
/suy"meuhn/; Fr. /see mawonn"/ for 7, n.
1. the original name of the apostle Peter. Cf. Peter.
2. Simon the Zealot, one of the twelve apostles. Matt. 10:4.
3. the Canaanite, one of the twelve apostles. Matt. 10:4; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15.
4. a relative, perhaps a brother, of Jesus: sometimes identified with Simon the Canaanite. Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3.
5. ("Simon Magus") the Samaritan sorcerer who was converted by the apostle Philip. Acts 8:9-24.
6. ("Simon Magus") fl. 2nd century A.D.?, founder of a Gnostic sect and reputed prototype of the Faust legend: often identified with the Biblical Simon Magus.
7. Claude /klohd/, born 1913, French novelist: Nobel prize 1985.
8. Herbert Alexander, born 1916, U.S. social scientist and economist: Nobel prize 1978.
9. Sir John (Allsebrook) /awlz"brook'/, 1873-1954, British statesman and lawyer.
10. Neil, born 1927, U.S. playwright.
11. Paul, born 1942, U.S. singer and songwriter.
12. a male given name, form of Simeon.

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Buckner Simon Bolivar
Cameron Simon
Dubnow Simon Markovich
Fraser Simon
Gallieni Joseph Simon
Kaufman George Simon
Kuznets Simon Smith
Laplace Pierre Simon marquis de
Montfort Simon de
Ochs Adolph Simon
Ohm Georg Simon
Saint Simon Claude Henri de Rouvroy comte de
Simon Claude Eugène Henri
Simon Herbert Alexander
Simon Marvin Neil
Simon Paul Frederic
Stevin Simon
Vouet Simon
Simon of Stackpole Elidor John Allsebrook Simon 1st Viscount

* * *

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