Moltke, Helmuth von

Moltke, Helmuth von

German general [180091]
in full  Helmuth Karl Bernhard, Count (graf) von Moltke 
born October 26, 1800, Parchim, Mecklenburg [Germany]
died April 24, 1891, Berlin, Germany
 chief of the Prussian and German General Staff (185888) and the architect of the victories over Denmark (1864), Austria (1866), and France (1871).

Early career
      Moltke's father, a man of unstable character, belonged to the nobility of Mecklenburg, his mother to an old family of the free city of Lübeck. The Moltkes were impoverished, and young Helmuth, whose health was not too good, had an unhappy start to life. Since his father had emigrated to Holstein (then a Danish possession) in 1805 and had taken Danish nationality, the boy completed his education with the Royal Cadet Corps in Copenhagen and joined a Danish infantry regiment. After a visit to Berlin in 1821, however, he decided to transfer to the Prussian Army, and in 1822 he obtained a commission as a second lieutenant in the Prussian Life Guards, being posted to Frankfurt an der Oder.

      In October 1823 Moltke was sent to the General War College for a three-year course, but, since his health was deteriorating, he went in the summer of 1825 to Bad Salzbrunn for convalescence, during which he studied modern languages. On his return to Frankfurt in the summer of 1826 he took up writing, largely to improve his financial position, and published a novel, Die beiden Freunde (1827; new ed. 1957). In May 1828 he was transferred to the General Staff's Topographical Bureau in Berlin.

      Continuing his literary work, Moltke published his Darstellung der innern Verhältnisse und des gesellschaftlichen Zustandes in Polen (1832; Poland: An Historical Sketch, 1885) and also accepted a publisher's offer for a translation of Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Although he completed most of it, the work was never published.

      Moltke was attached to the Prussian general staff in March 1832 and promoted to the rank of first lieutenant a year later. Toward the end of 1835 he was sent to Turkey (Ottoman Empire) to advise Sultan Mahmud II on the modernization of the Turkish Army, and in 1836 he was authorized by Berlin to enter the Turkish service. After some work in Istanbul and travels in the Balkans, he went in 1838 to Armenia, where Turkish forces were preparing an offensive against the Egyptian invaders of Syria. The failure of the offensive, in 1839, was due largely to the Turkish commander's disregard of Moltke's advice.

      Returning to Germany at the end of 1839, Moltke reentered the Prussian service. He published a selection of his letters from Turkey, Briefe über Zustände und Begebenheiten in der Türkei, in 1841. In April 1842 he married an English girl, Marie Burt (182568), stepdaughter of his sister Augusta. An essay on the considerations that should govern the choice of routes for new railways (1843) is more significant of his future than his next book, Der russisch-türkische Feldzug in der europäischen Türkei 18281829 (1845; The Russians in Bulgaria and Rumelia, 1854).

      Late in 1845 Moltke was appointed personal aide-de-camp to the invalid prince Henry of Prussia (17811846), who was living privately in Rome. Though this appointment ended with Prince Henry's death, it gave Moltke the opportunity to begin work on a splendid topographical map of Rome and its vicinity (published in 1852) and to write hisWanderungen um Rom” (published in his Wanderbuch, 1879; Notes of Travel, 1880). Moreover, when the warship bringing Prince Henry's body back to Germany reached Gibraltar, Moltke left it and made his own way home across Spain, recording his impressions in hisTagebuchblätter aus Spanien” (also published in the Wanderbuch).

      Working again for the Prussian (Prussia) General Staff, Moltke started thinking about the major problems confronting Prussia: the unification of Germany and the security of a country surrounded by potential enemies yet lacking natural frontiers. He was convinced that only the army could provide a satisfactory solution to these problems, and he expressed his delight at the suppression of the revolution of 184849 by writing to his brother that the curtain had come down on Prussia's worst enemydemocracy.

      A colonel from 1851, Moltke was in 1855 appointed personal aide-de-camp to Prince Frederick William, the future king of Prussia and German emperor ( Frederick III). This post involved more travels: to Scotland and thence to England, to Russia (Briefe aus Russland, 1877; Letters from Russia, 1878), and to France. Even so, apart from the period of his Turkish service and his brief stay in Rome, Moltke's career up to 1856 had been mostly dull routine or concerned with the affairs of his princely masters rather than the profession of arms. Only in Turkey had he served with troops.

Chief of the general staff
      Moltke was selected as chief of the Prussian General Staff in 1857 and confirmed in that office in September 1858. Thus began the era of the great triumvirateOtto von Bismarck (Bismarck, Otto von) (chancellor), Moltke, and Albrecht von Roon (Roon, Albrecht Theodor Emil, Graf von) (180379; minister of war from 1859)—that within 13 years was to change the map of Europe.

      Moltke entered upon his new official duties at a time when a technical revolution was changing the whole conception of war. The rearmament of the German (Germany) infantry with the breech-loading needle gun had been proceeding since 1848 and was almost complete. Breech-loading guns for the artillery were on the way but were not finally introduced until 1861. Much more significant, however, was the rapid development of railways (railroad).

      Moltke was among the first senior officers to appreciate the important role that railways could play in the deployment, movement, and supply of armies on a great scale. Hitherto, the movement of troops had been restricted by the paucity and seasonal unreliability of road communications. The aim of every great field commander had been to bring the strongest possible force in the best possible condition onto a small battlefield where he could control the entire army. Moltke saw that the advent of railways had changed this. Many more men and much more equipment could now be deployed much faster on vastly wider fronts. In place of battlefields of a few square miles, there would be long battlefronts of perhaps hundreds of miles. The limited flank attack by a few battalions would give place to wide turning movements by many divisions. Supplied by railways, troops would be able to keep the field in all weather throughout the year.

      At the same time, Moltke appreciated that new command techniques and a much more highly trained body of staff officers would be required to realize his new conception of warfare. The mounted staff officer with his necessarily confined outlook would give way to one with a much wider view, capable of compiling intricate railway-movement tables for vast numbers of men, animals, and equipment and of arranging for daily trainloads of supplies. Moltke saw, too, that changes were necessary in another direction. Whereas, previously, commanders had kept a very tight hold on their subordinates and had been able always to give short and explicit orders, it was clear to Moltke that this system would not work in an army of perhaps millions locked in battle along a front that might extend for hundreds of miles. He therefore instituted the system ofgeneral directivesin place of rigidoperation orders.” In these directives the recipient was given a long-term task in general terms but was allowed considerable latitude and was expected to use his discretion and initiative in carrying it out. When Moltke joined the General Staff, itschairborneofficers were held in little esteem by therealsoldiers. He built up the new system of the Prussian General Staff, which later became the model for all armies organized on modern lines.

      Some of Moltke's theories and methods were tested in practice by the Prussian forces in the short GermanDanish War over Schleswig-Holstein in 1864. A far more instructive opportunity of testing them came with the Seven Weeks' War, which Prussia, under Bismarck's guidance, launched against Austria and certain other German states in the summer of 1866. This war, for which initially Prussia deployed some 256,000 men in three armies on a front of 260 miles (nearly 420 kilometres), culminated in Prussia's overwhelming victory at Königgrätz (Königgrätz, Battle of) (Sadowa). Moltke's contribution to victory was rewarded by Prussia with a donation of money that enabled him to buy an estate at Kreisau in Silesia (since World War II in the Wrocław Province of Poland), and the military result vindicated his system in the eyes of some older and hitherto recalcitrant generals. The war also served to expose deficiencies in the functioning of the system, among them ill-trained staff officers and an inadequate intelligence service. With the newly secured cooperation of his subordinates, he remedied these shortcomings before the final proving of his notions in 187071. He was also responsible for the official Prussian history of the Seven Weeks' War, Der Feldzug von 1866 in Deutschland (1867; The Campaign of 1866 in Germany, 1872).

      Prussia's triumph of 1866 excited the envy of France, whose emperor Napoleon III was tempted to seek an increase in prestige at Prussia's expense or through intervention in German affairs. To eliminate this challenge, Bismarck envisaged war against France, and Moltke and Roon, having profited from the lessons of 1866, were able to tell him, at the end of 1869, that in their judgment the Prussian Army was capable of defeating the French and that the time seemed ripe. Consequently, Bismarck, in the next few months, provoked Napoleon III into hostilities; the Franco-German War began in July 1870, Moltke deploying some 384,000 men in three armies.

      The Germans' great victory at Sedan on Sept. 2, 1870, brought the fall of the Second Empire in France and was soon followed by the proclamation, at Versailles on Jan. 18, 1871, of a new German Empire. France sued for peace in February and accepted Bismarck's terms in May 1871. Moltke, whose military machine had been far more efficient than France's, was created Graf (count) in October 1870, after Sedan, and appointed field marshal in June 1871, after the peace treaty.

Last years
      Moltke was chief of the General Staff for 17 more years from 1871. For part of this time he was occupied with planning for the eventuality of Germany's having to fight a war on two frontsagainst Russia in the east as well as against France again in the west. In August 1888, however, the old man at last resigned his post, not least because of his lack of sympathy with the manners and ideas of his new sovereign, the emperor William II. He had, however, already chosen his own immediate successor, Alfred von Waldersee.

      On resigning office in 1888, Moltke retired to Kreisau. He died during a visit to Berlin in 1891. A tall, spare figure, he had a tanned face that usually wore an expression of grave austerity. His acute intelligence was obvious to all who met him, but, though he was a considerable linguist, he was habitually so taciturn that he was described as beingsilent in seven languages” (he knew at least German, Danish, French, English, Italian, and Turkish, besides any Slavic or Iberian languages that he might have picked up). No indiscreet or unkind word is recorded as having passed his lips, and to his military colleagues he becamethe Golden Man,” without enemies or detractors. His married life was affectionate and happy but childless. As a writer, he is sometimes reckoned among the masters of 19th-century German prose.

Cyril Nelson Barclay

Additional Reading
F.E. Whitton, Moltke (1921, reprinted 1972), is a biography. Walter Görlitz, The German General Staff: Its History and Structure, 16571945 (1953; also published as History of the German General Staff, 16571945, 1953, reprinted 1985), provides a rather good background, explaining Moltke's part in both the development and the implementation in war of the general staff system.

German military commander [18481916]
born May 25, 1848, Gersdorff, Mecklenburg [Germany]
died June 18, 1916, Berlin
 chief of the German General Staff at the outbreak of World War I. His modification of the German attack plan in the west and his inability to retain control of his rapidly advancing armies significantly contributed to the halt of the German offensive on the Marne in September 1914 and the frustration of German efforts for a rapid, decisive victory.

      Moltke rose rapidly in the German army, becoming adjutant in 1882 to his uncle and namesake, who was chief of the General Staff. The personal favour of the emperors William I and William II, coupled with his great name, elevated him to offices for which he was completely unqualified. In 1903 Moltke became quartermaster general; three years later he succeeded Alfred von Schlieffen (Schlieffen, Alfred, Graf von) as chief of the General Staff. He thus inherited Schlieffen's plan for a war on two fronts, which envisaged only light German forces facing Russia on the east until France on the west had been defeated. In the Schlieffen plan of campaign against France, the German left (southern) wing would hold Alsace-Lorraine defensively while an overwhelmingly strong right (northern) wing would advance rapidly through Belgium and northern France, outflanking and eventually helping encircle the French armies while also capturing Paris.

      As chief of staff Moltke's principal duty was to revise the Schlieffen plan to meet modern conditions. But his task was a difficult one, and when war broke out in August 1914 Moltke did not measure up to its requirements. He allowed several army commanders on the German left wing to attack into France instead of remaining on the defensive. Moreover, he reinforced these attacks with divisions taken from the crucial right wing and then sent several more divisions to the Eastern Front to check the Russian advance into East Prussia. The German high command lost touch with the advancing armies of the right wing, and the movements of that wing's constituent units became disjointed. These and other factors culminated not only in the right wing failing to encircle the French left but becoming itself the victim of a French and British flank attack that halted the entire German offensive at the Battle of the Marne (Sept. 612, 1914). Moltke's mood became more and more despairing during this time, and he finally abdicated responsibility completely. On Sept. 14, 1914, Emperor William II replaced Moltke as chief of staff, though he retained nominal command until the end of the year. A speedy victory in the west had eluded Germany's grasp, and within a few months of the Battle of the Marne the Western Front had settled down to the murderous and static trench warfare that was to persist unabated for almost three years. Moltke died a broken man less than two years later.

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  • Helmuth von moltke —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes personnes partageant un même nom. Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke (1800 1891), militaire prussien puis homme politique allemand ; Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke (1848 1916), chef d …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Helmuth von Moltke the Elder — For the German field marshal at the start of the First World War, see Helmuth von Moltke the Younger. For the German resistance figure of the Nazi era, see Helmuth James Graf von Moltke. Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf[1] von Moltke …   Wikipedia

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