of the Middle Ages.

      Although a Parisian by birth, Duby became enthralled at an early age with the history and culture of southern France. Educated at a lycée in Mâcon, he received his university training at the Faculté des Lettres at Lyon. He prepared his dissertation under the direction of Charles-Edmond Perrin of the Sorbonne (University of Paris) and then taught at the university of Marseilles-Aix-en-Provence for most of the next 20 years. Although he spent part of each year living and teaching in Aix, in 1970 Duby moved to the Collège de France, where he served as the professor of the history of medieval societies for the next 23 years.

      His dissertation, La Société aux XIe et XIIe siècles dans la région mâconnaise (“Society in the Mâconnais in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries”), published in 1953, is generally considered his most important work. Examining the society and geography of the area surrounding Mâcon in Burgundy, a region Duby knew well firsthand and through the study of the great collection of charters of the monastery of Cluny, this work helped shape a new understanding of medieval society. He explored in particular the feudal revolution of the 11th century, a subject to which he would often return. Largely indebted to the Annales school of historyespecially to Marc Bloch (Bloch, Marc), whom Duby replaced as the leading medievalist of the movementthe work remains a model for regional studies. Duby's next major book, Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West (1962), examined the agrarian economy of western Europe during the Middle Ages; it also confirmed Duby's status as one of the leading medieval historians of his generation.

      Published during Duby's first decade at the Collège de France, the extraordinarily rich The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined (1978) explored the origins and medieval development of the three estates in French society and was the product of his early seminars at the Collège. A consideration of an idea that played an important role in the history of France, The Three Orders contributed significantly to Duby's election to the French Academy in 1987. It also reflected his continuing interest in another preoccupation of the Annales school, “mentalities,” which Duby defined asthe shifting set of images and unargued certitudes to which the members of a given group refer.” He wrote a favourable essay on this subject in L'Histoire et ses méthodes (1987; “History and Its Methods”) but later had serious reservations about the concept. Still another important work was The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France (1981), which appeared in earlier versions as a series of lectures he gave at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, in 1977 and in the book Medieval Marriage: Two Models from Twelfth Century France in 1978. Indeed, the study of kinship, marriage, and the role of women in society was Duby's chief focus during the last two decades of his life.

      Many of his more than 400 published writings were intended for a scholarly audience, but he also reached out to the general public. Duby was a master of the French language, and, owing to his highly readable style, a number of his books were popular in France and abroad in translation. He was also director of the Société d'Edition de Programmes de Télévision, a public television production agency, where he created quality cultural programming and presented the Middle Ages through its art. Some of his television work is preserved in three magnificent volumes on the history of medieval art and in the popular The Age of the Cathedrals: Art and Society, 9801420 (1976), and some of his radio lectures formed the basis for his highly popular biography William Marshal: The Flower of Chivalry (1984). During the last two decades of his life, he became the general editor of the series A History of Rural France (197576) and A History of Urban France (198085). He also coedited A History of Private Life (198587) with Philippe Ariès and A History of Women in the West (199094) with Michelle Perrot.

      Several years before his death, he composed the brief memoir History Continues (1992), which is reminiscent of Bloch's final and unfinished personal credo, The Historian's Craft (1949), but is much more a meditation on his own writings and career. In it Duby's modesty is ever present; there is little mention of his many honorary degrees and awards, the numerous translations of his work, his appointment as a commander of the Legion of Honour, or his membership in the French Academy. Rather, he reflects on the changing nature of history and the historian's craft, as mirrored in his own writings and career.

Daniel Francis Callahan

Additional Reading
A good introduction to the life and works of Georges Duby is his History Continues (1994, reissued 1997; originally published in French, 1991), with its very helpful introduction by John Baldwin. Baldwin also chaired a group of historians who compiled a brief appreciation of Duby, Thomas N. Bisson et al., “Georges Duby,” Speculum, 72(3):938940 (July 1997). To get a fine sense of Duby the man see Georges Duby, “Le Plaisir de l'historien” (“The Historian's Pleasure”), in Maurice Agulhon et al., Essais d'ego-histoire (“Essays on Ego-History”), Pierre Nora (ed.) (1987), pp. 109138. Georges Duby, “Ideologies in Social History,” in Jacques Le Goff and Pierre Nora (eds.), Constructing the Past: Essays in Historical Methodology (1985, originally published in French, 1974), provides his view of ideologies in social history. Also useful are Peter Burke, The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School, 192989 (1990); R.I. Moore, “Duby's Eleventh Century,” History, 69(225):3649 (February 1984); Franois Bédarida (ed.), L'Histoire et le métier d'historien en France, 19451995 (“History and the Historian's Craft in France, 19451995”) (1995); Philippe Carrard, Poetics of the New History: French Historical Discourse from Braudel to Chartier (1992, reissued 1995); Franois Dosse, The New History in France: The Triumph of the Annales (1994, originally published in French, 1987); A. Bernard Knapp (ed.), Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory (1992); and Traian Stoianovich, French Historical Method: The Annales Paradigm (1976).

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