
/sawng"berrd', song"-/, n.
1. a bird that sings.
2. any passerine bird of the suborder Oscines.
3. Slang. a woman vocalist.
[1765-75; SONG + BIRD]

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Any oscine passerine (suborder Passere), all of which have a complex vocal organ, the syrinx.

Some species (e.g., thrushes) produce melodious songs; others (e.g., crows) have a harsh voice; and some do little or no singing. See also birdsong.

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also called  Passerine,  

      any member of the suborder Passeres (or Oscines), of the order Passeriformes, including about 4,000 speciesnearly half the world's birdsin 35 to 55 families. Most cage birds belong to this group. Songbirds are alike in having the vocal organ highly developed, though not all use it to melodious effect. Classification in this suborder is much disputed. Alaudidae (larks (lark)) and Hirundinidae (swallows (swallow)) are the most distinctive families.

      Songbirds range in size from tiny kinglets and sunbirds to comparatively large crows. They are mainly land birds that live in a wide variety of situations, from open grassland to forest. Although songbirds include some of the best songsters, such as thrushes (thrush), some have harsh voices like crows (crow), and some do little or no singing. Songbirds are distinguished from other perching birds by certain anatomical characteristics, especially the more complicated vocal organ, or syrinx.

      The syrinxas the voice-producing structure, or song box, is calledis located at the point where the windpipe divides into two bronchial tubes to go to the lungs. The syrinx is an intricately constructed organ with a firm bony framework and filmlike vibrating internal membranes over which the air, during exhalation, passes rapidly, producing all the many utterances of the bird. A variable number of syringeal muscles and their controlling nerves adjust the tension on the membranes. The song box reaches its greatest complexity in the true songbirds. (But it is not a complicated syrinx alone that determines singing ability, for some true songbirds hardly sing at all). In some birds the windpipe is elongated and elaborately coiled. Sometimes this elongation is enclosed within the breast bone, or sternum. In certain of the birds-of-paradise known as manucodes, the elongated windpipe is coiled on the breast between the skin and the flesh. Presumably this lengthening of the windpipe gives resonance to the voice.

      Vocalization in birds includes a wide variety of calls besides the song proper and provides a means of social communication. Bird song is best considered the vocalization that is used in courtship and breeding, chiefly by the male, to advertise that he is ready to mate, to attract the female and perhaps stimulate her sexually, to keep the pair together, and to inform rival males that he has established a territory from which they will be excluded. The male's calls are also part of a threat display that takes the place of actual combat in repelling intruding rivals. However, similar song is sometimes given spontaneously when there is no obvious use for it. Occasionally females sing, and especially in tropical species pairs may duet, again perhaps as a method of reinforcing the bond between the pair. Often the song is delivered from a series of regularly used perches. Some species, especially those that live in grasslands, have flight songs.

      Bird song (birdsong) need not be pleasing to the human ear. The hooting of the owl, the monotonously repeated phrases of the North American whippoorwill, the crazed, repeated whistle of a Malayan cuckoo that has given it the name of the brain-fever bird, and the African tinkerbird's repeated notes, which, from their resemblance to hammering on metal, have given the bird its nameall must be called songs.

 Which birds are the best songsters is a question that is subjective. The nightingale of Europe (Erithacus, or Luscinia, megarhynchos; see photograph—>), a small thrush, perhaps heads the list of famous songsters of European literature. Also a favourite of the poets was the European skylark (Alaudia arvensis). In North America the mockingbird (Minus polyglottos) is a wonderful performer with a rich, melodious, long-continued song. In Australia the lyrebirds, which are not true songbirds, have songs that are superlative in variety and intensity and have a dramatic quality. Though the best songsters may be true songbirds, some birds of other groups have pleasing or musical utterances, like the quavering trill of the screech owl and the cheery whistle of the bobwhite quail.

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