
/spring"bok'/, n., pl. springboks, (esp. collectively) springbok.
a gazelle, Antidorcas marsupialis, of southern Africa, noted for its habit of springing into the air when alarmed.
[1765-75; < Afrik. See SPRING, BUCK1]

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Species of antelope (Antidorcas marsupialis), native to treeless plains of southern Africa, the national emblem of South Africa.

It stands about 30 in. (80 cm) high at the shoulder, and both sexes have ringed, lyre-shaped horns. A fold of skin from midback to rump can be opened to display a crest of white hair. The reddish brown upper body has a broad horizontal dark-brown band on each side; the underparts, head, tail, and rump are white. When excited, the springbok, with head down, hooves bunched, and back arched, makes a series of stiff-legged, vertical leaps up to 12 ft (3.5 m) high, an action called pronking.

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also called  springbuck 
 graceful, strikingly marked antelope of the gazelle tribe, Antilopini (family Bovidae (bovid), order Artiodactyla (artiodactyl)). The springbok is native to the open, treeless plains of southern Africa. It once roamed in enormous herds but is now much reduced in numbers. It is the national and sporting emblem of South Africa.

      Although closely related to true gazelles (genus Gazella), the springbok is placed in a separate genus because of a unique structure on its back that it displays when excited, consisting of a patch of white hair that is normally hidden beneath a skin fold but is erected during a special form of jumping known as pronking. The species name marsupialis refers to this concealed organ, which also happens to be lined with sebaceous scent glands.

  Native to southwest Africa, where it is the most abundant plains antelope, the springbok was once a dominant migrating species, along with the black wildebeest and the blesbok, in South Africa's vast Highveld and Karoo regions, where it is still common on the farms and ranches that have subdivided and transformed this vast ecosystem. Migratory populations of springbok still exist in Botswana's Kalahari and in the subdesert and desert of Namibia and southwestern Angola. Of the several recognized subspecies, which are adapted to different climatic and ecological conditions, the Highveld-Karoo variety (Antidorcas marsupialis marsupialis) is the smallest, and the variety of Namibia's Kaokoveld (A. marsupialis hofmeyri) is the largest. Its shoulder height is 6987 cm (2734 inches), and its weight is 2748 kg (59106 pounds). The heavily ringed horns are 3549 cm (1419 inches) in length (smaller and thinner in females) and have an unusual stethoscope shape with hooked tips pointing inward. The coat is pale to rich cinnamon brown with extensive areas of white including the head, ears, underparts, backs of legs, rump, and tail. A heavy black side stripe, narrow cheek stripe, and tail tip contrast with the white markings.

 A mixed feeder comparable to Thomson's gazelle, the springbok grazes during the rainy season and browses on foliage, forbs, and tsama melons during the dry season. It drinks when water is available but can subsist indefinitely on browse with a water content of at least 10 percent.

      Springboks have an annual rut that commences at the end of the rainy season when the animals are in peak condition; most young are born six months later in the spring, October and November, shortly before the rainy season begins. However, the timing may vary by as much as two months, reflecting the springbok's adaptive response to the variability of arid climates. Females conceive as early as six to seven months of age, whereas males take two years to mature. Rutting males defend territories of 2570 hectares (62173 acres) with loud grunts, attacking vegetation with their horns and depositing middens of urine and dung in a ritualized display. Outside of the mating season, females and males often occur in mixed herds, which aggregate at water holes and at bursts of vegetation created by local thunderstorms.

      Although the spinal crest of white hair can be erected independently and pronking can be performed without unfolding the crest, the full display combines high, stiff-legged bounds with bowed back and lowered neck, during which the hair of the rump patch and spinal crest merge to form a big white patch. Springboks have been clocked at 88 km (55 miles) per hour, as fast as any gazelle, but they can be outrun by cheetahs (cheetah) over a short distance and by wild dogs (canine) over a long distance.

Richard Estes

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  • springbok — [ spriŋbɔk ] n. m. • 1781; mot holl. , proprt « bouc sauteur » ♦ Antilope d Afrique australe. ● springbok nom masculin (néerlandais springbok, bouc sauteur) Antilope des savanes d Afrique australe, célèbre par ses bonds. springbok n. m. Antilope… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • springbok — ► NOUN 1) a southern African gazelle with a characteristic habit of leaping when disturbed. 2) (Springbok) a member of a sports team selected to represent South Africa. ORIGIN Afrikaans, from Dutch springen to spring + bok antelope …   English terms dictionary

  • springbok — [spriŋ′buk΄spriŋ′bäk΄] n. pl. springbok or springboks [Afrik < Du springen, to SPRING + bok, BUCK1] a graceful gazelle (Antidorcas marsupialis) of S Africa, noted for its tendency to leap high in the air, as when startled: also springbuck… …   English World dictionary

  • springbok — 1775, from Afrikaans, from spring to leap (from M.Du. springhen, see SPRING (Cf. spring) (v.)) + bok antelope, from M.Du. boc (see BUCK (Cf. buck) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

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