Ludendorff, Erich

Ludendorff, Erich
born April 9, 1865, Kruszewnia, near Poznań, Prussian Poland
died Dec. 20, 1937, Munich, Ger.

German general.

In 1908 he joined the German army general staff and worked under Helmuth von Moltke in revising the Schlieffen Plan. In World War I he was appointed chief of staff to Paul von Hindenburg, and the two won a spectacular victory at the Battle of Tannenberg. In 1916 the two generals were given supreme military control. They tried to conduct a total war by mobilizing the entire forces of the home front, and in 1917 Ludendorff approved unrestricted submarine warfare against the British, which led to the U.S. entry into the war. In 1918, after his offensive on the Western Front failed, he demanded an armistice, but then he insisted the war continue when he realized the severity of the Armistice conditions. Political leaders opposed him, and he resigned his post. Ludendorff insisted he had been betrayed, and for the next 20 years he led a bizarre life, becoming a leader of reactionary political movements and taking part in the Kapp Putsch (1920) and Beer Hall Putsch (1923). He served in Parliament as a National Socialist (192428) and developed a belief that "supernational powers"
Jewry, Christianity, Freemasonry
had deprived him and Germany of victory in World War I.

Erich Ludendorff, с 1930.

Archiv fur Kunst und Geschichte, Berlin

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German general
born April 9, 1865, Kruszewnia, near Poznań, Prussian Poland
died Dec. 20, 1937, Munich, Ger.
 Prussian general who was mainly responsible for Germany's military policy and strategy in the latter years of World War I. After the war he became a leader of reactionary political movements, for a while joining the Nazi Party and subsequently taking an independent, idiosyncratic right-radical line.

Early life
      Ludendorff was the son of an impoverished landowner and cavalry captain. His mother was a member of an aristocratic military family. Ludendorff was educated in the cadet corps, became an infantry officer, and, because of his outstanding military qualities, was soon promoted to the general staff.

      In 1908 he was put in charge of the 2nd (German) department in the army general staff, the institution generally known as thegreat general staff,” which was responsible for preparing contingency deployment and mobilization plans. Under the chief of the general staff, General Helmuth von Moltke (Moltke, Helmuth von), Ludendorff played a significant part in the revision of the Schlieffen Plan. This plan envisaged a gigantic outflanking movement involving the infringement of Belgian neutrality with the aim of crushing France with one blow. Moltke and Ludendorff decided to secure more firmly the extended southern flank between Switzerland and Lorraine. They also discarded the idea of forcing a way through southern Holland and instead made preparations for the surprise capture of Liège, the most important fortress in eastern Belgium, often characterized asimpregnable.”

      In Germany, supreme political and military power was traditionally wielded by the commander in chief and the emperor, and general staff officers were not expected to engage in politics. Ludendorff, however, violated this tradition by campaigning for a strengthening of the army, both in personnel and equipment, which the general staff considered essential in view of the general armaments race in Europe. His contact with extreme nationalist political circles favouring increased armament convinced him that, if policy was influenced bystrong men,” a vigorous conduct of war was assured.

      The excessively active departmental chief irritated the military authorities, and in 1913 Ludendorff was transferred to the infantry as regimental commander. When war broke out in 1914, he was appointed quartermaster in chief (supply and administration) of the 2nd Army in the west.

Military career during World War I
      It was not until two Russian armies threatened to overrun the German 8th Army in East Prussia that Ludendorff was appointed chief of staff of the 8th Army. Ludendorff, dynamic but occasionally harsh and in times of crisis often nervous, was assigned to the elderly General Paul von Hindenburg (Hindenburg, Paul von), who was renowned for his iron nerves. Ludendorff regarded the problems with which he and his commander in chief were faced as difficult but never insoluble.

      The spectacular victory of Hindenburg and Ludendorff over the Russians in August 1914 at Tannenberg (Tannenberg, Battle of), in East Prussia, a battle that brought Hindenburg worldwide renown, was followed by the German defeat on the Marne in the west that signaled the failure of Ludendorff's revised Schlieffen Plan. For two years Hindenburg and Ludendorff fought the Russians in the east. Ludendorff's plan of a general offensive against Russia by means of a temporary reduction of the German forces in the west did not receive approval by the supreme army command in the summer of 1915.

      Only in August 1916, after the failure of the German offensive at Verdun and in view of the Allied onslaught on both the eastern and western fronts, did the emperor finally appoint the two generals to assume supreme military control. They attempted to conduct a sort of total war by mobilizing the entire forces of the home front, which was already suffering from the effects of the British blockade. Ludendorff staked everything on a single card, the stubborn pursuit of avictorious peacethat was to secure German territorial gains in east and west. In 1917 he approved the unrestricted submarine warfare against the British that led to the entry of the United States into the war against Germany but not to England's collapse. After the tsar had been deposed in March 1917, Ludendorff gave his blessing to the return of the Russian Bolshevik emigrants (including the as yet unknown V.I. Lenin), in the hope of persuading the Russians to conclude peace. Hindenburg and Ludendorff, who now exercised a sort of military semidictatorship, also brought about the dismissal of Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von) in the delusory hope thata strong mancould be found to assume the leadership of the Reich.

      On March 21, 1918, Ludendorff opened a general offensive on the Western Front with the object of smashing the Anglo-French armies and forcing a decision in Europe before the Americans arrived in force. But he had overestimated the strength of the German armies; the offensive failed, and when, in the autumn of 1918, the collapse of the German alliesAustria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkeywas imminent, Ludendorff demanded immediate negotiations for an armistice. For a while, the nerves of the hopelessly overworked general gave way, and a psychiatrist had to be summoned to supreme headquarters. When Ludendorff realized the severity of the armistice conditions, he insisted that the war be carried on. When he saw that the political leaders were not prepared to do this, he offered his resignation, which William II accepted on Oct. 26, 1918. At the same time, the emperor, much to Ludendorff's distaste, ordered Hindenburg to remain at his post. A titan of willpower and energy who had attempted the impossible was suddenly torn away from his sphere of activity; the shock was immense. Ludendorff met the revolution that broke out in November 1918 with complete resignation and went into exile in Sweden for several months.

      While, according to Prussian custom, general staff officers accepted joint responsibility for all decisions made, they had to preserve strict anonymity. Ludendorff, however, whose ambition was as immense as his strategic gifts, at the close of the lost war claimed to have been the sole realcommanderof World War I. He asserted that he had been deprived of victory by sinister forces that had been operating behind the scenes; he was, he claimed, like Siegfried in the heroic Germanic sagas, a victim of a stab in the back. By propagating the legend that the German army, undefeated in the field, was sabotaged by thehome front,” he did a great deal to poison public life in the Weimar Republic.

Postwar political activities
      During the next 20 years Ludendorff led a bizarre life. Adopting the role of the betrayed and misunderstood commander, he took part in the unsuccessful coups d'état (Beer Hall Putsch) of Wolfgang Kapp in 1920 and of Adolf Hitler in 1923, and in 1925 he ran for president against his former commander in chief, Hindenburg, whom he now bitterly hated. From 1924 to 1928 he was a National Socialist member of Parliament.

      Consistently pursuing a purely military line of thought, Ludendorff developed, after the war, the theory oftotal war,” which he published as Der Totale Krieg (total war) (The Nation at War) in 1935. In the first half of the 19th century, the great military theorist of the Prussian general staff, Carl von Clausewitz (Clausewitz, Carl von), had advanced the doctrine of war as an extension of politics by different means. Ludendorff advocated the diametrically opposite view that politics should serve the conduct of war, for which the entire physical and moral forces of the nation should be mobilized, because, according to him, peace was merely an interval between wars.

      Ludendorff had always had a weakness for the female sex. His first wife, a striking beauty, divorced her husband in order to marry Ludendorff. In 1926, however, he insisted on dissolving this marriage and married the neurologist and popular philosopher Mathilde von Kemnitz. Ludendorff succumbed completely to this eccentric woman, who regarded him as the realcommander in chiefof the Germans and had developed a belief in the activities ofsupernational powers”—Jewry, Christianity, Freemasonry. From then on he joined with his second wife in fighting against these imaginary foes who were supposed to have deprived him and Germany of victory. Both preached a Germandivine faith.” Over this faith he quarreled both with the old officer corps and with Hitler and his National Socialists. Just as he had not permitted the emperor to make him a count, he now forbade Hitler to promote him to field marshal. Apart from a group of fanatical followers, he was henceforth completely isolated. When, during the 1930s, he began to utter warnings against Hitler's tyranny, he found no echo. At his death in 1937, many old soldiers mourned him, but most had long ceased to understand him.

Walter Otto Julius Görlitz

Additional Reading
D.J. Goodspeed, Ludendorff (1966); Roger Parkinson, Tormented Warrior: Ludendorff and the Supreme Command (1978); Robert B. Asprey, The German High Command at War: Hindenburg and Ludendorff Conduct World War I (1991).

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