African National Congress

African National Congress

 South African political party and black nationalist organization. Founded in 1912 as the South African Native National Congress, it had as its main goal the maintenance of voting rights for Coloureds (persons of mixed race) and black Africans in Cape Province. It was renamed the African National Congress in 1923. From the 1940s it spearheaded the fight to eliminate apartheid, the official South African policy of racial separation and discrimination. The ANC was banned from 1960 to 1990 by the white South African government; during these three decades it operated underground and outside South African territory. The ban was lifted in 1990, and Nelson Mandela (Mandela, Nelson), the president of the ANC, was elected in 1994 to head South Africa's first multiethnic government.

 In the late 1920s the ANC's leaders split over the issue of cooperation with the Communist Party (founded in 1921), and the ensuing victory of the conservatives left the party small and disorganized through the 1930s. In the 1940s, however, the ANC revived under younger leaders who pressed for a more militant stance against segregation in South Africa. The ANC Youth League, founded in 1944, attracted such figures as Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo (Tambo, Oliver), and Mandela, who galvanized the movement and challenged the moderate leadership. Under the presidency of Albert Luthuli (Luthuli, Albert John), the ANC after 1952 began sponsoring nonviolent protests, strikes, boycotts, and marches against the apartheid policies that had been introduced by the National Party government that came to power in 1948. Party membership grew rapidly. A campaign against the pass laws (blacks were required to carry passes indicating their employment status) and other government policies culminated in the Defiance Campaign of 1952. In the process ANC leaders became a target of police harassment: in 1956 many of its leaders were arrested and charged with treason (known as the Treason Trial, 195659).

      In 1960 the Pan-African Congress (Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania) (PAC), which had broken away from the ANC in 1959, organized massive demonstrations against the pass laws during which police killed 69 unarmed demonstrators at Sharpeville (Sharpeville massacre) (south of Johannesburg). At this point the National Party outlawed both the ANC and the PAC. Denied legal avenues for political change, the ANC first turned to sabotage and then began to organize outside of South Africa for guerrilla warfare. In 1961 an ANC military organization, Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Spear of the Nation"), with Mandela as its head, was formed to carry out acts of sabotage as part of its campaign against apartheid. Mandela and other ANC leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 (the Rivonia Trial). Although the ANC's campaign of guerrilla warfare was basically ineffective because of stringent South African internal security measures, surviving ANC cadres kept the organization alive in Tanzania and Zambia under Tambo's leadership. The ANC began to revive inside South Africa toward the end of the 1970s, following the Soweto uprising in 1976, when the police and army killed more than 600 people, many of them children. About 1980 the banned black, green, and gold tricolour flag of the ANC began to be seen inside South Africa.

 South Africa descended into virtual civil war during the 1980s. The administration of F.W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the ANC in 1990, and its leaders were released from prison or allowed to return to South Africa and conduct peaceful political activities. Nelson Mandela, the most important of the ANC's leaders, succeeded Oliver Tambo as president in 1991. Mandela led the ANC in negotiations (199293) with the government over transition to a government elected by universal suffrage. In April 1994 the party swept to power in the country's first such election, winning more than 60 percent of the vote for seats in the new National Assembly. Mandela, who headed a government of national unity, was inaugurated as South Africa's first black president on May 10, 1994. After the withdrawal of the National Party from the government in 1996, the ANC entered into an alliance with its previous rival, the Inkatha Freedom Party, led by Mangosuthu Buthelezi (Buthelezi, Mangosuthu G.). Mandela stepped down as ANC president in 1997, and in June 1999 his successor, Thabo Mbeki (Mbeki, Thabo), became the second black president of South Africa. The party celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2002 and continued its domination of South African politics.

 Signs of dissent began to appear within the ANC leading up to the party's 2007 national conference, where the next president of the ANCand, most likely, the next president of the countrywas to be selected. Although Mbeki was barred by South Africa's constitution from serving a third term as president of the country, securing a third term as party president would have guaranteed him considerable influence in choosing the country's next president in 2009. His bid for leadership of the party was challenged by Jacob Zuma (Zuma, Jacob), the former deputy president whom he had dismissed in 2005 amid charges of corruption; the next year Zuma also stood trial for an unrelated charge of rape. He was acquitted of rape in May 2006, and the corruption charges were dropped later that year. Despite repeated allegations of wrongdoingwhich his supporters claimed were politically motivatedZuma remained a popular figure within the ANC and, in what was one of the most contentious leadership battles in the party's history, was selected over Mbeki in December 2007 to be party president.

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Universalium. 2010.

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