false cypress

false cypress

also called  white cedar 
 any of some seven or eight species of ornamental and timber evergreen conifers (family Cupressaceae) native to North America and eastern Asia.

      The trees differ from the true cypresses in having smaller, rounded cones with fewer seeds. A young tree is pyramidal in shape, with scalelike leaves densely arranged on the branchlets. Leaf colour differs in horticultural varieties. A single tree may possess both male and female reproductive structures; the female is small and inconspicuous, the male usually yellow or red.

      The wood of the Formosan cypress (C. formosensis), a tree more than 58 metres (190 feet) tall, is used locally for construction; it is not fragrant like the wood of other cypresses.

      The Sarawa cypress (C. pisifera) of Japan, 27 to 36 metres (90 to 120 feet) tall, has been in cultivation for centuries. It has sharp-pointed leaves, small cones, and fragrant white wood used for boxes and doors. Many horticultural varieties have been developed, most of which retain juvenile foliage at maturity.

      The white cypress (C. thyoides) of North America, 21 to 27 metres (70 to 90 feet) tall, an economically important timber tree, also has many cultivated varieties. Its reddish-brown, fragrant wood is used for mine timbers, fence posts, and other supporting structures.

      The hinoki cypress (C. obtusa), a bright-green tree 25 to 35 metres (80 to 115 feet) high, with reddish-brown bark, is one of Japan's most valuable timber trees. Its wood is used for construction, furniture, and interior work. Many varieties are cultivated for decoration and are used for bonsai and dwarfing.

      The Nootka cypress, yellow cypress, or Alaska cedar (C. nootkatensis), also called yellow cedar, canoe cedar, Sitka cypress, and Alaska cypress, is a valuable timber tree of northwestern North America. Its pale-yellow, hard wood is used for boats, furniture, and paneling. Some varieties are cultivated as ornamental shrubs, although forest trees may be more than 35 metres (115 feet) tall.

      The largest species of false cypress, the Lawson cypress, Port Orford cedar, or ginger pine (C. lawsoniana), may be more than 60 metres (200 feet) tall and 6 metres (about 20 feet) in diameter. It is a very hardy tree; over 200 forms are cultivated as ornamentals in North America and Great Britain. Many of these are dwarfs. The oily, spicy, lightweight wood of the Lawson cypress is one of the most important North American lumbers.

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