Delaunay, Robert

Delaunay, Robert
born April 12, 1885, Paris, Fr.
died Oct. 25, 1941, Montpellier

French painter.

He spent his early career as a part-time designer of stage scenery and came under the influence of Neo-Impressionism, Fauvism, and Cubism. In 190911 his colour experiments culminated in a series of paintings of the Eiffel Tower, which combined fragmented Cubist forms with dynamic movement and vibrant colour. The introduction of bright colour to Cubism
a style that came to be known as Orphism
distinguished his work from that of the more orthodox Cubist painters and influenced the artists of Der Blaue Reiter. With his wife, the Ukrainian-born painter and textile designer Sonia Terk Delaunay (18851979), he painted abstract mural decorations for the 1937 Paris Exposition.

Eiffel Tower, an oil painting on canvas by Robert Delaunay from ...

Deposited by Emanuel Hoffmann-Foundation in Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland; photograph, Hans Hinz

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French painter

born April 12, 1885, Paris
died Oct. 25, 1941, Montpellier, Fr.
 French painter who first introduced vibrant colour into Cubism and thereby originated the trend in Cubist painting known as Orphism (q.v.). He was one of the earliest completely nonrepresentational painters, and his work affected the development of abstract art based on the compositional tensions created by juxtaposed planes of colour.

      Delaunay was at first a theatre designer and painted only part-time. But he soon came under the influence of the Neo-Impressionists' use of colour. By 1910 he had made his own contribution to Cubism in two series of paintings, cathedrals and theEiffel Tower,” which combined fragmented Cubist form with dynamic movement and vibrant colour. This new and individual use of pictorial rhythms and colour harmonies had an immediate appeal to the senses and, combined with poetic subject matter, distinguished him from the more orthodox Cubist painters. His Orphic style, adopted also by his wife, the painter Sonia Terk Delaunay (Delaunay, Sonia) (18851979), had an immediate influence on the work of Der Blaue Reiter (Blaue Reiter, Der) (The Blue Rider), a Munich-based group of Expressionist painters.

      Two years later he found his way toward completely nonobjective painting when he made hisColour DisksandWindowsseries of paintings. Together with his wife, Delaunay worked on large and impressive abstract mural decorations for the Paris Exposition of 1937. Delaunay continued to paint works that restated his Orphic theories.

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