
/ahr"meuh stis/, n.
a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties; truce: World War I ended with the armistice of 1918.
[1655-65; < F < ML armistitium, equiv. to L armi- (comb. form of arma ARM2) + -stitium a stopping (stit- (var. s. of sistere to stop; see STAND) + -ium -IUM)]

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(Nov. 11, 1918) Agreement between Germany and the Allies ending World War I.

Allied representatives met with a German delegation in a railway carriage at Rethondes, France, to discuss terms. The agreement was signed on Nov. 11, 1918, and the war ended at 11:00 AM that day ("the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month"). The principal term was that Germany would evacuate Belgium, France, and Alsace-Lorraine. Negotiations formalizing the armistice were conducted at the Paris Peace Conference. Later a "stab in the back" legend developed in Germany, asserting that the German military situation had not been hopeless and that traitorous politicians had done the Allies' bidding by signing the Armistice.

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      an agreement for the cessation of active hostilities between two or more belligerents. Generally, the terms, scope, and duration of an armistice are determined by the contracting belligerents. An armistice agreement may involve a partial or temporary cessation of hostilitiescalled a local armistice or truceestablished for a variety of specific purposes, such as collecting the dead. Or it may involve a general armistice (i.e., a total cessation of all hostilities) such as the French armistice agreement of 1940. Although a total cessation may appear to be tantamount to a de facto termination of the war, it is not recognized as such legally. Under international law the state of war still exists and with it the rights and duties of the belligerents and of the neutral parties. Thus, unless otherwise agreed, the warring parties may continue to maintain a blockade and conduct visitations of neutral ships. The more recent trend has been to broaden the scope of the armistice to give it the form and substance of a preliminary peace treaty such as the armistice agreement signed on July 27, 1953, ending the hostilities in Korea.

      The general rules regarding an armistice were formulated at the Hague Peace (Hague Convention) Conference of 1907 and are contained in the Hague land war regulations. According to the provisions of these regulations, hostilities can be resumed in an indefinite armistice as a result of proper notification or serious violation of the armistice. Acts that constitute a serious violation include a deliberate advance, seizure of any point outside a party's line, and withdrawal of troops from an unfavourable or weak position.

      The Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, ending World War I between Germany and the Allied powers, departed from the usual form (1) in being preceded by negotiations between the belligerents, resulting in a so-calledprearmisticeagreement and (2) in including political and financial clauses in addition to the military terms. Its military terms made the resumption of hostilities virtually impossible for Germany, thus precluding the usual option in armistices.

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