Georgian poetry

Georgian poetry
Body of lyrical poetry produced in Britain in the early 20th century.

Desiring to make new poetry more accessible to the public, Rupert Brooke and Sir Edward Marsh produced five anthology volumes
containing works by Robert Graves, Walter de la Mare, Siegfried Sassoon (18861967), and others
called Georgian Poetry (191222). "Georgian" was meant to suggest the opening of a new poetic age with the accession in 1910 of George V; however, much of the Georgians' work was conventional, and the name came to refer to backward-looking literature rooted in its time.

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British literary group
      a variety of lyrical poetry produced in the early 20th century by an assortment of British poets, including Lascelles Abercrombie, Hilaire Belloc, Edmund Charles Blunden, Rupert Brooke (Brooke, Rupert), William Henry Davies, Ralph Hodgson, John Drinkwater, James Elroy Flecker, Wilfred Wilson Gibson, Robert Graves, Walter de la Mare, Harold Monro (editor of The Poetry Review), Siegfried Sassoon, Sir J.C. Squire, and Edward Thomas.

      Brooke and Sir Edward Marsh, wishing to make new poetry accessible to a wider public, with Monro, Drinkwater, and Gibson, planned a series of anthologies. To this series they applied the nameGeorgianto suggest the opening of a new poetic age with the accession in 1910 of George V. Five volumes of Georgian Poetry, edited by Marsh, were published between 1912 and 1922.

      The real gifts of Brooke, Davies, de la Mare, Blunden, and Hodgson should not be overlooked, but, taken as a whole, much of the Georgians' work was lifeless. It took inspiration from the countryside and nature, and in the hands of less gifted poets, the resulting poetry was diluted and middlebrow conventional verse of late Romantic character. “Georgiancame to be a pejorative term, used in a sense not intended by its progenitors: rooted in its period and looking backward rather than forward.

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  • Georgian Poetry — was the title of a series of anthologies showcasing the work of a school of English poetry that established itself during the early years of the reign of King George V of the United Kingdom. Edward Marsh was the general editor of the series and… …   Wikipedia

  • Georgian Poetry — Mit Georgian Poetry (Georgianische Lyrik) wird im engeren Sinne eine Reihe von 5 Sammelbänden mit Gedichten bezeichnet, die in den frühen Regierungsjahren von Georg V. erschienen. 1912 erschien (Georgian Poetry 1911–1912), 1915 (Georgian Poetry… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Georgian Poets —   [ dʒɔːdʒiən pəʊɪts], nach dem Titel der lyrischen Anthologie »Georgian poetry« (herausgegeben von E. Marsh u. a., 1912 22, 5 Bände) benannte, während der Regierungszeit des britischen Königs Georg V. wirkende Gruppe von Schriftstellern, v. a. R …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Georgian — may refer to:* Georgian people, a nation or an ethnic group originating in the Caucasus * Georgian language, a South Caucasian language * citizen of Georgia (country) * Georgian alphabet * Something from or related to the U.S. state of Georgia *… …   Wikipedia

  • Georgian era — The Georgian era is a period of British history, normally defined as including the reigns of the kings George I, George II, George III and George IV, i.e. covering the period from 1714 to 1830, (with the sub period of the Regency, defined by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Georgian — /jawr jeuhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the period of British history from the accession of George I in 1714 to the death of George IV in 1830, or the four kings named George who reigned successively during this period. 2. of or pertaining to… …   Universalium

  • Georgian poets — The Georgian poets were, by the strictest definition, those whose works appeared in a series of five anthologies named Georgian Poetry , published by Harold Monro and edited by Edward Marsh. The first volume contained poems written in 1911 and… …   Wikipedia

  • Georgian literature — Introduction       the body of written works in the Georgian language. Origins and early development       The origins of Georgian literature date to the 4th century, when the Georgian people were converted to Christianity and a Georgian alphabet …   Universalium

  • Poetry — This article is about the art form. For other uses, see Poetry (disambiguation). Literature Major forms Novel · Poem · Drama Short story · Novella …   Wikipedia

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