
arum [erəm, arəm]
ModL < L < Gr aron, the cuckoopint
any plant of the arum family (esp. genus Arum) which is characterized by small flowers on a thick spike, within a hoodlike leaf
designating a family (Araceae, order Arales) of monocotyledonous plants growing throughout the world, including the jack-in-the-pulpit and skunk cabbage

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ar·um (ărʹəm, ârʹ-) n.
1. Any of several Old World plants, such as the cuckoopint, of the genus Arum, having basal, arrowhead-shaped leaves.
2. Any of several related plants, such as the arrow arum and water arum.
  [Latin, wake-robin, from Greek aron.]

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plant genus
 genus of low-growing tuberous perennial plants in the family Araceae (order Arales). Of the 15 species generally recognized, a few are grown for their showy spathe, a funnel-shaped bract surrounding the rodlike spadix (on which the tiny flowers are borne), and for their glossy, arrow-shaped leaves. The bitter, burning taste of these plant's sap may have led to the genus name Arum, from the Arabic word for fire (ar). The sap can be poisonous, especially as concentrated in the whitish rootstock and the brilliant red berries. In most cases the spathe is a dull yellow-green outside, but it may be varicoloured and often curves back to expose the inner surface. The more colourful varieties are handsome plants for a shaded wild garden. The best-known species is the cuckoopint (Arum maculatum), also called lords-and-ladies. This plant is native to southern Europe and northern Africa. Plants of the genus are not hardy much below freezing temperatures.

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  • arum — [ arɔm ] n. m. • 1545; mot lat. d o. gr. ♦ Bot. et cour. Plante sauvage ou cultivée (aracées), à fleurs disposées sur un spadice entouré d une large spathe en cornet de couleur blanche ou verdâtre. Arum tacheté, dont les baies rouges sont… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Arum — A rum, n. [L. arum, aros, Gr. ?.] A genus of plants found in central Europe and about the Mediterranean, having flowers on a spadix inclosed in a spathe. The cuckoopint of the English is an example. [1913 Webster] Our common arums the lords and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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