
/ni pen"theez/, n., pl. nepenthes.
1. nepenthe.
2. any of various tropical Asian and Australian pitcher plants of the genus Nepenthes, having leaves usually in the form of cylindrical tubes.
[ < NL; see NEPENTHE]

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plant genus
 genus of flowering plants commonly called pitcher plants that belong to the family Nepenthaceae. About 80 species are known, mostly native to Madagascar, Southeast Asia, and Australasia. (The common North American plants that are also called pitcher plant are of the family Sarraceniaceae.)

      Nepenthes species are perennial, herbaceous plants, often climbing with their leaves. They may be anchored in the soilthey often grow in very acid soilor may grow as epiphytes. The leaves are borne along the stem in spirals and have a winged or expanded portion followed by a constricted, often coiled tendril. This is terminated by a hanging but upright, insect-trapping, pitcher-shaped structure with a lid. Water within the pitcher drowns insects that fall inside.

      The flowers, which have no petals, are inconspicuous, and the minute seeds are dispersed by wind. A few species are cultivated.

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