
/blad'euhr werrt', -wawrt'/, n.
any of various plants of the genus Utricularia, including aquatic, terrestrial, and epiphytic forms throughout the world.
[1805-15; BLADDER + WORT2]

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Any of about 120 widespread species of terrestrial and aquatic carnivorous plants of the genus Utricularia (family Lentibulariaceae).

They are characterized by small hollow sacs (bladders) that actively capture and digest tiny animals that touch them, including insect larvae, aquatic worms, water fleas, and other small swimmers. Closely related to the bladderworts are the butterworts (Pinguicula), 35 species of land plants that capture insects by means of sticky glands on the leaf surfaces.

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 any plant of the genus Utricularia (family Lentibulariaceae of the flowering plant order Lamiales). The bladderwort genus contains 220 widely distributed species of land and water plants characterized by small hollow sacs that actively capture and digest tiny animals such as insect larvae, aquatic worms, water fleas, and other small swimmers.

      The bladderwort plant is usually a horizontal attached or floating stem bearing simple or divided leaves and having bisexual, bilaterally symmetrical (two-lipped) flowers with two sepals, five fused petals, two stamens, and a superior ovary (i.e., positioned above the attachment point of the other flower parts) composed of two ovule-bearing segments (carpels) and producing many seeds at maturity.

      The bladders, or traps, are hollow structures having an entrance closed by a flexible door or valve. The interior of the trap is maintained under a state of water tension (pressure lower than that of the surrounding water) by a physiological process that causes water to pass from the interior to the outside. This results in a flattening or incurving of the trap walls, but the door remains secure. When a small animal approaches and strikes certain bristles that project from the surface of the door, it suddenly releases, and a quick inflow of water sucks the prey inside, where it is digested. The door closes again within about 1/35 second. Within about 15 to 30 minutes the trap again issetby passing water to the exterior.

      Closely related to the bladderworts in the same family are the butterworts (Pinguicula), 45 species of land plants that capture insects by means of sticky glands on the leaf surfaces and digest them in specialized leaf margins that roll up on the prey, unrolling again after digesting it.

      The bladderwort family also contains the genus Genlisea (19 species). The family is of little economic importance except for its ornamental and novelty interest to plant growers.

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