
/aw roh"moh/, n., pl. Oromos, (esp. collectively) Oromo for 1.
1. a member of a nomadic, pastoral people of Ethiopia and Kenya.
2. the Cushitic language of the Oromo. Also called Galla.

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Major ethnic group of Ethiopia, numbering more than 20 million, or nearly one-third of the population, and occupying much of its central and south-central regions.

They speak a Cushitic language of the Afroasiatic family. They are a diverse group, having assimilated and intermarried with other peoples since the 16th century. Traditionally the Oromo were nomadic herders, but today most are settled agriculturalists. Politically they are largely subjugated to the dominant Amhara. In religion they are divided among Islam, the Ethiopian Orthodox faith, and traditional beliefs.

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also called  (pejorative) Galla 

      one of the two largest ethnolinguistic groups of Ethiopia, constituting nearly one-third of the population and speaking a language of the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic (formerly Hamito-Semitic) family. Originally confined to the southeast of the country, they migrated in waves of invasions in the 16th century AD. They occupied all of southern Ethiopia, with some settling along the Tana River in Kenya; most of the central and western Ethiopian provinces, including the southern parts of the Amhara region; and, farther north, the Welo and Tigre regions near Eritrea. Wherever the Oromo settled in these physically disparate areas, they assimilated local customs and intermarried to such an extent that the Oromo people's original cultural cohesiveness was largely lost. Also, the resultant political division of the Oromo facilitated their own eventual subjugation by the people whom they had driven northward, the Amhara, the other major ethnolinguistic group in Ethiopia.

      The Oromo pursued pastoralism before the great migration, and this way of life still prevails for the great numbers of people in the southern provinces. In the east and north, however, long mingling and intermarrying with the Sidamo and Amhara resulted in the adoption of a sedentary agriculture.

      The southern groups, such as the Arusi and Boran (Borana) Oromo, have remained pagan, believing in a sky god. They have retained virtually intact the gada, or highly formalized age-set system (a system in which all members of society are included in separate age groups for life). These traditions have been diluted in the north, where the Oromo are either Muslim or Ethiopian Orthodox Christian and where many Oromo have, through acculturation, become social equals to the dominant Amhara. The influence of the Oromo increased after the Ethiopian revolution of 1974.

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