Republican party

Republican party
1. one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854-56.
2. U.S. Hist. See Democratic-Republican party.

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One of two major U.S. political parties.

It was formed in 1854 by former members of the Whig, Democratic, and Free Soil parties who chose the party's name to recall the Jeffersonian Republicans' concern with the national interest above sectional interests and states' rights. The new party opposed slavery and its extension into the territories, as provided by the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Its first presidential candidate, John C. Frémont, won 11 states in 1856; its second, Abraham Lincoln, won the 1860 election by carrying 18 states. Its association with the Union victory in the American Civil War allowed it a long period of dominance nationally, though it was uncompetitive in the South for more than a century after the war. Republican candidates won 14 of 18 presidential elections between 1860 and 1932, through support from an alliance of Northern and Midwestern farmers and big-business interests. In 1912 the party split between a progressive wing led by Theodore Roosevelt and a conservative wing led by Pres. William Howard Taft; the rift enabled the Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson, to win that year's election. The Republican Party's inability to counter the impact of the Great Depression led to its ouster from power in 1933; in 1953 the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower brought a moderate wing of the party to prominence. The party's platform remained conservative, emphasizing anticommunism, reduced government regulation of the economy, and lower taxes; many members also opposed civil rights legislation. In the 1950s the GOP gained new support from middle-class suburbanites and white Southerners disturbed by the integrationist policies of the national Democratic Party. Richard Nixon, who narrowly lost the 1960 presidential race, won narrowly in 1968 and by a landslide in 1972, but he was forced to resign in 1974 as a result of the Watergate scandal. Ronald Reagan, who had assumed the leadership of the conservative wing of the Republican Party after Barry Goldwater's defeat in the presidential election of 1964, won the presidency in 1980 and 1984; he introduced deep tax cuts and launched a massive buildup of U.S. military forces. Reagan's vice president, George Bush, was elected in 1988 and enjoyed enormous popularity after success in the First Persian Gulf War, but an anemic economy led to his defeat in 1992 by Democrat Bill Clinton. The defeat was offset in 1994, when the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. In 2000 George W. Bush narrowly won the presidency in one of the closest and most controversial elections in U.S. history. In 2004 he won reelection. The party continues to emphasize tax cuts, traditional social values, and strong national defense.

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      unofficial English name of the Irish political party Fianna Fáil (q.v.).

French  Parti Républicain (PR) 

      French political party formed in May 1977 when the former National Foundation of Independent Republicans (Fédération Nationale des Républicains Indépendents)—founded in 1966 by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry)—was merged with other small groups. It is conservative in domestic social and economic policies but internationalist in being pro-NATO and pro-European.

      After Pres. Georges Pompidou's death, Giscard was elected president in May 1974 and tried to govern with a coalition of members of his own party and Gaullists, Radical-Socialists, and other centre-left groups. Eventually, personality and policy conflicts between the Gaullists and Giscardians resulted in the resignation of the Gaullist premier, Jacques Chirac (Chirac, Jacques), in 1976 and in an outright battle in the elections of 1978, in which the Republicans and their non-Gaullist allies achieved a modest victory. In a 10-candidate race for the presidency in 1981, however, Giscard lost in a runoff with the Socialist candidate, François Mitterrand.

      in U.S. history, political party formed from the nucleus of the Anti-Federalists and the country's first opposition party. Formed in 1792 by supporters of Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas) in opposition to the Federalist Party of Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton, Alexander), the party developed into the Democratic-Republican Party (1798) and was the forerunner of the modern Democratic Party.

political party, United States, 1854-present
 in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Democratic Party. The Republican Party traditionally has supported laissez-faire capitalism, low taxes, and conservative (conservatism) social policies. The party acquired the acronym GOP, widely understood asGrand Old Party,” in the 1870s. The party's official logo, the elephant, is derived from a cartoon by Thomas Nast (Nast, Thomas) and also dates from the 1870s.

      The term Republican was adopted in 1792 by supporters of Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas), who favoured a decentralized government with limited powers. Although Jefferson's political philosophy is consistent with the outlook of the modern Republican Party, his faction, which soon became known as the Democratic-Republican Party, ironically evolved by the 1830s into the Democratic Party, the modern Republican Party's chief rival.

      The Republican Party traces its roots to the 1850s, when antislavery leaders (including former members of the Democratic, Whig (Whig Party), and Free-Soil (Free-Soil Party) parties) joined forces to oppose the extension of slavery into the Kansas and Nebraska territories by the proposed Kansas-Nebraska Act. At meetings in Ripon, Wisconsin (May 1854), and Jackson, Michigan (July 1854), they recommended forming a new party, which was duly established at the political convention in Jackson.

      At their first presidential nominating convention in 1856, the Republicans nominated John C. Frémont (Frémont, John C) on a platform that called on Congress to abolish slavery in the territories, reflecting a widely held view in the North. Although ultimately unsuccessful in his presidential bid, Frémont carried 11 Northern states and received nearly two-fifths of the electoral vote. During the first four years of its existence, the party rapidly displaced the Whigs as the main opposition to the dominant Democratic Party. In 1860 the Democrats split over the slavery issue, as the Northern and Southern wings of the party nominated different candidates (Stephen A. Douglas (Douglas, Stephen A) and John C. Breckinridge (Breckinridge, John C), respectively); the election that year also included John Bell (Bell, John), the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party. Thus, the Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln, Abraham), was able to capture the presidency (presidency of the United States of America), winning 18 Northern states and receiving 60 percent of the electoral vote but only 40 percent of the popular vote. By the time of Lincoln's inauguration as president, however, seven Southern states had seceded from the Union, and the country soon descended into the American Civil War (186165).

      The 1860 election is regarded by most political observers as the first of threecriticalelections in the United Statescontests that produced sharp and enduring changes in party loyalties across the country (although some analysts consider the election of 1824 to be the first critical election). After 1860 the Democratic and Republican parties became the major parties in a largely two-party system. In federal elections from the 1870s to the 1890s, the parties were in rough balanceexcept in the South, which became solidly Democratic. The two parties controlled Congress for almost equal periods, though the Democrats held the presidency only during the two terms of Grover Cleveland (Cleveland, Grover) (188589 and 189397).

      The prolonged agony of the Civil War weakened Lincoln's prospects for reelection in 1864. To broaden his support, he chose as his vice presidential candidate Andrew Johnson (Johnson, Andrew), a pro-Union Democratic senator from Tennessee, and the Lincoln-Johnson ticket subsequently won a landslide victory over Democrat George B. McClellan (McClellan, George B) and his running mate George Pendleton (Pendleton, George). Following Lincoln's assassination at the end of the war, Johnson favoured Lincoln's moderate program for the Reconstruction of the South over the more punitive plan backed by the Radical Republican members of Congress. Stymied for a time by Johnson's vetoes, the Radical Republicans won overwhelming control of Congress in the 1866 elections and engineered Johnson's impeachment in the House of Representatives (Representatives, House of). Although the Senate fell one vote short of convicting and removing Johnson, the Radical Republicans managed to implement their Reconstruction program, which made the party anathema across the former Confederacy. In the North the party's close identification with the Union victory secured it the allegiance of most farmers, and its support of protective tariffs and of the interests of big business eventually gained it the backing of powerful industrial and financial circles.

 In the country's second critical election, in 1896, the Republicans won the presidency and control of both houses of Congress, and the Republican Party became the majority party in most states outside the South. The Republican presidential nominee that year was William McKinley (McKinley, William), a conservative who favoured high tariffs on foreign goods andsoundmoney tied to the value of gold. The Democrats, already burdened by the economic depression that began under President Cleveland, nominated William Jennings Bryan (Bryan, William Jennings), who advocated cheap money (money available at low interest rates) based on both gold and silver.

 The assassination of President McKinley in 1901 elevated to the presidency Theodore Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Theodore), leader of the party's progressive wing. Roosevelt opposed monopolistic and exploitative business practices, adopted a more conciliatory attitude toward labour, and urged the conservation of natural resources. He was reelected in 1904 but declined to run in 1908, deferring to his secretary of war and friend, William Howard Taft (Taft, William Howard), who won handily. Subsequently disenchanted with Taft's conservative policies, Roosevelt unsuccessfully challenged him for the Republican nomination in 1912. Roosevelt then bolted the Republican Party to form the Progressive Party ( Bull Moose Party) and ran for president against Taft and the Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson (Wilson, Woodrow). With the Republican vote divided, Wilson won the presidency, and he was reelected in 1916. During the spectacular prosperity of the 1920s, the Republicans' conservative and probusiness policies proved more attractive to voters than Wilson's brand of idealism and internationalism. The Republicans easily won the presidential elections of 1920, 1924, and 1928.

 The stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed had severe consequences for the Republicans, largely because of their unwillingness to combat the effects of the depression through direct government intervention in the economy. In the election of 1932, considered the country's third critical election, Republican incumbent President Herbert Hoover (Hoover, Herbert) was overwhelmingly defeated by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.), and the Republicans were relegated to the status of a minority party. Roosevelt's three reelections (he was the only president to serve more than two terms), the succession of Harry S. Truman (Truman, Harry S.) to the presidency on Roosevelt's death in 1945, and Truman's narrow election over New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey (Dewey, Thomas E.) in 1948 kept the Republicans out of the White House for two decades. Although most Republicans in the 1930s vehemently opposed Roosevelt's New Deal social programs, by the 1950s the party had largely accepted the federal government's expanded role and regulatory powers.

 In 1952 the Republican Party nominated as its presidential candidate World War II supreme Allied commander Dwight D. Eisenhower (Eisenhower, Dwight D.), who easily defeated Democrat Adlai E. Stevenson (Stevenson, Adlai E) in the general election. Despite Eisenhower's centrist views, the Republican platform was essentially conservative, calling for a strong anticommunist stance in foreign affairs, reductions in government regulation of the economy, lower taxes for the wealthy, and resistance to federal civil rights legislation (though Eisenhower did dispatch federal troops to Arkansas in 1957 to enforce the court-ordered racial integration of a high school in Little Rock; he also signed the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960). The party retained the traditional support of both big and small business and gained new support from growing numbers of middle-class suburbanites andperhaps most significantlywhite Southerners, who were upset by the prointegration policies of leading Democrats, including President Truman, who had ordered the integration of the military. Eisenhower was reelected in 1956, but in 1960 Richard M. Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.), Eisenhower's vice president, lost narrowly to Democrat John F. Kennedy (Kennedy, John F.).

      The Republicans were in severe turmoil at their 1964 convention, where moderates and conservatives battled for control of the party. Ultimately, the conservatives secured the nomination of Senator Barry M. Goldwater (Goldwater, Barry), who lost by a landslide to President Lyndon B. Johnson (Johnson, Lyndon B.), Kennedy's vice president and successor. By 1968 the party's moderate faction regained control and again nominated Nixon, who narrowly won the popular vote over Hubert H. Humphrey (Humphrey, Hubert H), Johnson's vice president. Many Southern Democrats abandoned the party to vote for the anti-integration candidate George C. Wallace (Wallace, George C.). Importantly, the 1964 and 1968 elections signaled the death of the DemocraticSolid South,” as both Goldwater and Nixon made significant inroads there. In 1964, 5 of the 6 states won by Goldwater were in the South; in 1968, 11 Southern states voted for Nixon and only 1 voted for Humphrey.

      Although Nixon was reelected by a landslide in 1972, Republicans made few gains in congressional, state, and local elections and failed to win control of Congress. In the wake of the Watergate Scandal, Nixon resigned the presidency in August 1974 and was succeeded in office by Gerald R. Ford (Ford, Gerald R.), the first appointed vice president to become president. Ford lost narrowly to moderate Southern Democrat Jimmy Carter (Carter, Jimmy) in 1976. In 1980 Ronald W. Reagan (Reagan, Ronald W.), the charismatic leader of the Republican Party's conservative wing, defeated Carter and helped the Republicans to regain control of the Senate, which they held until 1987.

      Reagan introduced deep tax cuts and launched a massive buildup of U.S. military forces. His personal popularity and an economic recovery contributed to his 49-state victory over Democrat Walter F. Mondale (Mondale, Walter) in 1984. His vice president, George Bush (Bush, George), continued the Republicans' presidential success by handily defeating Democrat Michael S. Dukakis (Dukakis, Michael S.) in 1988. During Bush's term, the Cold War came to an end after communism collapsed in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. In 1991 Bush led an international coalition that drove Iraqi armies out of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War. Congress continued to be controlled by the Democrats, however, and Bush lost his bid for reelection in 1992 to another moderate Southern Democrat, Bill Clinton (Clinton, Bill). Partly because of Clinton's declining popularity in 199394, the Republicans won victories in the 1994 midterm elections that gave them control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1954. They promptly undertook efforts to overhaul the country's welfare system and to reduce the budget deficit, but their uncompromising and confrontational style led many voters to blame them for a budget impasse in 199596 that resulted in two partial government shutdowns. Clinton was reelected in 1996, though the Republicans retained control of Congress.

      In 2000 Texas Governor George W. Bush (Bush, George W.), son of the former president, recaptured the presidency for the Republicans, receiving 500,000 fewer popular votes than Democrat Al Gore (Gore, Al) but narrowly winning a majority of the electoral vote (271266) after the Supreme Court of the United States ordered a halt to the manual recounting of disputed ballots in Florida. Bush was only the second son of a president to assume the nation's highest office. The Republicans also won a majority in both chambers of Congress (though the Democrats gained effective control of the Senate in 2001 following the decision of Republican Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont to became an independent). A surge in Bush's popularity following the September 11 attacks of 2001 enabled the Republicans to recapture the Senate and to make gains in the House of Representatives in 2002. In 2004 Bush was narrowly reelected, winning both the popular and electoral vote, and the Republicans kept control of both houses of Congress. In the 2006 midterm elections, however, the Republicans fared poorly, hindered largely by the growing opposition to the Iraq War, and the Democrats regained control of both the House and the Senate. In the general election of 2008 the Republican presidential nominee, John McCain (McCain, John), was defeated by Democrat Barack Obama (Obama, Barack), and the Democrats increased their majority in both houses of Congress. The following year the Republican National Committee elected Michael Steele as its first African American chairman.

Policy and structure
      Although its founders refused to recognize the right of states and territories to practice slavery, the modern Republican Party supports states' rights against the power of the federal government in most cases, and it opposes the federal regulation of traditionally state and local matters, such as policing and education. Because the party is highly decentralized (as is the Democratic Party), it encompasses a wide variety of opinion on certain issues, though it is ideologically more unified at the national level than the Democratic Party is. The Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom. They tend to oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, affirmative action, and policies aimed at strengthening the rights of workers. Many Republicans, though not all, favour increased government regulation of the private, noneconomic lives of citizens in some areas, such as abortion, though most Republicans also strongly oppose gun-control legislation. Republicans are more likely than Democrats to support organized prayer in public schools and to oppose the legal recognition of equal rights for gays and lesbians (see gay rights movement). Regarding foreign policy, the Republican Party traditionally has supported a strong national defense and the aggressive pursuit of U.S. national security interests, even when it entails acting unilaterally or in opposition to the views of the international community.

      Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party formulate their platforms quadrennially at national political conventions (political convention), which are held to nominate the parties' presidential candidates. The conventions take place in the summer of each presidential election year; by tradition, the incumbent party holds its convention second. The Republican National Convention typically gathers some 2,000 delegates who are selected during the winter and spring.

      Until the 1970s, few nationwide rules governed the selection of delegates to the Republican National Convention. After the Democratic Party adopted a system based on state primaries and caucuses, the Republicans followed suit. More than 40 states now select delegates to the Republican convention through primary elections (primary election), while several other states choose delegates through caucuses. Virtually all Republican primaries allocate delegates on awinner-take-allbasis, so that the candidate who wins the most votes in a state is awarded all the delegates of that state. In contrast, almost all Democratic primaries allocate delegates based on the proportion of the vote each candidate receives. As a result, the Republicans tend to choose their presidential nominees more quickly than the Democrats do, often long before the summer nominating convention, leaving the convention simply to ratify the winner of the primaries.

 In addition to confirming the party's presidential nominee and adopting the party platform, the national convention formally chooses a national committee to organize the next convention and to govern the party until the next convention is held. The Republican National Committee (RNC) consists of about 150 party leaders representing all U.S. states and territories. Its chairman is typically named by the party's presidential nominee and then formally elected by the committee. Republican members of the House (Representatives, House of) and the Senate organize themselves into party conferences that elect the party leaders of each chamber. In keeping with the decentralized nature of the party, each chamber also creates separate committees to raise and disburse funds for House and Senate election campaigns. Although Republican congressional party organizations maintain close informal relationships with the RNC, they are formally separate from it and not subject to its control. Similarly, state party organizations are not subject to direct control by the national committee.

Additional Reading
The origins of the Republican Party are studied in Robert F. Engs and Randall M. Miller (eds.), The Birth of the Grand Old Party: The Republicans' First Generation (2002). Earl Black and Merle Black, The Rise of Southern Republicans (2002), discusses the transformation of the South into a stronghold of the Republican Party in the second half of the 20th century. Nicol C. Rae, The Decline and Fall of the Liberal Republicans: From 1952 to the Present (1989), examines the rise of thewesterninterests in the United States responsible for the nomination of Barry M. Goldwater in 1964. John Gerring, Party Ideologies in America, 18281996 (1998, reissued 2001), argues that Republican Party platforms before and after 1924 emphasized distinctly different values. Marjorie Randon Hershey and Paul Allen Back, Party Politics in America, 10th ed. (2003), provides a comprehensive survey of the Republican Party, including its organization, campaign activities, role in national and state government, and electoral performance.

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