

Greek  Lárnax,  Turkish  Lârnaka,  or  Iskele 

      port town, southeastern Republic of Cyprus. The modern town, on the bay between Capes Kiti and Pyla, overlays much of ancient Citium, founded by the Mycenaeans in the 13th century BC; it was rebuilt by the Byzantines. Citium was the birthplace of the Greek philosopher Zeno Of Citium, the founder of Stoicism. Its modern name (meaningFunerary Urnin Greek) recalls the many tombs under its soil. The modern port, developed during Ottoman occupation (15711878), was enlarged after the Turkish intervention (1974) in northern Cyprus closed the island's main port at Famagusta. Larnaca's port accommodates small craft at dockside; larger ships anchor in the roadstead and are served by lighters (barges) or use two floating pontoons completed in 1977. Potatoes and cement are exported through Larnaca. A developing industrial base includes a tannery, an oil refinery, a cooperative cheese factory, and the production of commercial salt, brooms, processed food, and chemicals. The town is linked by roads with Dhekelia, Pano Kophinou, and Mazotos. Larnaca International Airport has expanded since opening as a temporary facility in 1974 after the closing of the international airport at Nicosia.

      Larnaca is known for its schools, which include the American Academy (1908). According to tradition, Lazarus of Bethany settled there after his resurrection and became its first bishop; the chief church bears his name. Artifacts from archaeological excavations in the area are displayed in the regional museum housed in an Ottoman fortress erected in 1625.

      The surrounding region is largely agricultural. Crops include wheat, barley, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Industry is based mainly on agricultural produce and includes milled flour, canned fruit and vegetables, and beverages. Salt is extracted, and copper and gypsum are mined at Kalavasos to the west. Pop. (2001) 70,502.

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Universalium. 2010.

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