
/beuh gas"/, n.
1. crushed sugar cane or beet refuse from sugar making.
2. paper made from fibers of bagasse.
[1820-30, Amer.; < F < AmerSp, Sp bagazo, deriv. of baga seed capsule of the flax plant (presumably orig. of any fruit) < L baca berry; cf. BAY4]

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Fibre remaining after the extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane.

The term was once applied more generally to various waste residues from processing plant materials. Bagasse may be used as fuel in the sugarcane mill or as a source of cellulose for manufacturing animal feeds. Paper is produced from bagasse in several Latin American countries, in the Middle East, and in all sugar-producing countries that are deficient in forest resources. It is the essential ingredient for the production of pressed building board, acoustic tile, and other construction materials.

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also called  Megass,  

      fibre remaining after the extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane. The word bagasse, from the French bagage via the Spanish bagazo, originally meantrubbish,” “refuse,” ortrash.” Applied first to the debris from the pressing of olives, palm nuts, and grapes, the word was subsequently used to mean residues from other processed plant materials such as sisal, sugarcane, and sugar beets. In modern use, the word is limited to the end product of the sugarcane mill.

      Bagasse may be used as fuel in the sugarcane mill or as a source of cellulose for manufacturing animal feeds. paper is produced from bagasse in several Latin-American countries, in the Middle East, and in all sugar-producing countries that are deficient in forest resources. Bagasse is the essential ingredient for the production of pressed building board, acoustical tile, and other construction materials.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • bagasse — [ bagas ] n. f. • 1719; esp. bagazo « marc » ♦ Techn. Résidu des tiges de canne à sucre dont on a extrait le jus, qui sert de combustible, d engrais, etc. « je vois le groupe d hommes qui enfourne la bagasse des cannes broyées dans la fournaise » …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Bagasse — Ba*gasse (b[.a]*g[a^]s ), n. [F.] Sugar cane, as it comes crushed from the mill. It is then dried and used as fuel. Also extended to the refuse of beetroot sugar. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • bagasse — ☆ bagasse [bə gas′ ] n. [Fr < Prov bagasso, refuse from processing of grapes or olives < Gallo Roman * bacacea < L baca, berry] the part of sugar cane left after the juice has been extracted, or the residue of certain other processed… …   English World dictionary

  • Bagasse — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bagasse (homonymie). La bagasse est le résidu fibreux de la canne à sucre qu on a passée par le moulin pour en tirer le suc. Elle est composée principalement par la cellulose de la plante. Ce terme désigne… …   Wikipédia en Français

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