- Tocharian languages
or Tokharian languagesTwo extinct Indo-European languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, formerly spoken in the Tarim River Basin in China.Documents date back to AD 500–700. Tocharian literature, written in a northern Indian syllabary derived from Brahmi (see Indic writing systems), was preserved in Buddhist monasteries. Spoken at the eastern frontier of the Indo-European world, Tocharian shows the influence of Indo-Aryan and Iranian languages but seems closer to western Indo-European languages in vocabulary and grammar.
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Introductionsmall group of extinct Indo-European languages that were spoken in the Tarim River Basin (in the centre of the modern Uighur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang, China) during the latter half of the 1st millennium AD. Documents from AD 500–700 attest to two: Tocharian A, from the area of Turfan in the east; and Tocharian B, chiefly from the region of Kucha in the west but also from the Turfan area.History and linguistic characteristicsDiscovery and deciphermentThe first Tocharian manuscripts were discovered in the 1890s. The bulk of the Tocharian materials were carried to Berlin by the Prussian expeditions of 1903–04 and 1906–07, which explored the Turfan area, and to Paris by a French expedition of 1906–09, which investigated chiefly in the area of Kucha. Smaller collections are in London, Calcutta, St. Petersburg, and Japan, the result of Indo-British, Russian, and Japanese expeditions.The Tocharian languages are written in a northern Indian syllabary (a set of characters representing syllables) known as Brāhmī, which was also used in writing Sanskrit manuscripts from the same area. The first successful attempt at grammatical analysis and translation was made by the German scholars Emil Sieg and Wilhelm Siegling in 1908 in an article that also established the presence of the two languages (sometimes referred to as dialects), provisionally called A and B. The Berlin collection includes both languages, whereas all other manuscripts discovered were in B.The German name Tocharisch was proposed (see The “Tocharian problem” (Tocharian languages)), and the language was demonstrated to be Indo-European.LiteratureTocharian literature is Buddhistic in content, consisting largely of translations or free adaptations of Jātakas, of Avadānas, and of philosophical, didactic, and canonical works. In Tocharian B there are also commercial documents, such as monastery records, caravan passes, medical and magical texts, and the like. These are important source materials for information on the social, economic, and political life of Central Asia.Linguistic characteristicsTocharian forms an independent branch of the Indo-European language family not closely related to other neighbouring Indo-European languages (Indo-Aryan and Iranian). Rather, Tocharian shows a closer affinity with the western (centum) languages: compare, for example, Tocharian A känt, B kante ‘100' and Latin (Latin language) centum with Sanskrit (Sanskrit language) śatám; A klyos-, B klyaus- ‘hear' and Latin clueo with Sanskrit śru-; A kus, B kuse ‘who' and Latin qui, quod with Sanskrit kas. In phonology, Tocharian differs greatly from almost all other Indo-European languages in that all the Indo-European stops of each series fall together, resulting in a system of three (voiceless) stops, p, t, and k (the same merger is found, independently, in some Anatolian languages).The Tocharian verb reflects the Indo-European verbal system both in stem formations and in personal endings. Especially noteworthy is the wide development of the mediopassive form in r (as in Italic (Italic languages) and Celtic) (Celtic languages)—e.g., Tocharian A klyoṣtär, B klyaustär ‘is heard.' The third person plural preterite (past) ends in -r, similar to Latin and Sanskrit perfect forms and the Hittite preterite. The noun shows less of its Indo-European origins. However, it preserves three numbers (singular, dual, and plural) and traces at least of the nominative, accusative, genitive, vocative, and ablative cases. Most of the attested cases are built up by the addition of postpositions to the oblique (accusative) form.The vocabulary shows the influence of Iranian (Iranian languages) and, later, Sanskrit (the latter language particularly was the source of Buddhist terminology). Chinese had little influence (a few weights and measures and the name of at least one month). Many of the most archaic elements of the Indo-European vocabulary are retained—e.g., A por, B puwar ‘fire' (Greek pyr, Hittite paḫḫur); A and B ku ‘dog' (Greek kyōn); A tkaṃ, B keṃ ‘earth' (Greek chthōn, Hittite tekan); and, especially, nouns of relationship: A pācar, mācar, pracar, ckācar, B pācer, mācer, procer, tkācer, ‘father,' ‘mother,' ‘brother,' and ‘daughter,' respectively.The “Tocharian problem”Since the appearance of Sieg and Siegling's article, the appropriateness of the name Tocharian for these languages has been disputed. Their use of the word Tocharisch is largely based on the statement in a copy of a Buddhist drama written in a form of Turkish that it had been translated from “Twgry,” and, because the work is otherwise known only in Tocharian A, it was natural to make the equation of Twgry with Tocharian A. The equation of the Twgry language with that of the Tocharoi is based on phonetic similarity. According to Greek and Latin historical sources, the Tocharoi (Greek Tócharoi, Latin Tochari, Sanskrit tukhāra) inhabited the basin of the upper Oxus River (modern Amu Darya) in the 2nd century Bc, having been driven there from an earlier home in Kansu (immediately east of Sinkiang).In later times their ruling elite used a form of Iranian as a written language but what their original language may have been remains uncertain. A Sanskrit–Tocharian B bilingual inscription appears to equate Sanskrit tokharika and Tocharian B kucaññe ‘Kuchean.' However, the rest of the context remains obscure. Thus, Sieg and Siegling's identification of the Tocharian language family and the classical Tocharoi remains most speculative, though the designation Tocharian seems fixed nonetheless. For language A and language B, the substitution of Turfanian and Kuchean, or of East Tocharian and West Tocharian, is sometimes found.Despite its historical position on the eastern frontier of the Indo-European world and the obvious lexical influence of Indo-Aryan and Iranian, Tocharian seems more closely allied linguistically with languages of the Indo-European northwest, particularly Italic and Germanic, in the matter of common vocabulary and certain verbal categories. To a lesser extent Tocharian appears to share certain features with Balto-Slavic and Greek.With regard to the two Tocharian languages themselves, it is possible that Tocharian A was, at the time of documentation, a dead liturgical language preserved in the Buddhist monasteries in the east, whereas Tocharian B was a living language in the west (note that commercial or at least nonliturgical documents are found in that dialect). The presence of manuscripts in B mixed with those in A in the monasteries of the east can be accounted for by ascribing the B manuscripts to a new missionary initiative by Buddhist monks from the west.Additional ReadingDouglas Q. Adams, Tocharian Historical Phonology and Morphology (1988), is an introduction to Tocharian from the Indo-European point of view; though Holger Pedersen, Tocharisch vom Gesichtspunkt der indoeuropäischen Sprachvergleichung (1941), is also still of value. Emil Sieg and Wilhelm Siegling (eds.), Tocharische Sprachreste, 1 vol. in 2 (1921), gives the transcription of all the manuscripts in Tocharian A and reproduces a number of the best-preserved leaves in facsimile. Wilhelm Schulze, Emil Sieg, and Wilhelm Siegling, Tocharische Grammatik (1931), is an exhaustive grammar of Tocharian A, with a verbal index identifying and listing all verb forms in that language. Wolfgang Krause, Westtocharische Grammatik, vol. 1, Das Verbum (1952), is indispensable for the verb in Tocharian B. Wolfgang Krause and Werner Thomas, Tocharisches Elementarbuch, 2 vol. (1960–64), comprises a grammar, glossary, and texts for both languages; while A.J. van Windekens, Le tokharien confronté avec les autres langues indo-européennes, 2 vol. (1976–82), provides a general, if at times idiosyncratic, etymological dictionary and comparative phonology and morphology of both languages. George S. Lane, “On the Interrelationship of the Tocharian Dialects,” in Henrik Birnbaum and Jaan Puhvel (eds.), Ancient Indo-European Dialects (1966), pp. 213–233, attempts to solve some of the problems concerning the varied uses of the two languages.George S. Lane Douglas Q. Adams* * *
Universalium. 2010.