Western Australia

Western Australia
Western Australian.
a state in W Australia. 1,273,624; 975,920 sq. mi. (2,527,635 sq. km). Cap.: Perth.

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State (pop., 2001: 1,906,114), western Australia.

Covering 976,790 sq mi (2,529,880 sq km), it constitutes one-third of the continent's area but has less than one-tenth of Australia's population; its capital is Perth. The extensive interior region has three deserts: Great Sandy, Gibson, and Great Victoria. The coast along the Timor Sea and Indian Ocean has only a few good harbours; notable inlets are Joseph Bonaparte and Exmouth gulfs. Australian Aboriginal peoples have occupied Western Australia for about 40,000 years. The western coast was first visited in 1616 by the Dutch; it was later explored by Englishman William Dampier in 1688 and 1699. In 1829 Capt. James Stirling led the first group of settlers there to establish Australia's first nonconvict colony. The discovery of gold in 1886 prompted a movement for constitutional autonomy, which was granted in 1890. In 1900 it was the last state to ratify the newly constituted Commonwealth of Australia. Initially it suffered from slow growth, but since 1960 its economy, fueled by agriculture and mining (notably of hydrocarbons), has been expanding.

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Western Australia, flag of  state of western Australia occupying that part of the continent most isolated from the major cultural centres of the east. The state is bounded to the north by the Timor Sea, to the northwest and west by the Indian Ocean, and to the south by the portion of the Indian Ocean commonly called the Southern Ocean (or Antarctic Ocean) in Australia. To the east lie the deserts of the Northern Territory and South Australia. The capital is Perth.

 Western Australia occupies roughly one-third of the total area of the continent. It extends about 1,490 miles (2,400 km) from the monsoonal, tropical north to the windswept coastal heaths of the far south. Most of the state is subarid, and the combination of low rainfall and high temperatures restricts most of the population and agricultural activities to the so-called comfortable zone southwest of an imaginary line stretching from north of Geraldton on the state's western coast to Esperance on its southern coast. The overwhelming majority of the population lives in the greater Perth area, which is one of the largest metropolitan regions in Australia. Among the most isolated of the world's administrative centres, Perth is closer in distance and time zone to Jakarta and Singapore than to Sydney. Area 976,790 square miles (2,529,875 square km). Pop. (2001) 1,851,252; (2006) 1,959,088.


  In its northern and western regions, the landscape of Western Australia consists primarily of broad plateaus articulated by several mountain ranges; to the east lie immense deserts. The Kimberley region in the far north is a multisectioned plateau. The coastline is rugged and dangerous, with strong currents and a tidal range that may reach 39 feet (12 metres), while the rolling inland areas are sparsely wooded and scattered with bristly grasses. The limestone King Leopold Ranges rise from the southern part of the region. The Fitzroy (Fitzroy River) and Ord (Ord River) rivers delineate the southern and eastern border of the Kimberley.

 To the south of the Kimberley region stand the 26-to-30-foot (8-to-9-metre) linear sand dunes of the Great Sandy Desert. Although the main period of dune formation ended about 10,000 years ago, the dune crests are still active (shifting). The Great Sandy Desert stretches southward into the state's central interior, where it merges imperceptibly with the Gibson Desert, which in turn gives way to the Great Victoria Desert, again to the south.

 To the southwest of the Great Sandy Desert is the Pilbara region, a rugged, arid landscape of ancient folded and uplifted rocks. At the so-called North Pole are some of the world's oldest fossil stromatolites (stromatolite) (constructed of algae and limestone), dating to about 3.5 billion years ago. The region includes the spectacular red gorges of the Hamersley Range in Karijini National Park. Mount Meharry, Western Australia's highest point at 4,111 feet (1,253 metres) above sea level, is located nearby, about 175 miles (280 km) from the central coast. On the coast proper, limestone ranges and gorges make up the arid Cape Range on the peninsula to the west of Exmouth Gulf.

  Farther south and constituting most of the southwestern segment of Western Australia is the Yilgarn block, a stable granite-gneiss shield area, or craton, similar in many respects to the Canadian Shield. Unlike the Canadian Shield, however, the Western Australian craton has been subjected to weathering processes for some 250 million years. The gently undulating, weathered plateau of the Yilgarn block lies between 1,000 and 2,000 feet (300 and 600 metres) above sea level. It is bounded to the east by the flat, waterless, treeless, marine limestone of the Nullarbor Plain, which terminates at the Southern Ocean in an unbroken line of spectacular coastal cliffs. To the west, the scarp of the Darling Range runs north-south for some 200 miles (320 km), separating the Yilgarn block from the coastal plain of the Perth Basin. In the extreme south, the block rises to an elevation of 3,596 feet (1,096 metres) in the Stirling Range and then drops abruptly into the ocean, resulting in a rugged granite coastline with clean, white sandy bays. Archipelagoes of granite islands occur offshore.

 The Fitzroy (Fitzroy River) and the Ord (Ord River) are the two principal rivers of Western Australia. Both drain the state's northernmost sector, the Kimberley plateau. While the Fitzroy is Western Australia's largest river, the Ord has been dammed near Kununurra to form Australia's largest freshwater lake, Lake Argyle (Argyle, Lake).

      The De Grey (De Grey River), Fortescue, and Ashburton rivers drain the area surrounding the Hamersley Range in the Pilbara region. Usually dry, these rivers become raging torrents during the cyclone season. To the east of the Pilbara flows the Rudall River, which drains inland to the saline (and usually dry) Lake Dora. Indeed, inland drainage is characteristic of most of Western Australia, and the great majority of the lakes shown on any map of the state are saline playas (playa) (dried-up lake beds), not bodies of fresh water (except after major rainfall events). The dry, rough country lying to the south of the Pilbara is drained by the Gascoyne River.

 The state's only permanently flowing streams are found in the southwestern segment of the Yilgarn block. However, the largest rivers of the region, including the Swan (Swan River), Blackwood, and Frankland, have their headwaters in the Wheatbeltan extensive area cleared for agricultureand are consequently saline.

      The Kimberley plateau consists mostly of red and yellow soils, including deep sands, and loamy and sandy earths; cracking clays and stony soils are evident in some areas. Deep sands and loamy earths, both mostly red, are also common in the Pilbara region. Similarly, soils in the eastern deserts are red, but they are generally sandy. In the central southern region and the Nullarbor plain, calcareous loams and stony soils predominate.

      Western Australia's primary agricultural region lies in the wetter southwestern part of the Yilgarn plateau. The region has deeply weathered (up to about 165 feet [50 metres]), kaolinized, gravelly and sandy soils, from which most nutrients have long been leached. Stretches of rocky and loamy soils are found toward the plateau's interior. Much of the indigenous vegetation of the Yilgarn area has been cleared for agricultural purposes, rendering virtually all the streams and rivers saline and unfit for human consumption. A portion of the previously productive soils can no longer support crops, owing to excessive concentrations of soluble salts, mostly sodium chloride, which have accumulated in the soils since clearing.

      The northern and southern parts of Western Australia have entirely contrasting climates; the north is tropical, with summer rainfall, while the south has a Mediterranean climate. The major determinant of the weather is the movement of an anticyclone that produces winds in an east-west direction across the continent for about half the year. In winter this system moves to the north and is responsible for clear skies, sunny days, and easterly winds in the tropics. To the south of the anticylonic system, westerly winds and a procession of cold fronts associated with theroaring forties” (windy zone between latitudes 40° and 50° S) bring cool, cloudy weather and rain and westerly gales along the southern coast. The anticyclonic belt has moved so far south by the summer that its axis is off the southern coast. Easterly winds prevail over most of the state, but in the far north a depression develops, bringing westerly monsoon (wet-dry) wind patterns to the coastal districts northeast of Onslow and to parts of the Kimberley.

      Several tropical cyclones (tropical cyclone) (known elsewhere as hurricanes or typhoons) develop offshore during the northern wet season, which lasts from about December to March. They frequently move inland between Broome and Onslow, although occasionally they have traveled south of Perth before curving inland. Tropical cyclones can be highly destructive, but they are also beneficial, bringing widespread rain to otherwise parched inland areas.

      The highest annual precipitation occurs in the extreme north, on the Mitchell Plateau in the Kimberley, and in the extreme southwest, between Pemberton and Walpole in the karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor (Eucalyptus)) country. In both locations mean annual rainfall is more than 55 inches (1,400 mm). Precipitation decreases south and north from both locations and with increasing distance inland from the coast. The driest areas receive less than 8 inches (200 mm) annually, and possibly less than 6 inches (150 mm).

      The hottest months are November in the Kimberley, December a little farther south, and January/February in the rest of the state. July is the coldest month. Wyndham is the most consistently hot place, with a mean maximum monthly temperature of about 96 °F (35.6 °C) throughout the year. Marble Bar has the highest seasonal mean maximum monthly temperatures in Australia, registering near 100 °F (38 °C) from November through March. In the southwest, sea breezes (known in Perth as theFremantle Doctor”) blow most afternoons during the hot months and bring relief from the high temperatures near the populated coast.

      In winter, temperatures may fall below freezing over most of the inland part of the state south of the Tropic of Capricorn; on occasion, the temperature has dropped to the low 20s F (about −6 °C) in the southwestern part of the state. Frosts may be widespread over the southern part of the state and occasionally extend into the tropical zone but are not generally troublesome. They are most frequent in July and August. Snow is rare, and only in southern areas, especially in the Stirling Range, does it occasionally lie on the ground for a few hours.

Plant and animal life
      Western Australia supports a wealth of flora and fauna, especially in the southwestern regionwhich is considered a particularly fertilehot spotof biodiversity. More than 10,000 species of vascular plants have been documented in the state, and some one-third of these, including many carnivorous varieties, are endemic to the area.

      The Kimberley region is sparsely wooded, primarily with eucalypts (Eucalyptus), but also with the distinctive, moisture-storing boab (which has close affinities to the Indian and African baobabs (baobab)). Spinifex grass is ubiquitous, as is generally the case throughout the portion of the state that lies north of the Tropic of Capricorn. The deserts of the state's central and eastern regions are partly vegetated by spinifex and various eucalypts; some mulga trees grow in the swales between the dunes. In the Pilbara area mulga and acacia shrublands are interspersed with eucalypt woodlands and spinifex grasslands. In the southeast the Nullarbor Plain is textured with bluebush and saltbush shrubs, acacias, eucalypts, and mallee scrubland.

      The state's only true forests are found in the Yilgarn block. These consist of eucalypts, and there is an extremely rich understory. The dominant trees are jarrah (E. marginata), marri (E. calophylla), and the spectacular, tall (up to 275 feet [85 metres]) karri. These forests are protected in vast state reserves and in surface-water catchments.

      Western Australia is host to some 150 species of mammals and several hundred species of birds and reptiles. Common marsupials include kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, possums, and bandicoots. Some three dozen species each of bats and small rodents also inhabit the state's diverse landscape. Dugongs, dolphins, and whales are found in coastal waters. Many of the offshore islands have seal and penguin populations. Waterbirds, including ducks, plovers, terns, egrets, herons, and others, are abundant in the wetlands of the southwest. Eagles and other raptors are prominent inland, as are cuckoos, nearly two dozen types of parrots, and a spectrum of smaller birds such as finches, wrens, honeyeaters, and flycatchers. Skinks and snakes, each represented by well in excess of 100 species, are the most plentiful of Western Australia's reptiles. Dozens of species of geckoes, other lizards, and amphibians have also been recorded. Freshwater and marine turtles live in coastal and inland waters.

      Clearing (mostly for agriculture), the introduction of predators such as foxes and feral cats, and competition for food and degradation of habitat by domestic sheep, goats and cattle, camels, donkeys, horses, pigs, and feral rabbits have had severe effects on the state's fauna and flora. Hundreds of species of plants are rare or threatened, and many have become extinct. More than half of the medium-sized mammals have disappeared from the Wheatbelt since European settlement, and many of their populations have also disappeared or declined drastically from the arid pastoral lands and from the central, sandy deserts. The Department of Environment and Conservation, established in 2006, has been charged with implementing government policies to aid in preserving the state's biodiversity.


Ethnic groups
      When the first permanent European settlers arrived at Perth in 1829, they encountered an Aboriginal (Australian Aborigine) population that had occupied the lands of Western Australia for tens of thousands of years. As European settlements spread across the colony, however, the Aboriginal communities were decimated by shooting, poisoning, starvation, and disease. Although their numbers recovered over the next two centuries, Aboriginal peoples (and Torres Strait Islanders) have continued to constitute less than 5 percent of the state's population. The largestand growingsingle concentration of Aboriginal peoples is in the Greater Perth area.

      The great majority of the remainder of Western Australia's population is of English descent. There are also significant communities of Scottish, Irish, and Italian ancestry, as well as a sizeable combined community of German and Dutch heritage. A small but notable Chinese population lives primarily in or near Perth.

      English is the only language spoken in the vast majority of households in Western Australia. The next largest language communities, each constituting a tiny portion of the population, are Chinese and Italian. Australian Aboriginal languages are spoken by an even smaller fraction of the population.

      Christianity is the dominant religion in Western Australia, with Christians constituting about three-fifths of the population. Numbers of Roman Catholics and Anglicans are roughly equivalent and together constitute about three-fourths of the Christian community. Buddhists and Muslims are the next largest religious groups, but each accounts for only a tiny portion of the population. A sizable minority of Western Australians do not identify with a particular religion; mirroring a national trend, this proportion has been growing.

Settlement patterns
 Nearly two-thirds of Western Australia's population is concentrated in and around the single city of Perth on the southwestern coast. Located on the Swan Coastal Plain, Perth and its port city-suburb, Fremantle, are situated around the estuary of the Swan and Canning rivers and are surrounded by intensive gardening and horticultural areas. The next largest cities include Mandurah, Bunbury, Geraldton, and Kalgoorlie-Boulder, all of which are a mere fraction of the size of Perth.

 The Wheatbelt (Wheat Belt), a mixed grains-and-sheep area, is located east of the forested Darling Range, landward of the Perth metropolitan region. The Wheatbelt is characterized by massive farms, spanning thousands of acres, each with its owner-occupied homestead complex. Larger towns in the region include Mullewa, Northam, Merredin, Narrogin, and Katanning. The region is served by the ports of Geraldton, Bunbury, and Albany, in addition to the major port of Fremantle and the adjacent Cockburn Sound. Manjimup is a significant timber town in the far southwest, while the coastal towns of Busselton, Margaret River, and Augusta serve a growing tourist market.

      Beyond the Wheatbelt is a sparsely populated pastoral country, with its huge leasehold properties, or stations. With the exception of Kununurra, which largely revolves around irrigated agriculture and tourism, all significant inland settlements outside the state's southwestern regionincluding Newman, Tom Price, Leonora, and Kalgoorlieare associated with mining. The coastal towns of Port Hedland and Karratha provide port and service facilities for the mining industry. Other larger coastal towns include Carnarvon, noted for its irrigated fruit and vegetables, and the former U.S. Navy communications station of Exmouth. Broome, on the northwestern coast, is a prime tourist destination, and, along with Derby in King Sound, is also a centre for beef export.

Demographic trends
      The population of Western Australia, which accounts for roughly one-tenth of the country's inhabitants, has consistently grown at a rate that is well above the national average. The Aboriginal community is generally youthful, with roughly half of its populationcompared to about one-third of all other residentsunder age 25.

      Since natural increase (the excess of births over deaths) has barely been sufficient to replace the population, growth has been achieved largely through immigration. In the early 21st century some one-fourth of West Australia's residents were foreign-born. Of these, more than one-third had been born in the United Kingdom (specifically, in England and Scotland), about one-tenth in New Zealand, and smaller but nonetheless significant proportions in Italy, South Africa, and Malaysia. Immigration from Britain and Europe has been declining slowly since the late 20th century, while that from eastern Asian countries and South Africa has been on a rise.

      Western Australia's economy is largely based on unprocessed primary productsmainly from mining but also from agriculture (including pastoralism) and horticulture and, to a lesser extent, forestry and fishing. The value of agricultural production and exports increased in total but decreased proportionately in the latter half of the 20th century, while the value of mineral (including petroleum and natural gas) extraction and export increased. However, despite Western Australia's size and wealth in resources, the state economy generates a relatively small portion of Australia's overall gross domestic product (GDP).

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
      Limited by the lack of fresh water and by infertile soils, agriculture constitutes only a tiny fraction of Western Australia's economy and employs a relatively small portion of the state's labour force. The main form of agriculture is extensive grain and sheep farming in the southwestern region. The major products are wheat, barley, and other grains; meat and animals (especially sheep and cattle); wool; and, increasingly, crops such as lupines and oilseeds. Irrigation supports dairying on the coastal plain south of Perth, vegetables and tropical-fruit growing at Carnarvon, and crop experimentation at Kununurra. Fine wool from Merino sheep is the main product from the extensive pastoral areas, and beef is the primary output from the far north. Wine is produced in the Swan River valley adjacent to Perth, as well as in newer grape-growing areas in the Margaret River and Mount Barker districts of the southwestern region. The southwest also produces beef, apples, and citrus fruits.

      Logging of the indigenous hardwood forests in the southwest was one of the fledgling colony's first economic activities in the 19th century; it has remained a significant activity. Although felling trees in uncut old-growth forests was banned in 2001, jarrah and karri forests that are interspersed with secondary growth have continued to be logged. The government has implemented tree-farming programs to promote sustainable forestry; pine, eucalyptus, and sandalwood from plantations have been making an increasing contribution to the state's economy.

      Fishing, especially whaling (abandoned in the 1970s), also was an early mainstay of the Western Australian economy. Rock lobsters (the most important commercial marine resource), prawns (shrimp), and scallops are caught primarily off the west coast, and abalones, Australian salmon, and herring are caught off the southwest and south coasts. Tropical finfish such as snapper and cod are major products of the northern waters. Aquaculture is undertaken in all coastal regions, with an emphasis on shellfishespecially oysters (for pearls and food) and musselsand crayfish.

Resources and power
 Mining accounts for about one-fourth of the Western Australian GDP, although it employs a relatively small portion of the workforce. Iron ore, mined mainly in the Pilbara region, is the state's major mineral export commodity. Nickel, alumina, and gold are also produced in substantial quantities. Coal is mined near Collie and is used to generate the bulk of Western Australia's electric power. Tin and mineral sands are quarried and processed nearby. Extensive low-grade bauxite deposits are mined in the Darling Range near Perth and are processed by several alumina refineries in the region. Higher-grade deposits on the Mitchell Plateau in the Kimberley have yet to be developed. The Kimberley has one of the world's largest diamond mines, at Argyle.

      Major reserves of petroleum and natural gas are extracted offshore from the continental shelf (off the Port HedlandKarratha coast), the coastal region north of Perth basin, and the Timor Sea (in part a joint venture with East Timor [Timor-Leste]). Most of the crude oil from those operations is exported; the remainder is refined in Kwinana for local consumption. Similarly, natural gas is exported in liquefied form and is also piped to the southwest for domestic and industrial use, including power generation. Although uranium deposits are found in commercial quantities in several locations, uranium mining was officially banned by the state government in 2002.

      Water resources are an ever-present concern in Western Australia. Some three-fourths of the state's surface freshwater resources occur in the Kimberley; a small hydroelectric power station on the Ord River at Lake Argyle supplies energy to several proximate towns, as well as to the diamond mine at Argyle. Groundwaters in the terrestrial and marine sediments of the coastal plain of the Perth Basin provide about half of Perth's water supply. The ephemeral Gascoyne River supplies the extensive underground aquifers at Carnarvon when it is flowing. In the Yilgarn plateau, saline remnants of ancient drainage systems are the source of brackish and saline groundwaters that are used extensively for stock watering.

      Manufacturing constitutes a modest but still significant component of the Western Australian economy. Petroleum, coal, chemicals, and related products are Western Australia's principal manufactures, followed by machinery, equipment, and metal products. Industries of somewhat lesser importance include wood and paper production, printing and publishing, food, beverage, and tobacco production, and meat processing. Kwinana, located in the Perth metropolitan region along the shores of Cockburn Sound, is a prominent industrial centre. The area has several heavy industries, including oil, alumina, and nickel refineries, a fertilizer works, a major grain exporting facility, a growing shipbuilding and repair industry, and a naval base on Garden Island, on the opposite side of Cockburn Sound.

Services, labour, and taxation
      The service sector is by far the largest component of Western Australia's economy, employing more than two-thirds of the labour force and providing well in excess of half the state's income. Within the sector, retail trade, property and business services, and health and community services are dominant.

      Women form only a slightly smaller portion of the workforce than do men. However, women's income continues to be significantly less than that of men in most areas. The state has long had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, but unemployment within the indigenous population (although decreasing) has remained relatively high.

      Tourismboth international and domestichas been expanding vigorously in Western Australia. The largest numbers of foreign visitors come from the United Kingdom and Ireland. Many also arrive from Asia, especially from Singapore, Japan, and Malaysia; tourism from New Zealand and the United States also has been increasing. Domestic tourists hail largely from Victoria and New South Wales. Perth and the southwestern region are the most popular destinations for the majority of tourists, although the north also serves a significant domestic market.

      Western Australia's per capita taxation revenue is among the highest in the country. The portion of state income generated from taxes, on the contrary, is among the lowest. Unlike other Australian states, Western Australia derives a major percentage of its tax revenue from mining. Payroll taxes and taxes on the conveyance (transfer) of real estate are also important.

Transportation and telecommunications
      The most important mode of transport throughout the state is by road. Except for Perth's electrified suburban rail system and the purpose-built iron-ore railway lines in the Pilbara, rail transport has generally declined. Many branch lines in the Wheatbelt have closed, contributing to the depopulation of most country towns.

      The southwest is most extensively connected to eastern Australia by road, rail, air, and sea, and the state has its own local shipping service. The transcontinental rail link is an important tourist attraction. Intrastate, interstate, and international air transport is increasingly important for both people and goods. The state's major international airport at Perth offers regular flights to Asia and southern Africa; a second international facility at Port Headland offers more limited service. Numerous regional airports are spread across the state.

      Western Australia's telecommunications infrastructure is expanding rapidly. Although standard telephone (landline) services are generally utilized in larger coastal cities and several inland towns, wireless phone service is much more widespread. Wireless networks cover most of the southwestern region, as well as scattered locations in the state's interior. Data (Internet) service is also concentrated in the southwest, but government initiatives have been implemented to extend access to more- remote regions.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
      The Constitution Act of 1889 granted self-government and a parliament to Western Australia. Since its promulgation in 1890 the constitution has been modified many times; the contemporary document consists of those sections of the original constitution that have remained unchanged and all subsequent amendments. The state government is seated in Perth, and Western Australians are represented at the federal level in Canberra.

      The British crown is represented by a governor. The parliament, a bicameral body comprising a Legislative Council as its upper house and a Legislative Assembly as its lower house, constitutes the legislature of the state. Executive government is based on the cabinet system, led by a premier who represents the majority party (or coalition) in the legislature. A third tier, that of local government, functions through some 140 elected city, town, and shire (county) councils.

      The state's highest judicial body is the Supreme Court of Western Australia, which handles the most serious civil and criminal cases. There are also district courts and magistrate courts, as well as specialized courts for cases concerning families and children. Lower courts are bound by the rulings of higher ones; should a case remain unresolved by the Supreme Court, it is passed to the High Court of Australia, decisions from which cannot be appealed. The Federal Court of Australia also holds authority within the state.

      The party system in Western Australia mirrors that of the federal level. Conservatives generally vote for the Liberal (Liberal Party of Australia) or National (National Party) (previously Country) parties, and the left wing is represented by the Labor Party (Australian Labor Party) and such smaller parties as the Australian Democrats and the Greens (Greens, the). A compulsory proportional voting system gives independents and minor parties an opportunity to gain some legislative seats. Since the end of the 20th century, these smaller parties have typically held the balance of power in the upper house. It is rare for representatives to vote against the party line in either house.

Health and welfare
      The federal and state government health authorities, together with boards of health under local governments, maintain health services and work to prevent and control infectious diseases. Basic public hospital services are provided free of charge, although many private facilities offer fee-based treatment. In addition to several large, full-service hospitals, most of which are in or near Perth, the state operates an extensive rural health system that provides medical care to Western Australians in smaller towns and remote regions. The federal Medicare program is supplemented by private health insurance schemes.

      The federal government provides pensions and benefits, repatriation services, and, along with the state and hundreds of voluntary agencies, a wide range of welfare services. State agencies operate child welfare programs and distribute emergency relief in situations where federal assistance is unavailable. Employers are required by law to provide workers (and their families) with compensation for any injuries incurred in job-related activities.

      Education in Western Australia is compulsory from age 5 to 15, although an increasing number of children continue beyond the upper age. Most children are educated in government (public) schools, but a sizable number attend private schools, typically operated by religious institutions. For children of high-school age in rural areas, there is often no choice but to be sent to private boarding schools in the city. Primary-school children in rural areas, on the other hand, are bused to school. In remote pastoral and mining areas education is provided through the government-operated Schools of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE). The SIDE program consists of a primary and secondary school in Leederville and several Schools of the Aircentres that conduct lessons largely through telecommunications mediaat Carnarvon, Derby, Kalgoorlie, Meekatharra, and Port Hedland.

      Some two dozen institutions in Western Australia offer post-secondary courses. Of these, four are federally funded but state-legislated universities, all located in the Perth metropolitan region: the University of Western Australia (1911), Murdoch University (1973), Curtin University of Technology (1987; formerly the Western Australian Institute of Technology), and the multicampus Edith Cowan University (1991; formerly the Western Australian College of Advanced Education). The privately funded University of Notre Dame opened in 1992. Government-owned Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes provide vocational training programs for adults and children of upper school age at a number of locations throughout the state. Many private institutions also offer practical and vocational training.

Cultural life
      The annual Perth International Arts Festival attracts contributions in drama, music, ballet, film, and visual arts. The University of Western Australia has several theatres, including the only Southern Hemisphere replica of the Fortune Shakespearean theatre in London. In addition to the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra, there is a youth orchestra, a large choral society, and opera and ballet companies, which perform at the Perth Concert Hall and at the superbly renovated His Majesty's Theatre (also in Perth) and which also make tours to country centres. There has long been a thriving local popular music industry centred mainly in pubs and hotels. Bands seeking broader market success, however, usually relocate either to Sydney or to Melbourne.

      Western Australia's most acclaimed writers have included the poet Fay Zwicky, the poet and playwright Dorothy Hewett, the historical authors Mary Durack and Katharine Susannah Prichard (Prichard, Katharine Susannah), the novelists Randolph Stow (Stow, Randolph) and Elizabeth Jolley (Jolley, Elizabeth), the Aboriginal autobiographical author Sally Morgan, and the playwright Jack Davis. The state has produced some outstanding artists, including Guy Grey-Smith, whose modernist paintings were inspired by the Western Australian landscape. The state art gallery, together with the state library and museum, constitute Perth's central-city cultural heart.

      Western Australia's climate encourages outdoor recreation. The Perth-Fremantle area is an internationally recognized centre for yachting. In 1983 the Australia II of the Royal Perth Yacht Club became the first non-American vessel to win the America's Cup yacht race; Fremantle then hosted the race in 1987 (won by an American yacht). Perth also maintains an array of nationally competitive sports teams, including those for men's rugby and Australian rules football, as well as for men's and women's cricket and field hockey. Participation in football (soccer) has been growing since the end of the 20th century. netball has for decades been a popular women's team sport.

  Western Australia's nature parks draw many visitors each year. Among the most prominent parks are Rudall River National Park near the southwestern edge of the Great Sandy Desert, and Ningaloo Marine Park (including Ningaloo Reef), just off the coast to the west of the Cape Range. Shark Bay (1991), south of Carnarvon, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1990 in recognition of its unique combination of extensive beds of seagrass, a dugong breeding ground, and living stromatolite formations; Purnululu National Park, on the eastern edge of the Kimberley region, was added to the World Heritage list in 2003 for its unique natural towers of sandstone.

Arthur J. Conacher Charles Fox

      Human occupation of the southwestern part of Western Australia dates to at least 40,000 years ago. Intermittent contact with visiting Southeast Asian sea-cucumber fishermen led to the introduction of the dingo, the native dog, about 5,000 years ago and possibly to the practice of circumcision at some later date. Otherwise, the indigenous society of hunter-gatherers was largely undisturbed until European contact. Conjecture puts the population of Aborigines (Australian Aborigine) on the eve of contact between 50,000 and 100,000.

European exploration and settlement
      The Portuguese probably sighted the Western Australian coast during the 1520s, but authenticated European discovery followed the move of the Dutch East India Company into the Indian Ocean in the early 17th century. Between the landfall of Dirck Hartog (Hartog, Dirck) in 1616 and the reconnoitering voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman (Tasman, Abel Janszoon) in 1642 and 1644, the outline of Australia's western coast was filled in, but the region remained a hazard to shipping. The loss in 1629 of the pride of the company's fleet, Francisco Pelsaert's Batavia, with its bloody sequel of mutiny and reprisal, was the first of several shipwrecks.

 Seeing no scope for trade or colonization, the Dutch took no further interest in Western Australia. Their poor opinion of the region was confirmed by the English navigator William Dampier (Dampier, William) in 1688 and 1699. Consequently, when the British (British Empire) annexed New South Wales in 1770 and settled it in 1788, Western Australia remained unoccupied by Europeans. A French claim of 1772 was unenforced despite several later voyages. Not until 1826 did Gov. Ralph Darling of New South Wales, perturbed by reports of French interest and American whaling, dispatch Maj. Edmund Lockyer with a small party of soldiers and convicts to stake a claim by garrisoning King George Sound (at what is now Albany) on the south coast.

      This prompted Capt. James Stirling and the botanist Charles Frazer to examine the reaches of the Swan River. A mild summer and tall jarrah timber led them to overestimate the fertility of the coastal sand plain, and Stirling went to England to lobby for the establishment of Australia's first nonconvict colony with himself as governor. The resultingSwan River maniabrought nearly 4,000 settlers to Western Australia in 182930. Stirling arrived with the first party on the Parmelia in June 1829 at the site of the future port of Fremantle and founded the town of Perth 12 miles (19 km) inland. As elsewhere in Australia, disregard of indigenous landrights triggered unrest within the Aboriginal communities. Indigenous resistance in the Perth region was quelled in 1834 only after an intense and bloody confrontation known as the Battle of Pinjarra.

      Meanwhile, the European settlers, underprepared for actual conditions in the region, suffered great privations, and only 1,500 remained by 1832. Although the colony could feed itself by 1835 and began exporting wool in 1836, the main industry, whaling, remained in American hands. London investors in 184041 planned another settlement 100 miles (160 km) south of Perth, to be called Australind in hope of trade with India. Although they brought several hundred immigrants, by 1843 their venture had also failed. Western Australia was too isolated and had too small an infrastructure of investment and population for rapid growth. But during the 1840s a bank was established, a tiny export trade began in sandalwood and horses, Spanish Benedictines (Benedictine) established a monastery at New Norcia, and a pastoral settlement opened up the Geraldton district, 300 miles (500 km) north of Perth.

      Wealthy landowners called for inexpensive convict labour, which was falling out of favour in the eastern colonies at that time. The British authorities responded by sending nearly 10,000 male convicts to Western Australia between 1850 and 1868. Social problems resulted, but so did signs of economic progress such as road work and public buildings. In the 1860s pastoralists expanded north into the Pilbara district and the Gascoyne River region as the Aboriginal peoples fought unavailingly against invasion. From 1868 pastoralism was underpinned by a pearling industry that used Aboriginal women and, subsequently, Malay, Japanese, and other Asian sojourners as divers. No gold or minerals were found, and Western Australia consequently lagged behind its eastern neighbours asthe Cinderella colony.”

Economic expansion
      Progress remained slow until 1879, when the explorer Alexander Forrest reported good pastoral country in the Kimberley district. His report stimulated investment from Melbourne and Sydney and brought several parties of overlanding cattlemen 2,000 miles (3,200 km) from Queensland (188385). A government railway was opened in 1879, followed by a number of schemes for private land-grant railways; of these only the lines to Albany (1889) and Geraldton (1894) were completed.

      At last gold (gold rush) was discovered. A short-lived rush to the Kimberley district in 1886 was followed by more promising finds in the Pilbara and Yilgarn districts (188788). Economic activity stimulated a campaign for constitutional autonomy. The British government was uneasy about entrusting such a vast territory to a population of fewer than 50,000 European settlers, and before granting self-government in 1890 it insisted that Aboriginal interests should be safeguarded. Under the supervision of an all-European board, 1 percent of the colonial revenue was to be reserved for Aboriginal purposes. This proviso was resented, and the Western Australians secured its repeal in 1897. In the same year, the last major Aboriginal resistance movement in the Kimberley district was defeated.

      Under the constitution adopted in 1890, the new Western Australian Parliament consisted of a Legislative Council (nominated by the governor until 1893 and thereafter elected on a restricted property franchise) and a Legislative Assembly elected on manhood suffrage. The first premier was the native-born explorer, surveyor, and local hero Sir John Forrest (Forrest, Sir John). He held office for a record term of 10 years (18901901), unchallengeable but also lucky. A series of major gold finds, including those in the areas of the Murchison River (1891), Coolgardie (1892), and especially Kalgoorlie (1893), brought a massive influx of migrants from the economically depressed eastern colonies. The population quadrupled to nearly 180,000 in 1900. In the same decade exports increased 10-fold.

      Aided by a first-class engineer, Charles Yelverton O'Connor, Forrest embarked on an ambitious program of public works. The unsatisfactory port of Fremantle was provided with an artificial harbour in 1899, and in 1903 what was then the world's longest pipeline was built to bring water from near Perth 380 miles (610 km) to the Coolgardie-Kalgoorlie goldfields. Farmers were encouraged by a homestead act (1893), an agricultural bank (1894), and tariffs on stock and meat imports. But Forrest's liberalism, expressed also by granting votes to women late in the 19th century, grated on the young democrats of the gold-mining communities. They found their weapon in the federation movement of the late 1890s. In 18991900 the gold-mining interests mounted aseparation for federationcampaign. However, when in July 1900 Forrest held a referendum, those in favour of federation prevailed by 44,000 to 19,000. Western Australia joined the Australian Commonwealth as a founding member on Jan. 1, 1901. By 1905 a two-party system emerged. A new Labor Party (later the Australian Labor Party), strongest in the goldfields and railway centres, was opposed by Liberals (eventually to become the Liberal Party of Australia), whose support came from the farmers and urban middle class.

Western Australia until the mid-20th century
      As the antifederationists feared, Western Australian manufacturing languished, especially after the last protective tariffs were removed in 1906. Gold mining too, after attaining peak production in 1903, slowly declined. These trends were overshadowed by a great expansion of wheat growing. Building on Forrest's policies, Liberal premier Newton Moore (190610) and his lieutenant James Mitchell pushed the farming frontier 200 miles (320 km) from the Avon valley (to the east of Perth) eastward to the 10-inch (250-mm) rainfall line. They were aided by recent advances in agricultural science as well as by the urging of former miners. “Gold brought these men to Western Australia,” said Mitchelland superphosphate will keep them here.” The acreage under wheat trebled between 1905 and 1911. But a drought in 1911 dealt a severe blow to the new farmers, and at the elections in October a Labor (Australian Labor Party) government under Jack Scaddan was returned with a landslide majority.

      Labor was innovative rather than radical. To curb the alleged profiteering of private firms, a number of state-owned businesses were established, including a shipping line, sawmills, butcheries, and other industries. Perth Modern School, a unique secondary school with an updated and broadly balanced curriculum, opened in 1911, offering free education to scholarship winners. The University of Western Australia, founded the same year, offered higher education without charging tuition. Despite such innovations, however, Labor followed the same policies of economic development as its predecessors, pushing the Wheatbelt farther into marginal country and building new railways, despite mounting disillusion among many farmers. In 1914another drought yearthe Farmers and Settlers Association secured the return of eight members of the Legislative Assembly who formed Australia's first Country Party. They held the balance of power and in July 1916 ousted Labor in favour of a Liberal ministry.

      Political instability followed, reflecting the pressures of World War I. With a high ratio of men to women and many recent British migrants, Western Australia sent a large number of volunteers to the war. At the federal referenda of 1916 and 1917, it supported conscription for overseas service more strongly than any other state. A non-Labor coalition formed in 1917 floundered under a number of crises, including disruption caused by the influenza pandemic of 191819. During a maritime strike in AprilMay 1919, a waterside worker was killed in a fracas with police, and the state premier narrowly escaped serious injury. The turmoil subsided after Mitchell became premier in May 1919.

      No zealot for private enterprise, Mitchell, like most non-Labor leaders, believed that in the absence of strong local capitalists the government must take entrepreneurial initiatives. He pinned his faith on rural development. Eager to stimulate British immigration to fulfill his dream of a settled yeomanry, his government in the early 1920s promoted the group settlement scheme, under which parties of migrants banded in cooperatives would clear forestlands in the southwest to establish themselves as dairy farmers. Many of the inexperienced settlers failed, but the scheme continued even after Mitchell was replaced by Phillip Collier, the first of a series of moderate Labor premiers (192430; 193347).

      Western Australia's isolation was diminishing. The transcontinental railway connecting Perth and Kalgoorlie with Adelaide was completed in 1917. Commercial aviation came early; Australia's second airline was operating in the state's northwestern region from 1921, and an airmail service to Adelaide began in 1929. Motor transport came to the fore, and many farmers invested in tractors, often on credit. Agriculture seemed to thrive; the 1930 wheat harvest was unsurpassed for more than 30 years. But Western Australia was still overdependent on its exports of wheat and wool. Although the Great Depression came later to the west than to the rest of Australia, its impact was devastating.

      Caught by the slump in export prices, many farmers were obliged to abandon their land. Others remained, living with their families in harsh poverty while they paid off their debts. Urban unemployment rose to a peak of 30 percent in mid-1932, provoking several demonstrations in the streets of Perth. Many of the unemployed found sustenance by labouring on government projects in remote rural areas. Mitchell, again premier from 1930 to 1933, tended to support the populist Dominion League, which urged secession from the Australian Commonwealth. A referendum in April 1933 produced a two-to-one margin in favour of secession, but at the same time Mitchell was swept out of office. Labor under Collier was less keen on this action; they procrastinated until 1935, when the British government declared it had no power to grant secession.

      By that time the movement had folded. Economic recovery was heralded by the revival of the goldfields. In 1931 the state's biggest nugget of gold, the Golden Eagle (1,135 troy ounces [35.3 kg]), was found at Larkinville in the south-central part of the state. Competition for jobs aroused ethnic antagonism, and in January 1934 Kalgoorlie was the site of a disgraceful three-day riot against southern-European immigrantsbut it was the last of its kind. Cooperative bulk handling, introduced in 1932, enabled many wheat farmers to remain solvent. Although wool prices recovered from 1934, many graziers owed their survival to Aboriginal labour.

      Prior to World War II the activities of Aboriginal (Australian Aborigine) peoples were strictly regulated under the Aborigines Act of 1905. The war, however, raised Aboriginal political consciousness. Many were employed by the armed forces, receiving adequate cash wages for the first time. Legislation of 1944 empowered indigenous people to apply for citizenship, but under such limited terms that few benefited. In 1946 Aborigines employed in the pastoral industry in the Port Hedland district went on strike for better wages. During the 1950s and '60s, government policy toward indigenous peoples shifted to one of assimilation and then integration, and the remaining legal restrictions on Aborigines were gradually removed.

      After two years of comparative isolation from the war, Western Australia seemed endangered in 1942 when Japanese aircraft bombed Broome and Wyndham. Credence was given to an alleged official plan to abandon the north and west of Australia in the event of an invasion. Such a planwhether spurious or actualcarried the potential to reinvigorate the secession movement, but, in the end, no such revival was forthcoming. Instead, Western Australia for the first time provided an Australian prime minister (Labor's John Curtin (Curtin, John), 194145) and returned Labor members to every seat in the House of Representatives in 1943. That same year, Western Australia sent the first woman into the federal Senate, having already elected Australia's first woman member of a state parliament (Edith Cowan, 192124). The state later provided Australia's first woman state Cabinet minister (Dame Florence Cardell-Oliver, 194753).

Western Australia since c. 1950
      Australia's ambitious immigration policies after World War II benefited Western Australia. In 25 years the population doubled, to pass one million in 1969, 8 percent of the national total. Britain remained the most prolific source of immigrants, followed by Italy and The Netherlands; Western Australia was consistently the state with the most overseas-born residents. Throughout that period, the unemployment rate was among Australia's lowest.

      Farming continued to figure prominently in government policy. Local scientists discovered the role of mineral trace elements in improving previously poor soils of coastal lands, and, as a result, cultivation expanded further in 194560. The environmental costs of developing marginal land were not yet appreciated, although soil salinization was already becoming a problem in some parts of the Wheatbelt.

       industrialization, which had advanced modestly during World War II, received a great boost when an oil refinery was constructed in the mid-1950s at Kwinana, 10 miles (16 km) south of Fremantle. Kwinana became Western Australia's first major industrial area, with a steel-rolling mill and other ventures. Optimism surged following the discovery of oil at Exmouth Gulf in 1953, but this proved illusory; it was only in the 1970s that oil and natural gas were developed in commercial quantities off the northwestern coast.

      The mineral boom came in the 1960s, favouring the fortunes of a series of Liberal-Country party ministries (195971; 197483), within which Sir Charles Court (minister for industrial development and the northwest 195971; premier 197482) was the most dynamic figure. In 1960 the federal government lifted an embargo on the export of iron ore (imposed in 1938 out of concern that the country's iron supplies were insufficient), and between 1962 and 1965 massive deposits were discovered in the Pilbara region. Court negotiated successfully for overseas capital investment, the construction of railways and ports, and the signing of export contracts, principally with Japan. Other large-scale mineral developments included bauxite in the Darling Range; nickel at Kambalda, south of Kalgoorlie; uranium; and mineral sands.

      Western Australia in 1967 cajoled the federal government into funding a large, controversial dam on the Ord River in the far north, without finding any form of tropical agriculture that would flourish there. The Perth metropolitan area sprawled, and, with the decay of many rural centres, Western Australia became overcentralized, with the majority of the population in the metropolitan area. The early provision of freeways and the adoption in 1955 of the Stephenson-Hepburn city plan, which was designed to control population density, reduced but did not eliminate problems of urban growth. By the 1980s population density in the areas had already increased dramatically.

Geoffrey C. Bolton Charles Fox
      In the 1970s Aboriginal (Australian Aborigine) politics entered a new era, as Aborigines began demanding land rights and self-determinationbased on the assertion of their prior occupation of the continent. Indigenous communities also began to voice their concerns over indiscriminate mining on their ancestral lands, including their strong criticism of then-premier Charles Court in 1980 for encouraging mineral exploration near sacred Aboriginal sites in the Kimberley region. (Aboriginal consent later did allow Australia's first diamond mine to open at Argyle.) Labor appointed an Aboriginal cabinet minister when it returned to office in 1983, but the conditions of Aboriginal people in Western Australia nevertheless remained poor. Rising ethnic tensions were exacerbated by such events as the Western Australian government's approval of the commercial redevelopment of an old and unoccupied brewery that Aborigines claimed had been built on a sacred site. Moreover, a specially formed royal commission reported in 1988 and 1991 that indigenous people were grossly overrepresented in the prison systemespecially in Western Australia.

      Western Australians as a whole were also divided on other issues in the late 20th century, including the environmental impact of government-approved mining in national parks, the liberalization of gambling and drinking laws, and legislation on basic human rights (e.g., right to a fair trial, right to freedom of expression, and right to privacy). Bitter industrial disputes erupted in the northwest, as iron ore companies attempted to deregulate working conditions and break the power of the labour unions. Meanwhile, the first legal casino opened in Perth in 1985, and the government passed laws outlawing discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, age, and disabilitybut restricted their application to certain categories. Attempts to liberalize the laws on homosexuality, prostitution, and abortion failed until 1989, when homosexuality was decriminalized. The government also took stronger measures to curb crime, passing mandatory and indeterminate sentencing laws.

      A so-callednew rightorientation had begun to permeate Western Australia, first through the conservative political parties, but then also through Labor (Australian Labor Party), the party that typically championed the concerns of workers and the socially disadvantaged. To fund its policies, the Labor government in the mid-1980s shifted its focus toward big business. The government invested heavily in the private sphere, associating itself with prominent businessmen who had accumulated wealth largely through heavy borrowing and stock market speculation. These dealings, known asWA Inc,” ultimately crumbled in the wake of a global stock market crash in 1987 and a spate of corruption scandals that resulted in jail terms for several top politicians (including Brian Burke [premier in 198388]) and their business associates.

      Peter McCallum Dowding took over the premiership in 1988 in the wake of the WA Inc fiasco and Burke's imprisonment. Dowding resigned in 1990, and Labor replaced him with Carmen Lawrence, who thus became the first woman premier in Australia. Lawrence inherited the negative fallout of the WA Inc enterprise and its associated scandals, however, and, in consequence, she and Labor lost the 1993 election. A Liberal-National Party alliance headed by Richard Court, the son of the former premier, governed Western Australia into the early 21st century. In tandem with political dynamics at the national level, the policies of the Court government reflected the belief that Western Australia must become more efficient to compete in the global marketplace. The state consequently privatized its assets, outsourced its functions, and moved to deregulate the labour market, provoking worker protests. Following the federal High Court's Mabo (1992) and Wik (1996) rulings, which recognized certain Aboriginal rights to crown lands and pastoral leases, the Court government attempted to restrict the impact of the decisions on Western Australia.

      The government took an increasingly conservative line on social policy and enacted stronger legislation against crime and prostitution, two issues that had remained prominent in Western Australian politics. Aboriginal people continued to be disproportionately represented in prisons, despite the state's adoption of the recommendations for improving the social position of the country's indigenous population as outlined in the 1991 report of the royal commission. However, following the release of a report that found Australian governments to have been complicit in the systematic removal of Aboriginal children from their families, the Western Australian Parliament issued a formal apology to Aboriginal people in 1997.

      In the 1996 elections the Liberal-National government lost control of the Legislative Council (upper house) of the state parliament. Subsequently, small environmentally conscious parties came to hold the balance of power, resulting in greater prominence for environmental and other social issues. Among the resulting reforms was the parliamentary passing in 1998 of some of Australia's most liberal abortion laws. The logging of old-growth forests, which had become a major issue in the late 1990s, emerged as a campaign platform for Geoff Gallop, whose election as premier in 2001 returned Western Australia to a Labor government. The Labor government pursued policies aimed at social equity, economic development, improvement in education, and environmental sustainability.

Charles Fox

Additional Reading
The best source of current data on the state is the Western Australian Year Book and the twice-yearly political chronicles in the Australian Journal of Politics and History. Neil Jarvis (ed.), Western Australia: An Atlas of Human Endeavour, 2nd ed. (1986), contains an excellent series of thematic maps and accompanying text about Western Australia in the 1980s. David Black (ed.), The House on the Hill: A History of the Parliament of Western Australia, 18321990 (1991), is a standard history of the Western Australian parliament. J. Gentilli (ed.), Western Landscapes (1979), offers an authoritative assessment of land use through the 1970s. Ralph Pervan and Campbell Sharman (eds.), Essays on Western Australian Politics (1979), presents valuable analyses of the state's political dynamics through the first eight decades of the 20th century. Rex T. Prider (ed.), Mining in Western Australia (1979), provides an account of the development of Western Australia's mining industry. More general histories include C.T. Stannage (ed.), A New History of Western Australia (1981); F.K. Crowley, Australia's Western Third: A History of Western Australia from the First Settlements to Modern Times (1960, reissued 1970); and George Seddon, Sense of Place: A Response to an Environment: The Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia (1972). Works that focus on 19th-century issues include J.S. Battye, Western Australia: A History from Its Discovery to the Inauguration of the Commonwealth (1924, reprinted 1978), which is an especially valuable reference for political and constitutional matters; and C.T. Stannage, The People of Perth: A Social History of Western Australia's Capital City (1979), which traces the development of Perth. Geoffrey Curgenven Bolton, A Fine Country to Starve In, new ed. (1994), describes Western Australia during the Great Depression. Anna Haebich, For Their Own Good: Aborigines and Government in the Southwest of Western Australia, 19001940 (1988), offers a fine account of the state's Aboriginal history. The journal Studies in Western Australian History, based at the University of Western Australia and published twice yearly, contains articles on a wide variety of topics.Charles Fox

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