
/tek"noh/, n.
a style of disco music characterized by very fast synthesizer rhythms, heavy use of samples, and a lack of melody.

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electronic dance music that first appeared in the U.S. in the 1980s and became globally popular in the 1990s.

It originated with Detroit deejay-producers who, inspired by European electro-pop, underlaid dreamy synthesizer melodies with rapid electronic rhythms. Imported in Europe, it was adopted by the burgeoning rave scene of all-night dance parties (which often featured the hallucinogen ecstasy) and is celebrated in the annual Love Parade in Berlin.

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      electronic dance music that began in the United States in the 1980s and became globally popular in the 1990s. With its glacial synthesizer melodies and brisk machine rhythms, techno was a product of the fascination of middle-class African-American youths in Detroit, Michigan, for European electronic dance music.

      Influenced by Kraftwerk's Teutonic electro-pop and Alvin Toffler's concept oftechno rebels,” a clique of deejay-producersDerrick May, Juan Atkins, and Kevin Saundersonbegan drawing attention to their innovative music in 1985. Crossing the Atlantic as an adjunct to Chicago house music, their early tracksRythim Is Rythim'sStrings of Life,” Model 500'sNo UFOs,” and Inner City'sGood Life”—incited pandemonium on Europe's dance floors. Unlike house, Detroit techno was primarily all-instrumental, and its beats were more complex than the disco-derived, four-to-the-floor kick-drum that underpinned house.

      As the Detroit sound became a mainstay of the European rave scene (the neo-psychedelic subculture based around ecstasy-fueled all-night dance parties), white producers took the music in a harder-edged direction, replacing its dreamy elegance with aggressive riffs and druggy sample textures. Pioneered by Joey Beltram from New York City, Belgian artists such as 80 Aum and Human Resource, and second-wave Detroit labels Underground Resistance and +8, this new brand of techno was called hardcore, signifying both its militant attitude and ecstasy-driven hedonism. Meanwhile, British styles such as the minimalist bleep-and-bass and breakbeat hardcore were bringing hip-hop influences into the mix. By the mid-1990s, techno had fragmented into myriad subgenres, the most important being trance (characterized by metronomic beats and cosmic melodies), electronica (atmospheric experimentalism designed for album-length home listening), jungle (based around sped-up hip-hop breakbeats and floor-quaking reggae bass), and gabba (an ultrafast furor closer to heavy metal than dance music). Although purist connoisseurs pined for the lighter touch of the Detroit originators and their inheritors Carl Craig and Jeff Mills, a rowdy, rock-and-roll mutant of techno invaded the American mainstream in 1997, with the success of albums by the Prodigy and the Chemical Brothers.

      Encompassing a huge range of substyles, from multimillion-selling pop to the darkest depths of the underground and even influencing mainstream rock bands like U2, techno established itself as the cutting edge of Western popular music at the end of the 20th century.

Simon C.W. Reynolds

Representative Works

Joey Beltram, “Energy Flash” (1990)
LFO, Frequencies (1991)
Aphex Twin, Selected Ambient Works 8592 (1992)
Underground Resistance, “Death Star” (1992)
Omni Trio, “Renegade Snares (Foul Play Remix)” (1994)

Additional Reading
David Toop, Ocean of Sound: Aether Talk, Ambient Sound, and Imaginary Worlds (1995), is a loosely structured but provocative and often poetic exploration of the tangled roots of ambient music, discussing the work of many prime movers in electronica, the home-listening offshoot of techno. Steve Redhead, Derek Wynne, and Justin O'Connor (eds.), The Clubcultures Reader: Readings in Popular Cultural Studies (1997), compiles useful articles written by music journalists and academics from the cultural studies field on all aspects of club and rave culture. Matthew Collin, Altered State: The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House (1997), is an authoritative history of British rave culture from acid house to jungle focusing on the drug ecstasy: its influence on the music's development and its diffusion from late 1980s criminal subcultures into the mainstream of British life in the 1990s. Simon Reynolds, Generation Ecstasy: Into the World of Techno and Rave Culture (1998), a critical history of techno and offshoots such as jungle, gabba, electronica, and trance, deals with recreational drug culture and the rave scene's sociological ramifications but emphasizes the music itself more than Altered State does.

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