Congress of the People

Congress of the People

      South African political party founded in 2008 by Mbhazima Shilowa, Mluleki George, and Mosiuoa Lekota, former high-ranking members of South Africa's ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), who disagreed with the direction of that organization. The new party positioned itself asprogressiveand diverse, pledging to reach out to minorities and women, and promised to tackle several issues confronting South Africans, including high rates of crime, poverty, and unemployment.

      In 1994 the ANC won a decisive electoral victory in South Africa's first multiracial elections and came to dominate the country's political system. Although the party faced little challenge from other political parties, internal dissent increased. In December 2007 the fracture was evident at the party's 52nd National Conference in a contentious leadership election, in which Jacob Zuma (Zuma, Jacob), a popular but controversial figure, was elected party president over Thabo Mbeki (Mbeki, Thabo), the incumbent party president and president of the country. Although Zuma enjoyed the strong support of many in the ANC, there was also a sizeable faction that still firmly backed Mbeki and was unhappy with the outcome of the election. The animosity between the two camps continued to escalate in the next year, particularly after September 2008, when the Zuma-led ANC asked Mbeki to resign from the South African presidency; Mbeki did so, reluctantly. In protest, several high-ranking ANC officials who supported Mbeki resigned from their government positions, including Lekota (the country's defense minister), George (deputy defense minister), and Shilowa (premier of the Gauteng province). In addition, others objected to Zuma's close ties to the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions. Although both organizations had long been allies of the ANC, there was growing concern among many ANC members that those groups were exerting too much influence on the ANC under Zuma's leadership.

      Shortly after Mbeki's forced resignation, there were rumblings that the discord in the ANC was too great to overcome and a new party would emerge. George and Lekota, later joined by Shilowa, organized a conference to explore that option. Held in November 2008, the conference attracted more than 6,000 people and resulted in a decision to move forward with the establishment of a new party, with Shilowa and Lekota as interim party leaders. The new organizationinformally calledShikota,” based on the last names of the two menset about choosing a name and registering as an official party. Initial efforts were thwarted, as the ANC successfully challenged the group's first choice, South African National Congress, on the grounds that it was too similar to its own name. The second choice, South African Democratic Congress, was already in use by another registered party. The third suggestion, Congress of the People, was also challenged by the ANC, on the basis that it had ties to that name, which referred to a historic 1955 event that the ANC and other anti- apartheid organizations participated in and from which the renowned Freedom Charter, a document calling for nonracial social democracy in South Africa, emerged. However, the ANC was overruled, and the nascent party was allowed to register under that name.

      Congress of the People, or COPE, was officially launched in Bloemfontein on Dec. 16, 2008, a day with special meaning in South Africa. Observed as the Day of Reconciliation, this public holiday is intended to foster a sense of national unity and racial harmony. December 16 also marks the day on which in 1961 the ANC began their armed struggle against apartheid. Lekota was appointed president of the new party, which by that point had attracted many former ANC members and other individuals.

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Universalium. 2010.

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