
/en"teuh sis/, n. Archit.
a slight convexity given to a column or tower, as to correct an optical illusion.
[1745-55; < Gk, equiv. to enta- (var. s. of enteínein to stretch tight, equiv. to en- EN-2 + teínein to stretch) + -sis -SIS]

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Convex curve given to a column, spire, or similar upright member to avoid the optical illusion of hollowness or weakness that would arise from normal tapering.

Exaggerated in Greek work of the Doric order, it grew more and more subtle in the 5th4th century BC. Entasis is also occasionally found in Gothic spires and in smaller Romanesque columns.

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      in architecture, the convex curve given to a column, spire, or similar upright member, in an attempt to correct the optical illusion of hollowness or weakness that would arise from normal tapering. Entasis is almost universal in Classical columns. Exaggerated in Greek archaic Doric work, it grew more and more subtle in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Entasis is also occasionally found in Gothic spires and in the smaller Romanesque columns.

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