- neuritis
/noo ruy"tis, nyoo-/, n. Pathol.1. inflammation of a nerve.2. continuous pain in a nerve, associated with paralysis and sensory disturbances.[1830-40; NEUR- + -ITIS]
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The cause may be mechanical, vascular, allergic, toxic, metabolic, or viral. Symptomstingling, burning, or stabbing pains with sensory nerves and anything from muscle weakness to paralysis with motor nervesare usually confined to the part of the body served by the inflamed nerve. In Bell palsy, facial nerve inflammation causes a characteristic facial muscle distortion. Analgesics can relieve the pain. Once the underlying cause is treated, recovery is usually rapid but may be incomplete in severe cases, with residual motor and sensory disturbances. See also neuralgia.* * *
inflammation of one or more nerves. The characteristic symptoms of neuritis include pain and tenderness; impaired sensation, strength, and reflexes; and abnormal circulation and decreased ability to sweat in the distribution of the inflamed nerve or nerves. Neuritis frequently results from an injury that causes pressure on a nerve just underneath the skin. The condition may also result from a tumour or from infected or scarred connective tissue that compresses the nerve.There are many causes of neuritis, but in general, it may be said that when neuritis affects one nerve (mononeuritis) or a plexus of nerves (plexitis), the cause is commonly a mechanical one; that when several single nerves are affected simultaneously (mononeuritis multiplex), the cause is often a vascular or allergic one; and that when widely separated nerves are affected (polyneuritis), the cause often is toxic, metabolic, viral, or allergic. The symptoms of neuritis are usually confined to a specific portion of the body served by the inflamed nerve or nerves.Inflammations of sensory neurons in a nerve fibre cause sensations of tingling, burning, or stabbing pains that are worse at night and are aggravated by touch or temperature change. The inflammation of motor neurons cause symptoms ranging from muscle weakness to complete paralysis. Muscles in the area served by the affected nerve lose tone, become tender, and may atrophy. Bell palsy, which causes a characteristic distortion of the muscles on one side of the face, is a form of mononeuritis and is caused by the inflammation of a facial nerve.Treatment is directed toward the cause of the neuritis; analgesics (analgesic) may be prescribed for pain relief. Recovery is usually rapid in less severe cases. See also neuralgia.* * *
Universalium. 2010.