
/kooh"kooh puynt', kook"ooh-/, n.
a common European arum, Arum maculatum. Also called lords-and-ladies.
[1545-55; apocopated var. of obs. cuckoopintle, late ME cokkupyntel (see CUCKOO, PINTLE); its spadix is pintle-shaped]

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also called  Lords-and-ladies 

      (Arum maculatum), a tuberous herb of the arum family, order Arales, native to southern Europe and northern Africa. Like many other aroids, cuckoopint contains a bitter, sometimes poisonous sap; the red berries are particularly toxic. In England, where it is common in woods and hedgerows, it is also known as wake-robin.

      The cuckoopint grows from a whitish rootstock, which sends up in the spring a few long-stalked, arrow-shaped, polished green leaves, often marked with dark blotches. These are followed by the fleshy spadix (spikelike structure) bearing in the lower part numerous tiny flowers and continued above into a purplish or yellowish appendage; the spadix is enveloped by a whitish or purplish spathe (leaflike, showy flower part enclosing the real flowers) 1025 cm (610 inches) long. Insects visit the plant, attracted by the fetid smell, and carry the pollen from one plant to another. As the fruit ripens, the spathe withers, and the berries are exposed. Its counterpart in eastern North America is the jack-in-the-pulpit (Ariseama species).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • cuckoopint — cuck oo*pint , cuckoo pint cuck oo pint . a common European arum ({Arum maculatum}) with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; it emerges in early spring, and is the source of a sagolike starch called {arum}. Syn: cuckoopint, lords and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • cuckoopint — noun Etymology: Middle English cuccupintel, from cuccu + pintel pintle Date: 1551 a European arum (Arum maculatum) with erect spathe and short purple spadix …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cuckoopint — noun a) The flowering plant Arum maculatum that has arrow shaped leaves and a cluster of scarlet berries. b) The related plant, Arum italicum. Syn: jack in the pulpit, lords and ladies, rampe, starchwort …   Wiktionary

  • cuckoopint — n. perennial European plant with red berries …   English contemporary dictionary

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