
gazellelike, adj.
/geuh zel"/, n., pl. gazelles, (esp. collectively) gazelle.
any small antelope of the genus Gazella and allied genera, of Africa and Asia, noted for graceful movements and lustrous eyes.
[1575-85; < F; OF gazel < Ar ghazala]

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Any of numerous species of graceful antelope (genus Gazella) found on open plains and arid lands from Mongolia to the Atlantic coast of North Africa and throughout eastern and central tropical Africa.

Gazelles are 23 ft (6090 cm) high at the shoulder. They range in herds that usually contain 5 to 10 individuals but may include several hundred. They are generally brown with white underparts and rump, and many have a horizontal dark band along each side. A light stripe runs down each side of the face. The horns have numerous raised rings and are variously shaped, but all are slightly upturned at the ends. Some species are considered endangered.

Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsoni).

E.R. Degginger

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      any of several fleet, medium-sized antelopes (antelope) with slender, evenly developed limbs, level backs, and long necks. Most gazelles are tan-coloured, with white underparts and rump patch, a dark side stripe, and contrasting facial markings. They inhabit the arid lands of Asia from China to the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa from the Saharan (Sahara) deserts to the sub-Saharan Sahel, and northeast Africa from the Horn of Africa to Tanzania. Most gazelles are placed in the genus Gazella, family Bovidae (bovid) (order Artiodactyla (artiodactyl)).

      Gazelles have adapted to inhabit waterless steppe, subdesert, and even desert. They can extract water from the plants they browse without having to drink. They have narrow jaws and incisor rows for highly selective feeding on the most nutritious growth. Their urine is concentrated, and, before excretion, moisture is extracted from their fecal pellets. Their coats are light-coloured and reflective. They can tolerate an increase in their core temperature by as much as 5 °C (9 °F). Gazelles seek shade and avoid activity in the hottest weather by feeding at night and early morning when plants contain the most moisture. If all else fails, they can cool down by rapid nasal panting.

      The genus Gazella has traditionally been considered to contain 14 species. However, specialists in the taxonomy of the gazelle tribe (Antilopini), using genetic techniques for studying phylogenetic relationships, now believe that gazelles stem from not one but several different ancestors. Accordingly, five species, all African, have been removed from Gazella by some authorities and placed in two different genera. The three largest speciesthe dama gazelle, Grant's gazelle, and Soemmering's gazelleare placed in the genus Nanger (formerly considered a subgenus), and two of the smaller speciesThomson's gazelle and the red-fronted gazelle, which are closely related enough to be considered sibling, or even the same, specieshave become the genus Eudorcas. The Gazella genus as traditionally defined includes eight species that occur only in Africa, five that occur only in Asia, and one species that occurs both in Africa and Asia. In the revised classification, Gazella contains nine speciesthree exclusively African, five exclusively Asian, and one shared by both continents.

Asian gazelles
      The Arabian Peninsula is the centre of diversity of the revised genus Gazella, with five species: the mountain gazelle (G. gazella), the goitred, or sand, gazelle (G. subgutturosa), the Arabian gazelle (G. arabica; now extinct), the Saudi gazelle (G. saudiya; now extinct in the wild), and the dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas). The dorcas gazelle also ranges into North Africa. The range of the goitred gazelle extends across the Asian deserts to China, though its population is greatly reduced in numbers. A sixth Asian gazelle, the Indian gazelle or chinkara (G. bennetti), survives in the deserts of India and Pakistan.

      Tribe Antilopini includes several Asian species of the genus Procapra that are also called gazelles: the Tibetan gazelle (P. picticaudata), Przewalski's gazelle (P. przewalskii), and the Mongolian gazelle (P. gutturosa). The last, with a population estimated at well over one million, may be the most numerous of all hoofed mammals.

African gazelles
      Of the three exclusively African Gazella species, two range north of the Sahara (along with the dorcas gazelle). The Atlas gazelle, also called Cuvier's, or the edmi, gazelle (G. cuvieri), is found in the Atlas Mountains. The rhim, or slender-horned, gazelle (G. leptoceros) is the most desert-adapted African gazelle and lives in the Sahara's great sand deserts (ergs (erg)) from Algeria to Egypt. The third indigenous species, Speke's gazelle (G. spekei), inhabits the coastal plain of Somalia.

      The dorcas gazelle, though still the most abundant and widespread of the Saharan antelopes (antelope), has been eliminated from most of its North African range. However, sizable populations survive in the Sahel from Mauritania to the Nile (Nile River) and in the lowlands of countries bordering the Red Sea.

 Thomson's gazelle (Eudorcas [Gazella] thomsonii) is still common in East Africa and abundant in the Serengeti (Serengeti National Park) ecosystem of Tanzania. An isolated subspecies, the Mongalla gazelle (E. thomsonii albonotata), occurs in southeastern Sudan. The red-fronted gazelle (E. [G.] rufifrons) is a Sahel version of Thomson's gazelle but is distinguished by a more rufous colour and a reddish border between the narrow black flank stripe and white underparts.

      The dama gazelle (Nanger [Gazella] dama) is the largest gazelle, weighing up to 75 kg (165 pounds) and standing up to 120 cm (47 inches) at the shoulder. Formerly common in the grasslands and subdesert of the Sahel from Mauritania to The Sudan, it now exists only in endangered remnant populations. This gazelle is unusual both for its form and for geographic variations in its colour pattern, which range from predominately rufous with extensive white underparts, rump, legs, and head in the west (N. dama mhorr) to nearly white in the east (N. dama ruficollis).

      Grant's gazelle (N. [G.] granti) has the largest horns (up to 80 cm [31 inches]) and is still widespread both in and outside protected areas through most of its range from southern Sudan to central Tanzania. Soemmering's gazelle (N. [G.] soemmeringii) inhabits the arid savanna country of northeast Africa, where it is the ecological equivalent of Grant's gazelle. Clark's gazelle (Ammordorcas clarkei) of northeast Africa is also known as the dibatag.

Ecology and behaviour
      Like most antelopes (antelope) of arid regions, gazelles are nomadic, migratory, or both. All gazelles are gregarious; females and young band together, as do bachelor males. During migration, the sexes associate in mixed herds, but they are segregated by territorial males whenever breeding opportunities arise. Gazelles are unusually endowed with glands; these are located between the hooves, in the groin (inguinal glands), on the front of the forelegs, and ahead of the eyes (preorbital glands). In males of some species (Thomson's, red-fronted, Speke's, and goitred) the preorbitals produce a sticky black secretion that is daubed on twigs and grass stems to demarcate territories. However, the main way of posting territories, in all members of the gazelle tribe, is with urine and feces, which males deposit on dung middens in a linked, highly ritualized performance.

      Because antelopes living in open plains can be run down by motorized vehicles, all gazelles (with few exceptions) have been decimated over most of their range by relentless hunting. Habitat degradation and competition with livestock have also harmed gazelle populations.

Richard Estes

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