

German music group
      German experimental group widely regarded as the godfathers of electronic pop music. The original members were Ralf Hütter (b. 1946, Krefeld, Ger.) and Florian Schneider (b. 1947, Düsseldorf).

      Hütter and Schneider met while studying classical music at Düsseldorf Conservatory in the late 1960s, and their early work with a five-piece band called the Organisation showed the influence of the German keyboard band Tangerine Dream. Adopting the name Kraftwerk (“power plant”), Hütter, Schneider, and a series of collaborators forged an austere sound and image as part of a small but highly influential cult of German bands who experimented with electronic instruments long before it was fashionable. The movement, dubbedKrautrockby British journalists, also included innovative bands such as Can, Faust, and Neu!, but Kraftwerk became the best known.

      The foundation for Kraftwerk's music was the sounds of everyday life, a concept first fully realized on the 22-minute title track of the Autobahn album (1974). Repetitious, monotonous, lulling, and entrancing, “Autobahnbecame an unlikely hit in Europe and the United States (where it was played on commercial radio stations in severely edited form). Subsequent albums explored such subjects as radios and trains with a combination of childlike wonder and cold objectivity. The band revolutionized ideas about how arocktour should look and sound by appearing in the United States in the guise of identical mannequins who performed their music exclusively on keyboards. The title of their album The Man-Machine (1978) epitomized the concept. Although the band recorded rarely in the 1980s and '90s and virtually stopped touring, its music was a huge influence on New York hip-hop, particularly Afrika Bambaataa's hitPlanet Rock”; Detroit techno dance music; Neil Young (Young, Neil)'s album Trans (1983); the collaborations between David Bowie (Bowie, David) and Brian Eno (Eno, Brian); and the synth-pop of Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, and countless others.

Greg Kot
      The group resumed a limited touring schedule in the early 2000s and released Tour de France Soundtracks (2003), their first album of original material in some 17 years. Schneider left Kraftwerk in early 2009, on the eve of the band's scheduled South American tour with Radiohead.


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Universalium. 2010.

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