Apostolic Constitutions

Apostolic Constitutions

ecclesiastical law
formally  Ordinances of the Holy Apostles Through Clement 

      largest collection of ecclesiastical law that has survived from early Christianity. The full title suggests that these regulations were drawn up by the Apostles and transmitted to the church by Clement of Rome. In modern times it is generally accepted that the constitutions were actually written in Syria about AD 380 and that they were the work of one compiler, probably an Arian (one who believes that Christ, the Son of God, is not divine but rather a created being).

      The work consists of eight books. The first six are an adaptation of the Didascalia Apostolorum, written in Syria about AD 250. They deal with Christian ethics, the duties of the clergy, the eucharistic liturgy, and various church problems and rituals.

      Book 7 contains a paraphrase and enlargement of the Didachē (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) and a Jewish collection of prayers and liturgical material, including the Gloria in excelsis as the liturgical morning prayer.

      In book 8, the first two chapters seem to be based on a lost work of Hippolytus of Rome (Hippolytus of Rome, Saint), Concerning Spiritual Gifts. Chapters 322 apparently are based on Hippolytus' Apostolic Tradition (formerly called Egyptian Church Order) and contain an elaborate description of the Antiochene liturgy, including the so-called Clementine liturgy. This is a valuable source for the history of the mass.

      Chapters 2846 of book 8 contain a series of canons, and chapter 47 comprises the so-called Apostolic Canons, a collection of 85 canons derived in part from the preceding constitutions and in part from the canons of the councils of Antioch (341) and Laodicaea (c. 360). It includes a list of biblical books that omits the Revelation to John but places the Apostolic Constitutions and the two letters of Clement in the canon of Scripture.

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