Beehive, The

Beehive, The

artistscolony, France
French  La Ruche 

      artists' settlement on the outskirts of the Montparnasse section of Paris, which in the early 20th century was the centre of much avant-garde activity. The Beehive housed the ramshackle living quarters and studios of many painters and sculptors, among them Marc Chagall (Chagall, Marc), Fernand Léger (Léger, Fernand), Robert Delaunay (Delaunay, Robert), Chaim Soutine (Soutine, Chaim), Jacques Lipchitz (Lipchitz, Jacques), Henri Laurens (Laurens, Henri), Alexander Archipenko (Archipenko, Alexander), Albert Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, and André Lhote (Lhote, André). In addition, this bohemian colony attracted the poets Guillaume Apollinaire (Apollinaire, Guillaume), Max Jacob (Jacob, Max), Blaise Cendrars (Cendrars, Blaise), and Pierre Reverdy (Reverdy, Pierre). No single style dominated the settlement; rather, experimentation of all kinds was encouraged.

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