
/yooh/; unstressed /yoo, yeuh/, pron., poss. your or yours, obj. you, pl. you; n., pl. yous.
1. the pronoun of the second person singular or plural, used of the person or persons being addressed, in the nominative or objective case: You are the highest bidder. It is you who are to blame. We can't help you. This package came for you. Did she give you the book?
2. one; anyone; people in general: a tiny animal you can't even see.
3. (used in apposition with the subject of a sentence, sometimes repeated for emphasis following the subject): You children pay attention. You rascal, you!
4. Informal. (used in place of the pronoun your before a gerund): There's no sense in you getting upset.
5. Archaic.
a. yourself; yourselves: Get you home. Make you ready.
b. a pl. form of the pronoun ye.
6. something or someone closely identified with or resembling the person addressed: Don't buy the bright red shirt - it just isn't you. It was like seeing another you.
7. the nature or character of the person addressed: Try to discover the hidden you.
[bef. 900; ME; OE eow (dat., acc. of ge YE1); c. OFris ju, OS iu, D u, OHG iu, eu]
Usage. In American English the pronoun YOU has been supplemented by additional forms to make clear the distinction between singular and plural. YOU-ALL, often pronounced as one syllable, is a widespread spoken form in the South Midland and Southern United States. Its possessive is often you-all's rather than your. YOU-UNS (from you + ones) is a South Midland form most often found in uneducated speech; it is being replaced by YOU-ALL.
YOUSE (you + the plural -s ending of nouns), probably of Irish-American origin, is most common in the North, especially in urban centers like Boston, New York, and Chicago. It is rare in educated speech. You guys is a common informal expression among younger speakers; it can include persons of both sexes or even a group of women only. See also me.

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bronze vessel

      type of Chinese bronze container for wine that resembled a bucket with a swing handle and a knobbed lid. It was produced during the Shang (18th12th century BC) and early Zhou (1111c. 900 BC) periods.

      Related to the hu in profile, the you consisted of a base, usually oval in section, and a broad body, slightly swollen at the centre and tapering to a wide neck. The large loop handle swung from two prominent lugs (ear-shaped protuberances) on either side of the neck. Decoration included a large taotie, or monster mask, on the broad midsection, as well as other motifs characteristic of Shang and Zhou bronze ritual vessels. It was gradually replaced by the hu during the later Zhou dynasty.

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