Pendleton, George

Pendleton, George

American politician
born July 29, 1825, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.
died Nov. 24, 1889, Brussels

      American lawyer and legislator, an advocate of civil service reform and sponsor of the Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883), which created the modern civil service system.

      Admitted to the bar in 1847, Pendleton, a Democrat, practiced law in Cincinnati and in 1853 was elected to the state senate. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives (185765), he opposed suspension of habeas corpus and other extraordinary measures taken by Pres. Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. In 1864 he was the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, sharing the ticket with the former Union Army general George B. McClellan. The Democrats, who made peace their primary issue, were soundly defeated.

      After the war Pendleton was a Greenbacker and a principal advocate of the Ohio Idea, a proposal for redeeming certain Civil War bonds in paper currency (greenbacks) instead of in gold. On this issue he alienated Eastern Democrats, who in turn deprived him of the 1868 Democratic presidential nomination. As a U.S. senator from Ohio (187985), he sponsored the Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883), which provided for a federal civil service commission and a corps of professional civil servants recruited by means of competitive examinations. Appointed minister to Germany by Pres. Grover Cleveland in 1885, Pendleton served abroad until his death.

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