carnivorous plant

carnivorous plant
Any of about 400 diverse species of plants specially adapted for capturing insects and other tiny animals by ingenious pitfalls and traps and for digesting the nitrogen-rich animal proteins to obtain nutrients.

These adaptations are thought to enable such plants to survive under otherwise marginal or hostile environmental conditions. The conspicuous trapping mechanism (a leaf modification) draws the prey's attention to the plant. More than half the species belong to the family Lentibulariaceae, most being bladderworts. The remainder belong to several families composed of the pitcher plants, sundews, and flytraps (see Venus's-flytrap). Most are found in damp heaths, bogs, swamps, and muddy or sandy shores where water is abundant and where nitrogenous materials are often scarce or unavailable because of acid or other unfavourable soil conditions. The smallest Drosera species are often hidden among the moss of a sphagnum bog; most carnivorous plants are small herbaceous perennials. Some become large shrubby vines.

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also called  insectivorous plant 

      any plant especially adapted for capturing insects and other tiny animals by means of ingenious pitfalls and traps and then subjecting them to the decomposing action of digestive enzymes, bacteria, or both. The approximately 400 known species of carnivorous plants constitute a very diverse group, in some cases having little more in common than their carnivorous habit. Although the carnivorous adaptation is most widespread and conspicuous among green plants, some microscopic species of fungi also catch and digest animal prey.

      Carnivorous plants digest their prey through a process of chemical breakdown analogous to digestion in animals. The end products, particularly nitrogenous compounds and salts, are absorbed by the plants. Their adaptations for digesting nitrogen-rich animal proteins are thought to enable these plants to survive under otherwise marginal or hostile environmental conditions. Most carnivorous species are green plants that manufacture food by photosynthesis from the raw materials of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide in the presence of chlorophyll. The carnivorous habit augments the diet derived from their environment.

   The conspicuous trapping mechanism, which is always a leaf modification, draws special attention to these plants. Classification is based primarily on the floral characteristics, as among flowering plants in general. More than half of the species belong to the family Lentibulariaceae (order Scrophulariales), marked by bilaterally symmetrical flowers with fused petals. The remainder of the species belong to several families characterized by radially symmetrical flowers formed of separate petals. The families of the latter group are the Droseraceae (sundew) and Nepenthaceae, which constitute the order Nepenthales; and the family Sarraceniaceae (order Sarraceniales). The species of Nepenthaceae and Sarraceniaceae, known collectively as pitcher plants (pitcher plant), capture prey by means of pitfalls (see photograph—>); members of the Droseraceae (sundews [see photograph—>], flytraps [see photograph—>]) have active trapping devices.

      The family Droseraceae comprises four genera (Aldrovanda, Dionaea, Drosera, and Drosophyllum) and about 115 species, nearly all of which belong to the genus Drosera, of the sundew family (sundew). Aldrovanda are floating aquatics sometimes grown in aquaria as curiosities. Dionaea, represented by a single species, D. muscipula, is the well-known, quick-acting flytrap (see Venus's-flytrap). Drosophyllum, also with a single species, D. lusitanicum, is the yellow, or Portuguese, sundew.

      The species of New World pitcher plants are placed in the family Sarraceniaceae. Eight of the 15 species belong to the widely known and much studied genus Sarracenia, of eastern North and South America. The approximately 90 species of Old World pitcher plants constitute the only genus of the family Nepenthaceae, Nepenthes. Cephalotus follicularis (fly-catcher plant), of southwestern Australia, looks like a saxifrage with small Sarracenia leaves; it constitutes a pitcher-plant family of its own, Cephalotaceae (order Saxifragales). (See pitcher plant.)

      The family Lentibulariaceae includes about three carnivorous genera and more than 250 species. The majority of them belong to the genus Utricularia, the bladderworts (bladderwort), the most cosmopolitan of all the carnivorous genera. The two small genera Biovularia (two species; Cuba, South America) and Polypompholyx (two species; Australia) are very similar to Utricularia and also trap their prey by means of highly specialized bladders. Genlisea is a small tropical genus of 15 species of tiny aquatic plants that trap their prey by means of tiny pitcherlike structures. The butterworts, 45 species in the genus Pinguicula, differ from the bladderworts and other genera, trapping their prey by a third methodon sticky flypaper-like leaves. (See bladderwort.)

      Whether aquatic, terrestrial, or amphibious, carnivorous plants have a basically similar ecology. Species of two or three genera (e.g., Sarracenia, Drosera, Pinguicula) are often found growing almost side by side. The majority are most likely to be found in damp heaths, bogs, swamps, and muddy or sandy shores where water is at least seasonally abundant and where nitrogenous materials are often scarce or unavailable because of acid or other unfavourable soil conditions. Drosophyllum lusitanicum seems to be the one exception; it grows on dry, gravelly hills of Portugal and Morocco.

      On the whole, carnivorous plants are relatively small, but size variation is enormous even within the same genus. The majority are herbaceous perennials less than 30 cm (1 foot) high, often only 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches). Some species of Nepenthes, however, become large shrubby vines. Drosera species vary from a few centimetres to 1 m (3 feet) or more in height (D. gigantea); the smallest are often hidden among the moss of a sphagnum bog.

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Universalium. 2010.

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