- history
/his"teuh ree, his"tree/, n., pl. histories.1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.2. a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle: a history of France; a medical history of the patient.3. the aggregate of past events.4. the record of past events and times, esp. in connection with the human race.5. a past notable for its important, unusual, or interesting events: a ship with a history.6. acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future; immediate but significant happenings: Firsthand observers of our space program see history in the making.7. a systematic account of any set of natural phenomena without particular reference to time: a history of the American eagle.[1350-1400; ME historie < L historia < Gk historía learning or knowing by inquiry, history; deriv. of hístor one who knows or sees (akin to WIT, VIDEO, VEDA)]
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(as used in expressions)history playhistory philosophy of* * *
the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.History is treated in a number of articles. For the principal treatment of the subject of historiography and the scholarly research necessary for the discipline, see historiography. Information on any specific historical topic, such as the history of specific peoples, cultures, countries, and regions, will be found under the relevant title. For information on the historical aspects of military affairs, economics, law, literature, sciences, art, philosophy, religion, and other fields of human endeavour, the reader should also first consult the relevant title and review the subtopics in the Table of Contents. The general articles contain many cross-references to specific historical movements and events and to biographies of significant figures.* * *
Universalium. 2010.