
died 374 BC

King of Salamis, Cyprus (с 410374).

He pursued a policy of friendship with Athens and the promotion of Hellenism. He secured Persian aid for Athens against Sparta. With help from Athens and Egypt, he extended his rule over most of Cyprus and part of Anatolia. Relations with Persia later became hostile, and he was defeated by Persia in 381. Though he remained king of Salamis in name, he was in fact a vassal of Persia. He was assassinated by a eunuch.

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king of Salamis
died 374 BC

      king of Salamis, in Cyprus, c. 410374 BC, whose policy was one of friendship with Athens and the promotion of Hellenism in Cyprus; he eventually fell under Persian domination.

      Most of what is known of him is found in the panegyricEvagorasby Isocrates, where he is described, with extravagant praise, as a model ruler whose aim was to promote the welfare of his state by cultivation of Greek refinement and civilization. Evagoras' services to Athens were recognized by the gift of Athenian citizenship. For a time he also maintained friendly relations with Achaemenian Persia, securing Persian support for Athens in the early years of the Corinthian War (395387) against Sparta. He participated, along with the Persian fleet, in the naval victory over Sparta off Cnidus (394), but from 391 Evagoras and the Persians were virtually at war. Aided by the Athenians and the Egyptians, Evagoras extended his rule over the greater part of Cyprus and to several cities of Anatolia. When Athens withdrew its support after the peace of Antalcides (386), Evagoras' troops fought without allies until they were crushed at Citium (Larnaca, Cyprus) in 381. He fled to Salamis, where he managed to conclude a peace that allowed him to remain nominally king of Salamis, though in reality he was a vassal of the Achaemenian king. He was assassinated by a eunuch.

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