
/sir"ingks/, n., pl. syringes /seuh rin"jeez/, syrinxes.
1. Ornith. the vocal organ of birds, situated at or near the bifurcation of the trachea into the bronchi.
2. (cap.) Class. Myth. a mountain nymph of Arcadia who was transformed, in order to protect her chastity from Pan, into the reed from which Pan then made the panpipe.
3. a panpipe.
4. a narrow corridor in an ancient Egyptian tomb.
[1600-10; ( < L) < Gk syrinx pipe, pipelike object]

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bird anatomy
      the vocal organ of birds, located at the base of the windpipe (trachea), where the trachea divides into the bronchi (tubes that connect the trachea with the lungs). The syrinx is lacking in the New World vultures (vulture) (Cathartidae), which can only hiss and grunt, but reaches great complexity in the songbirds (songbird), in which it consists of paired specialized cartilages and membranes (the inner, or medial, walls of the bronchi), controlled by as many as six pairs of minute muscles.

      Sound vibrations in the tracheal air column are evidently initiated and modulated by the vibrating membranes, specialized parts of the bronchial or tracheal walls. Songbirds, and probably other birds, are able to control the right and left halves of the syrinx separately, thus singing with two independent voices.

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