
/gray"hownd'/, n.
1. one of a breed of tall, slender, short-haired dogs, noted for its keen sight and swiftness.
2. a swift ship, esp. a fast ocean liner.
Also, grayhound.
[bef. 1000; ME greihund, grehund, grihund, OE grighund < ON greyhundr; cf. ON grey bitch; see HOUND1]

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Fastest dog, one of the oldest breeds (dating from about 3000 BC in Egypt), and long symbolic of the aristocracy.

It has a narrow head; long neck; deep chest; long, muscular hindquarters; a long, slim tail; and a short, smooth coat, of various colors. It stands 2527 in. (6469 cm) high and weighs 6070 lbs (2732 kg). Streamlined and slender, it can reach a speed of about 45 mph (72 kph). Greyhounds hunt by sight and may be used to hunt hares, deer, foxes, and small game. They are frequently raced for sport.


Sally Anne Thompson

Italian greyhound

Sally Anne Thompson/EB Inc.

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      (foaled 1932), American harness racehorse (Standardbred), considered by many to have been the greatest trotter that ever raced. A tall (about 66 inches [168 cm]) gray gelding sired by Guy Abbey out of Elizabeth, he competed for seven seasons (193440), winning 71 of 82 heats (divisions of races) and 33 of 37 full races. In 1935 he won the Hambletonian Stake, the great race for three-year-old trotters. On Sept. 29, 1938, he established a world trotting record for 1 mile in 1:55 1/4 (subsequently broken). He also excelled in trotting under saddle, a form of racing now obsolete; he set saddle records of 3:02 1/2 for 1.5 miles (1937), 4:06 for 2 miles (1939), and 2:01 3/4 for 1 mile (1940). Greyhound was named outstanding trotter of the 20th century in a membership poll of Hall of Fame of the Trotter in 1971.

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Universalium. 2010.

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