Kodiak Island

Kodiak Island
Island (pop., 2000: 13,913), Alaska, U.S. Lying in the Gulf of Alaska, it is 100 mi (160 km) long and 1060 mi (1696 km) wide and has an area of 3,588 sq mi (9,293 sq km).

The Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge covers 75% of the island and is the habitat of the Kodiak bear. Discovered in 1763 by a Russian fur trader, the island, known as Kikhtak, became the site in 1784 of the first Russian colony in America. Russian control ended in 1867; the island was renamed Kodiak in 1901. In 1964 a destructive earthquake lowered the island by 56 ft (1.51.8 m).

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      island, southern Alaska, U.S. It lies in the Gulf of Alaska (Alaska, Gulf of) and is separated from the Alaska Peninsula by Shelikof Strait, 30 miles (50 km) off the Alaskan coast and some 250 miles (400 km) southwest of Anchorage. The largest Alaskan island (and the second largest island in the United States), it is 100 miles (160 km) long and 10 to 60 miles (16 to 100 km) wide, covering an area of 3,588 square miles (9,293 square km). Together with Afognak, Shuyak, and a number of other nearby islands, it forms an archipelago that is an extension of the Kenai Mountains.

      Most of Kodiak Island is categorized as uplands. The island exceeds 5,000 feet (1,500 metres) near the eastern coast, where it is heavily forested. Valleys and lower slopes are covered by sand and gravel from glaciers. The southwestern part of the island escaped glaciation, however, and consists chiefly of moist tundra. The plants in this region differ from those on the rest of the island. Warm, moist weather results from the Kuroshio (a strong surface oceanic current). Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1941, covers some two-thirds of the island and is the habitat of the Kodiak (Kodiak bear), or Alaskan, brown bear, the largest form of grizzly bear; some 3,000 Kodiak bears inhabit the island. Other wildlife includes red foxes, black-tailed deer, elk, and some 200 species of birds (including bald eagles).

      The peoples of Kodiak (known variously as Aleuts (Aleut), Alutiiq, or Sugpiat) inhabited the island for some 7,500 years before contact with Europeans, and by the time of European exploration the population had reached about 6,500. It was explored in 1763 by Stephan Glotov, a Russian fur trader who was the first nonnative Alaskan to visit the area. The island, known as Kikhtak (Eskimo:Island”), was called Kodiak by Captain James Cook (Cook, James) in 1778; although it was renamed Kadiak in 1890, the spelling reverted to Kodiak in 1901. Grigory Shelekhov (Shelikof) established the first settlement in 1784 at Three Saints Bay, on the southeastern part of the island. During the 19th century the island was a base for seal and sea otter hunting and whaling (the decline of sea otters prompted a ban on otter hunting in 1911). Russian control ended in 1867 with the U.S. purchase of Alaska.

      In the early 1900s the U.S. Department of Agriculture established an experimental cattle station, but the eruption (1912) of Novarupta Volcano near Mount Katmai blanketed the island with 18 inches (46 cm) of ash, interrupting agricultural activities and commercial salmon fishing. Ultimately, however, the ash encouraged the island's lush vegetation. Excellent fishing stocks (particularly crab, halibut, cod, and herring) attracted immigrants (especially Norwegians) in the late 19th and 20th centuries. On March 27, 1964, Alaska suffered a violent earthquake that raised some parts of the island by up to 30 feet (9 metres) and lowered other areas by 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 metres). Seismic waves set off by the earthquake produced severe tsunamis (tsunami) that caused widespread devastation to the island. The island has since recovered, and dairying, sheep and cattle raising, and fishing (in the island's numerous indented harbours) and canning are the main economic activities. In 1989 Kodiak's beaches and fishing industry were seriously damaged when the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground, causing a massive oil spill in Prince William Sound, northeast of the island. Kodiak contains a satellite launch centre (opened 1998), the only such nonfederal facility in the United States. In the northeast of the island is Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park, a World War II-era naval base used during the Aleutian campaign.

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