Hippolytus of Rome, Saint

Hippolytus of Rome, Saint

born c. 170
died c. 235, , Sardinia; Western feast day August 13, Eastern feast day January 30

      Christian martyr who was also the first antipope (217/218235).

      Hippolytus was a leader of the Roman church during the pontificate (c. 199217) of St. Zephyrinus (Zephyrinus, Saint), whom he attacked as being a modalist (one who conceives that the entire Trinity dwells in Christ and who maintains that the names Father and Son are only different designations for the same subject). Hippolytus, rather, was a champion of the Logos doctrine that distinguished the persons of the Trinity. He conceived of God as a unit who, while indivisible, was plural. In ethics he was conservativebeing scandalized when Calixtus (successor of Zephyrinus) took measures to extend absolution to graver sins such as adulteryand he regarded the church as a society composed exclusively of the just.

      Although Hippolytus' reputation as a scholar and his literary talent were assets to his cause, the church chose Calixtus (Calixtus I, Saint) for the papacy when Zephyrinus died. In disgust, Hippolytus withdrew from the Roman community and headed a dissident group that consecrated him. He reigned in opposition to the succeeding pontificates of Saints Urban I (222230) and Pontian (Pontian, Saint) (230235), with whom he was exiled to the mines of Sardinia in 235 during the persecution of Christians by the Roman emperor Maximinus. There he became reconciled with Pontian and exhorted his supporters to unite with Rome. Before dying as martyrs, both resigned to allow for a successor, St. Anterus (Anterus, Saint) (235236), thus ending the schism. Pope St. Fabian (236250) had their corpses brought to Rome for solemn burial.

      Rather than an original theologian, Hippolytus was a laborious, learned compiler whose writings were often marred by an embittered, controversial tone. The West soon forgot him because he was a schismatic and because he wrote in Greek. His most important work is considered to be Philosophumena (one part of a larger work called Refutation of All Heresies), which seeks to show that the various Christian heresies are traceable to false pagan philosophies. The church order, known as the Apostolic Tradition (extant only in later versions; Eng. trans. by G. Dix, 1937), is now generally attributed to him and illuminates the rites and liturgies in use at Rome in the early 3rd century AD.

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