white cedar

white cedar
1. any of several chiefly coniferous trees valued for their wood, esp. Chamaecyparis thyoides, of the eastern U.S., or Thuja occidentalis (northern white cedar), of northeastern North America.
2. the wood of any of these trees.
[1665-75, Amer.]

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In the lumber trade, the American arborvitae, some species of false cypress (genus Chamaecyparis) and McNab cypress, incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), and California juniper, all in the cypress family.

Nonconiferous trees that are called white cedar include the chinaberry (Melia azedarach, mahogany family) and some members of the plant families Bignoniaceae (trumpet creepers), Celastraceae (staff trees), Myristicaceae (nutmegs), Burseraceae, and Dipterocarpaceae. Botanically, white cedar is Chamaecyparis thyoides, a picturesque tree with purple cones, native to North America and East Asia. The wood is used for carpentry, pencils, storage chests, interiors, and fence posts.

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      in the lumber trade, any American arborvitae (q.v.), some species of false cypress (q.v.), and McNab cypress, incense cedar (q.v.), and California juniper. Nonconiferous trees that are called white cedar include the chinaberry and some members of the flowering plant families Bignoniaceae, Celastraceae, Myristicaceae, Burseraceae, and Dipterocarpaceae.

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