
/err, oor/, n.
an ancient Sumerian city on the Euphrates, in S Iraq: extensive excavations, esp. of royal tombs.

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Ancient city and district, Sumer, southern Babylonia.

It was situated on a former channel of the Euphrates River. One of the oldest cities of Mesopotamia, it was settled sometime in the 4th millennium BC. In the 25th century BC it was the capital of southern Mesopotamia under its first dynasty. Though it later declined, it again became important around the 22nd century BC. It is mentioned in the Bible (as Ur of the Chaldees) as the early home of Hebrew patriarch Abraham in the 18th century BC. In subsequent centuries it was captured and destroyed by many groups, including the Elamites and Babylonians. Nebuchadrezzar II restored it in the 6th century BC. Excavations, especially in the 1920s and '30s, uncovered remains of great archaeological value.

Northeastern facade (the ascents partly restored) of the ziggurat at Ur

Hirmer Fotoarchiv, Munchen

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ancient city, Iraq
modern  Tall Al-muqayyar , or  Tell El-muqayyar 

      important city of ancient southern Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia, history of) ( Sumer), situated about 140 miles (225 km) southeast of the site of Babylon and about 10 miles (16 km) west of the present bed of the Euphrates River. In antiquity the river ran much closer to the city; the change in its course has left the ruins in a desert that once was irrigated and fertile land. The first serious excavations at Ur were made after World War I by H.R. Hall of the British Museum, and as a result a joint expedition was formed by the British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania that carried on the excavations under Leonard Woolley's (Woolley, Sir Leonard) directorship from 1922 until 1934. Almost every period of the city's lifetime has been illustrated by the discoveries, and knowledge of Mesopotamian history has been greatly enlarged.

Foundation of the city.
      At some time in the 4th millennium (Bronze Age) BC, the city was founded by settlers thought to have been from northern Mesopotamia, farmers still in the Chalcolithic phase of culture. There is evidence that their occupation was ended by a flood, formerly thought to be the one described in Genesis. From the succeedingJamdat Nasr” (Late Protoliterate) phase a large cemetery produced valuable remains allied to more sensational discoveries made at Erech.

Ur in the early dynastic period, 29th24th century BC.
      In the next (Early Dynastic) period Ur became the capital of the whole of southern Mesopotamia under the Sumerian kings of the 1st dynasty of Ur (25th century BC). Excavation of a vast cemetery from the period preceding that dynasty (26th century) produced royal tombs (tomb) containing almost incredible treasures in gold, silver, bronze, and semiprecious stones, showing not only the wealth of the people of Ur but also their highly developed civilization and art. Not the least remarkable discovery was that of the custom whereby kings were buried (death rite) along with a whole retinue of their court officials, servants, and women, privileged to continue their service in the next world. Musical instruments from the royal tombs, golden weapons, engraved shell plaques and mosaic pictures, statuary and carved cylinder seals, all are a collection of unique importance, illustrating a civilization previously unknown to the historian. A further development of it, or perhaps a different aspect, was shown by the excavation at al-ʿUbayd (Ubayd, Tall al-ʿ), a suburb of Ur, of a small temple also of a type previously unsuspected, richly decorated with statuary, mosaics, and metal reliefs and having columns sheathed with coloured mosaic or polished copper. The inscribed foundation tablet of the temple, stating that it was the work of a king of the 1st dynasty of Ur, dated the building and proved the historical character of a dynasty that had been mentioned by ancient Sumerian historians but that modern scholars had previously dismissed as fictitious.

      A few personal inscriptions confirmed the real existence of the almost legendary ruler Sargon I, king of Akkad, who reigned in the 24th century BC, and a cemetery illustrated the material culture of his time.

Third dynasty of Ur, 22nd21st century BC
 To the next period, that of the 3rd dynasty of Ur, when Ur was again the capital of an empire, belong some of the most important architectural (architecture) monuments preserved on the site. Foremost among these is the ziggurat (see photograph—>), a three-storied solid mass of mud brick faced with burnt bricks set in bitumen, rather like a stepped pyramid; on its summit was a small shrine, the bedchamber of the moon god Nanna ( Sin), the patron deity and divine king of Ur. The lowest stage measures at its foot some 210 by 150 feet (64 by 46 metres), and its height was about 40 feet. On three sides the walls, relieved by shallow buttresses, rose sheer. On the northeast face were three great staircases, each of 100 steps, one projecting at right angles from the centre of the building, two leaning against its wall, and all three converging in a gateway between the first and the second terrace. From this a single flight of steps led upward to the top terrace and to the door of the god's little shrine. The lower part of the ziggurat, built by Ur-Nammu, the founder of the dynasty, was astonishingly well preserved; enough of the upper part survived to make the restoration certain.

      The excavations showed that by the 3rd millennium BC Sumerian architects were acquainted with the column, the arch, the vault, and the domei.e., with all the basic forms of architecture. The ziggurat exhibited its refinements. The walls all sloped inward, and their angle, together with the carefully calculated heights of the successive stages, leads the eye inward and upward; the sharper slope of the stairways accentuates that effect and fixes attention on the shrine, the religious focus of the whole huge structure. Surprisingly, there is not a single straight line in the structure. Each wall, from base to top and horizontally from corner to corner, is a convex curve, a curve so slight as not to be apparent but giving to the eye of the observer an illusion of strength where a straight line might have seemed to sag under the weight of the superstructure. The architect thus employed the principle of entasis, which was to be rediscovered by the builders of the Parthenon at Athens.

Succeeding dynasties, 21st6th century BC
      The great brick mausoleums of the 3rd-dynasty kings and the temples they built were sacked and destroyed by the Elamites (Elam), but the temples at least were restored by the kings of the succeeding dynasties of Isin and Larsa; (Larsa) and Ur, though it ceased to be the capital, retained its religious and its commercial importance. Having access by river and canal to the Persian Gulf, it was the natural headquarters of foreign trade. As early as the reign of Sargon of Akkad it had been in touch with India, at least indirectly. Personal seals of the Indus Valley type from the 3rd dynasty and the Larsa period have been found at Ur, while many hundreds of clay tablets show how the foreign trade was organized. Thesea kingsof Ur carried goods for export to the entrepôt at Dilmun (Bahrain) and there picked up the copper and ivory that came from the east.

      The clay tablets were found in the residential quarter of the city, of which a considerable area was excavated. The houses of private citizens in the Larsa period and under Hammurabi of Babylon (c. 18th century BC, in which period Abraham is supposed to have lived at Ur) were comfortable and well built two-story houses with ample accommodation for the family, for servants, and for guests, of a type that ensured privacy and was suited to the climate. In some houses was a kind of chapel in which the family god was worshipped (worship) and under the pavement of which the members of the family were buried. Many large state temples were excavated as were also some small wayside shrines dedicated by private persons to minor deities, the latter throwing a new light upon Babylonian religious practices; but the domestic chapels with their provision for the worship of the nameless family gods are yet more interesting and have a possible relation to the religion of the Hebrew patriarchs.

      After a long period of relative neglect, Ur experienced a revival in the Neo-Babylonian period, under Nebuchadrezzar II (605562 BC), who practically rebuilt the city. Scarcely less active was Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon (556539 BC), whose great work was the remodelling of the ziggurat, increasing its height to seven stages.

The last phase, 6th4th century BC.
      The last king to build at Ur was the Achaemenian Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II), whose inscription on bricks is similar to theedictquoted by the scribe Ezra regarding the restoration of the Temple at Jerusalem. The conqueror was clearly anxious to placate his new subjects by honouring their gods, whatever those gods might be. But Ur was now thoroughly decadent; it survived into the reign of Artaxerxes II, but only a single tablet (of Philip Arrhidaeus, 317 BC) carries on the story. It was perhaps at this time that the Euphrates changed its course; and with the breakdown of the whole irrigation system, Ur, its fields reduced to desert, was finally abandoned.

      Discoveries made on other sites have supplemented the unusually full record obtained from the Ur excavations. Knowledge of the city's history and of the manner of life of its inhabitants, of their business, and of their art is now fairly complete and remarkably detailed.

Sir Leonard Woolley Ed.

Additional Reading
J.E. Taylor, “Notes on the Ruins of Muqeyer,” Jl. R. Asiat. Soc., 15:260276 (1855)—the ruins of Muqeyer (Tall al-Muqayyar) were later identified as the site of Ur of the Chaldees. H.R. Hall, A Season's Work at Ur (1930); C.J. Gadd, History and Monuments of Ur (1929); C. Leonard Wooley, Excavations at Ur (1954 and 1964) and Ur of the Chaldees (1938); C. Leonard Wooley et al., Ur Excavations, vol. 15 and 810 (192765); C.J. Gadd and L. Legrain et al., Ur Excavations: Texts, vol. 15 (192853). The Ur excavation volumes include reports on the excavations at al-ʿUbayd (near Ur), the Royal Cemetery (the predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931), archaic seal impressions, the sites and objects prior in date to the 3rd dynasty of Ur, the ziggurat and its surroundings, the Kassite period and the period of the Assyrian kings, the Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods, and seal cylinders.

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Universalium. 2010.

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