Hartog, Dirck

Hartog, Dirck

Dutch explorer
flourished 1616

      Dutch explorer who made the first recorded exploration of the western coast of Australia.

      Traveling an eastward route from Amsterdam around the Cape of Good Hope to Java, Hartog sighted and explored the western Australian coastline. He landed (October 1616) and spent three days exploring a desolate offshore island that he named for himself. To mark his landing, he left a flattened pewter plate, inscribed with the details of the visit, nailed on a post on the northern end of the island, now called Cape Inscription. In 1696 another Dutch explorer, Willem de Vlamingh, landed on Dirk Hartogs Island, found Dirck's plate, replaced it with a newly inscribed dish, and sent the original to Amsterdam, where it can now be seen in the Rijksmuseum.

      Until the 19th century the coast of Australia parallel to Dirk Hartogs Island was called Eendrachtsland, in honour of the explorer's ship, Eendracht.

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