
Historical Islamic state, eastern Africa, southwest of the Gulf of Aden, with its capital at Harer (now in Ethiopia).

Its rivalry with Christian Ethiopia began in the 14th century. In the early 16th century Adal launched a series of attacks. By 1533 Adal, now led by Ahmed Grañ, succeeded in gaining control of most of central Ethiopia. Grañ was killed in battle in 1543, and the Oromo invasions of the later 16th century ended Adal's power.

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historical state, East Africa
      historic Islāmic state of eastern Africa, in the Danakil-Somali region southwest of the Gulf of Aden, with its capital at Harer (now in Ethiopia). Its rivalry with Christian Ethiopia began in the 14th century with minor border raids and skirmishes. In the 16th century, Adal rose briefly to international importance by launching a series of more serious attacks. The first phase, in which the forces of Adal were led by Mahfuz, governor of Zeila on the Gulf of Aden, ended in 1516, when Mahfuz and many of his followers were killed in an Ethiopian ambush.

      Within a few years there emerged a new leader, Aḥmad Grāñ (Aḥmad the Left-handed). He gathered a following of Muslim nomads for a jihād, or religious war, against Ethiopia. They swept into the highlands, drove the Ethiopian emperor into exile, forced massive conversions, and by 1533 controlled most of central Ethiopia. They destroyed churches and monasteries. The fugitive emperor appealed to Portugal for help. Four hundred Portuguese musketeers landed at Mitsiwa (now Massawa, Eritrea) in 1541. Adal then took on reinforcements as well: 900 Arab, Turkish, and Albanian musketeers, plus some cannon. Adal's successes continued until Grāñ was killed in a battle near Lake Tana in 1543. The Oromo invasions of the later 16th century put an end to Adal's power. Its rulers fled north into the desert, their nomadic followers lost any semblance of unity, and Adal was reduced to insignificance.

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