Alaska Peninsula

Alaska Peninsula
a peninsula in SW Alaska. 500 mi. (800 km) long.

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Peninsula, southwestern Alaska, U.S. It stretches about 500 mi (800 km) between the Pacific Ocean and Bristol Bay.

The volcanic Aleutian Range runs along its entire length. It is the site of Katmai National Park and Preserve, Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, and the Becherof, Alaska Peninsula, and Izembek national wildlife refuges.

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      stretch of land extending southwest from mainland Alaska, U.S. It spreads for 500 miles (800 km) between the Pacific Ocean (southeast) and Bristol Bay, an arm of the Bering Sea (Bering Sea and Strait). The volcanic Aleutian Range runs along its entire length; the majestic Pavlof Volcano, near the peninsula's southwestern edge, rises to more than 8,260 feet (2,518 metres) and is the most active volcano in the Aleutian volcanic arc. McNeil River State Game Sanctuary, reachable only by plane, is home to a large population of wild brown bears. Other wildlife preserves on the peninsula are Katmai National Park and Preserve, Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, and Becharof, Alaska Peninsula, and Izembek national wildlife refuges. The peninsula is very sparsely populated, though there are some small fishing villages.

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