
/ahr'beuhr vuy"tee/, n.
1. any of several ornamental or timber-producing evergreen trees belonging to the genus Thuja, of the cypress family, native to North America and eastern Asia, having a scaly bark and scalelike leaves on branchlets.
2. Anat. See arbor vitae.
[1655-65 for def. 1; 1790-1800 for def. 2; < L: tree of life]

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(Latin: "tree of life") Any of six species (genus Thuja) of resinous, evergreen ornamental and timber conifers of the cypress family, native to North America and eastern Asia.

Arborvitae trees or shrubs have thin, scaling outer bark and fibrous inner bark; horizontal or ascending branches; and flattened, spraylike branchlets with scalelike leaves. The Oriental, or Chinese, arborvitae (T. orientalis), a popular ornamental native to Asia, is a gracefully symmetrical shrub. Arborvitae wood is soft and lightweight but very durable, fragrant, and easily worked. The giant arborvitae (T. plicata) is the most important timber-producing species, but the wood of the American arborvitae (T. occidentalis) is also frequently used. False arborvitae (Thujopsis dolabrata) is closely related.

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      (Latin:tree of life”), any of five species of the genus Thuja, resinous, evergreen ornamental and timber conifers of the cypress family (Cupressaceae), native to North America and eastern Asia. A closely related genus is false arborvitae.

      Arborvitae are trees or shrubs, usually pyramidal in habit, with thin, scaling outer bark and fibrous inner bark, horizontal or ascending branches, and characteristically flattened, spraylike branchlet systems. Each branchlet has four rows of tiny, scalelike leaves. Juvenile leaves are much longer and needlelike and in some species may persist along with the mature foliage.

      Male and female reproductive structures (cones) are borne at the tips of different branchlets of the same tree, the male cones rounded and reddish or yellowish, the female very small and green or tinged with purple. Mature cones are solitary, egg shaped or oblong, 8 to 16 millimetres (about 1/2 inch) long, with 4 to 6 (but sometimes 3 or as many as 10) pairs of thin, flexible scales that terminate in thickened ridges or processes.

      The oriental, or Chinese, arborvitae (T. orientalis), a popular ornamental native to Asia, is a gracefully symmetrical shrub about 10 metres (33 feet) tall. Some authorities have assigned it to a separate genus (Biota) because of distinctions such as its erect branches, vertically arranged, fanlike branchlet systems, and six to eight hook-tipped cone scales.

      Yellowish or reddish-brown arborvitae wood is soft, light in weight but very durable, fragrant, and easily worked. The giant arborvitae (T. plicata) is the most important timber-producing species, but the wood of the American arborvitae (T. occidentalis) is also frequently used.

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