Aḥmad Grāñ

Aḥmad Grāñ

Somalian Muslim leader
also called  Aḥmad the Left-handed , real name  Aḥmad Ibn Ibrāhīm al-Ghāzī 
born c. 1506
died 1543

      leader of a Muslim movement that all but subjugated Ethiopia. At the height of his conquest, he held more than three-quarters of the kingdom, and, according to the chronicles, the majority of men in these conquered areas had converted to Islam.

      Once Aḥmad Grāñ had gained control of the Muslim Somali state of Adal (Adel), where he installed his brother as a puppet king, he launched a jihad (Islamic holy war) against Christian Ethiopia. He created an army out of the masses of heterogeneous and nomadic Somalis who had joined him, motivated by religion and the prospects of wealth. He also made skillful use of firearms, introduced by the Turks, and employed a small body of Turkish troops.

      Although Aḥmad Grāñ defeated an Ethiopian army in Adal in 152627, it was not until 1531 that he felt ready for a large-scale invasion. By 1535 he had conquered the southern and central areas of the state and had even invaded the northern highlands, leaving a trail of devastation behind him. The Ethiopian king and a few followers retreated and begged for Portuguese aid. But when a small Portuguese force tried to relieve them in 1541, they were first delayed and later soundly defeated by Aḥmad Grāñ, who had meanwhile been able to obtain Turkish reinforcements. The few remaining Portuguese, however, with the new Ethiopian ruler, Galawdewos (Claudius), were soon able to rearm themselves and rally a large number of Ethiopians. Aḥmad Grāñ, who had sent most of his Turkish troops back, was killed in the crucial battle that followed, and Galawdewos was able to regain his kingdom in 1543, though the conversion to Islam and reconversion of most of his subjects may have left a spiritual crisis less easily resolved.

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