Apollinaire, Guillaume

Apollinaire, Guillaume
orig. Guillelmus (or Wilhelm) Apollinaris de Kostrowitzky

born Aug. 26, 1880, Rome?, Italy
died Nov. 9, 1918, Paris, Fr.

French poet of Polish-Italian birth.

Arriving in Paris at age 20, Apollinaire always kept his early years obscure. In his short life he took part in all the avant-garde movements that flourished at the beginning of the 20th century. His poetry was characterized by daring, even outrageous, technical experiments. Because of his efforts to create an effect of surprise by means of unusual verbal associations and word patterns, he is often considered the herald of Surrealism. His poetic masterpiece was Alcools (1913). His death resulted from a head wound received in World War I.

Apollinaire, drawing by Pablo Picasso from the frontispiece to Calligrammes, 1918

H. Roger-Viollet

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French poet
pseudonym of  Guillelmus (or Wilhelm) Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki 
born August 26, 1880, Rome?, Italy
died November 9, 1918, Paris, France
 poet who in his short life took part in all the avant-garde movements that flourished in French literary and artistic circles at the beginning of the 20th century and who helped to direct poetry into unexplored channels.

      The son of a Polish émigrée and an Italian officer, he kept his origins secret. Left more or less to himself, he went at the age of 20 to Paris, where he led a bohemian life. Several months spent in Germany in 1901 had a profound effect on him and helped to awaken him to his poetic vocation. He fell under the spell of the Rhineland and later recaptured the beauty of its forests and its legends in his poetry. He fell in love with a young Englishwoman, whom he pursued, unsuccessfully, as far as London; his romantic disappointment inspired him to write his famous "Chanson du mal-aimé" (“Song of the Poorly Loved”).

      After his return to Paris, Apollinaire became well known as a writer and a fixture of the cafés patronized by literary men. He also made friends with some young painters who were to become famousMaurice de Vlaminck, André Derain, Raoul Dufy, and Pablo Picasso (Picasso, Pablo). He introduced his contemporaries to Henri Rousseau's paintings and to African sculpture; and with Picasso, he applied himself to the task of defining the principles of a Cubist (Cubism) aesthetic in literature as well as painting. His Peintures cubistes appeared in 1913 (Cubist Painters, 1944).

      His first volume, L'Enchanteur pourrissant (1909; “The Rotting Magician”), is a strange dialogue in poetic prose between the magician Merlin and the nymph Viviane. In the following year a collection of vivid stories, some whimsical and some wildly fantastic, appeared under the title L'Hérésiarque et Cie (1910; “The Heresiarch and Co.”). Then came Le Bestiaire (1911), in mannered quatrains. But his poetic masterpiece was Alcools (1913; Eng. trans., 1964). In these poems he relived all his experiences and expressed them sometimes in alexandrines and regular stanzas, sometimes in short unrhymed lines, and always without punctuation.

      In 1914 Apollinaire enlisted, became a second lieutenant in the infantry, and received a head wound in 1916. Discharged, he returned to Paris and published a symbolic story, Le Poète assassiné (1916; The Poet Assassinated, 1923), and more significantly, a new collection of poems, Calligrammes (1918), dominated by images of war and his obsession with a new love affair. Weakened by war wounds, he died of Spanish influenza.

      His play Les Mamelles de Tirésias was staged the year before he died (1917). He called it surrealist (Surrealism), believed to be the first use of the term. Francis Poulenc turned the play into a light opera (first produced in 1947).

      In his poetry Apollinaire made daring, even outrageous, technical experiments. His calligrammes, thanks to an ingenious typographical arrangement, are images as well as poems. More generally, Apollinaire set out to create an effect of surprise or even astonishment by means of unusual verbal associations, and, because of this, he can be considered a forebear of Surrealism.

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