
or vitamin B1

Organic compound, part of the vitamin B complex, necessary in carbohydrate metabolism.

It carries out these functions in its active form, as a component of the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate. Its molecular structure includes a substituted pyridine ring and a thiazole ring. Thiamin is found most abundantly in whole cereal grains and certain other seeds. Deficiency leads to beriberi.

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also spelled  thiamine , also called  vitamin B1 

      water-soluble organic compound that is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism in both plants and animals. It carries out these functions in its active form, as a component of the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate. Thiamin deficiency results in beriberi, a disease characterized by multiple neuritis (lesions of nerves), general debility, and heart failure.

      In 1926 thiamin was the first vitamin to be isolated in pure form. Its structure was fully elucidated and the vitamin synthesized in 1936. The chemical structure is as follows:

       vitaminsThiamin is found most abundantly in cereal grains and in certain other seeds. In many countries, white rice and white wheat flour are now fortified with synthetic thiamin. Pork is one of the richest animal sources. The recommended daily intake of thiamin is 1.0 to 1.4 mg (1 mg = 0.001 gram) for adult humans. (See table of the vitamins (vitamins).)

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Universalium. 2010.

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