Chirac, Jacques

Chirac, Jacques

president of France
in full  Jacques René Chirac 
born November 29, 1932, Paris, France
 French politician, who served as the country's president (19952007) and prime minister (197476, 198688).

      Chirac, the son of a bank employee, graduated from the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris in 1954, served as an officer in the French army in Algeria (195657), and earned a graduate degree from the École Nationale d'Administration in 1959. He then became a civil servant and rose rapidly through the ranks, serving as a department head and a secretary of state before becoming minister for parliamentary relations in 197172 under President Georges Pompidou (Pompidou, Georges). He was first elected to the National Assembly as a Gaullist in 1967. After serving as minister for agriculture (197274) and of the interior (1974), Chirac was appointed prime minister by newly elected President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry) in 1974. Citing personal and professional differences with Giscard, Chirac resigned from that office in 1976 and set about reconstituting the Gaullist Union of Democrats for the Republic into a neo-Gaullist group, the Rally for the Republic (RPR). With the party firmly under his control, he was elected mayor of Paris in 1977 and continued to build his political base among the several conservative parties of France.

      Chirac's first campaign for the presidency in 1981 split the conservative vote with Giscard and thereby allowed the Socialist Party candidate, François Mitterrand (Mitterrand, François), to win. In parliamentary elections held in 1986, the coalition of right-wing parties won a slim majority of seats in the National Assembly, and Chirac was appointed prime minister by Mitterrand. This power-sharing arrangement between the two posts was the first of its kind in the history of the Fifth Republic, in which previously the president and the prime minister had always belonged to the same party or the same electoral coalition.

      In this arrangement, known as cohabitation, Chirac, as prime minister, was responsible for domestic affairs, while Mitterrand retained responsibility for foreign policy. Chirac's most important achievement during his second term was his administration's privatization of many major corporations that had been nationalized under Mitterrand. He also reduced payroll and other taxes in an effort to stimulate job creation in the private sector. As the candidate of the centre-right RPR, Chirac ran for the presidency against Mitterrand and was defeated in runoff elections in May 1988, whereupon he resigned the post of prime minister. Remaining mayor of Paris, he made his third run for the presidency in May 1995 and this time defeated the Socialist candidate, Lionel Jospin (Jospin, Lionel).

      As president, Chirac tried to cut spending and thereby reduce the government's budget deficits so that France could qualify to participate in a single common European currency, the euro, which replaced the franc as France's sole currency in 2002. His proposed austerity measures, which included freezing the wages of public-sector employees and reducing some social welfare programs, provoked a massive general strike in late 1995. Nonetheless, Chirac continued to pursue policies of fiscal austerity despite unemployment that had reached record levels by early 1997. Hoping to win a mandate for his program, Chirac called for parliamentary elections in May 1997, but voters overwhelmingly cast their ballots for the left. His conservative coalition lost its majority in the parliament, and the Socialists were able to form a new coalition government with their leader, Jospin, as prime minister. Chirac also drew protests after authorizing nuclear tests in the South Pacific in 1995 and 1996.

      In 2002 Chirac's party, the RPR, merged with part of the Union for the French Democracy and the Liberal Democratic party to create the Union for the Presidential Majority (later renamed the Union for a Popular Movement; UMP). In the same yeardespite criticism for various ethical lapses and accusations of illegal fund-raising levied against the RPRChirac won the first round of France's presidential balloting over right-wing nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen (Le Pen, Jean-Marie) and Jospin, whose third-place showing eliminated him from the second round. With near-universal support from the political establishment in the second round, including from the French Communist Party and Jospin's Socialist Party, Chirac was easily reelected president, winning 82 percent of the vote to Le Pen's 18 percentthe largest margin of victory in any French presidential election. The UMP's victory in legislative elections one month later ended the president's cohabitation with the Socialist prime minister; Chirac appointed fellow centre-right politician Jean-Pierre Raffarin to the post.

      Chirac's second term would be shorter than his first; in 2000 French voters had passed a referendum to change the presidential term of office from seven to five years. The early part of his second term was dominated by U.S.- and British-led efforts to secure United Nations support for a military invasion of Iraq, whose government, led by Ṣaddām Ḥussein, they accused of possessing or attempting to develop weapons of mass destruction in violation of UN Security Council (Security Council, United Nations) resolutions. In November 2002 France backed a U.S.-sponsored resolution mandating the return to Iraq of weapons inspectors, who had been withdrawn in 1998. In early 2003, as the United States accused Iraq of failing to adequately cooperate with the inspectors, Chirac declared that France would veto any new Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force. With German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (Schröder, Gerhard) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (Putin, Vladimir), Chirac proposed a plan to toughen and extend the inspections regime, but the United States rejected it as unlikely to succeed. Despite this and later efforts by Chirac to prevent a war with Iraq (Iraq War), a U.S.-led coalition attacked the country in March 2003. Chirac's leadership among Europeans opposed to the war created considerable enmity toward him in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush (Bush, George W.).

 Later in his second term, Chirac's popularity declined. His party, the UMP, fared poorly in both regional and European Parliament elections in 2004. Also that year, Chirac signed into law a controversial measure that prohibited head scarves worn by Muslim girls, as well as other religious symbols, in state schools. In 2005, after French voters rejected Chirac's call for the ratification of a new constitution for the European Union, Chirac replaced Prime Minister Raffarin with Dominique de Villepin. In October of that year, anger over discrimination and high unemployment fueled rioting in several Parisian suburbs heavily populated by immigrants. The disturbances soon spread to the rest of the country, prompting Chirac to declare a state of emergency. Chirac saw his prestige fall further in 2006, when massive demonstrations forced the government to abandon legislation that would have made it easier for companies to fire young employees. In late 2006 Chirac's longtime political rival Nicolas Sarkozy (Sarkozy, Nicolas), interior minister and head of the UMP, announced his plans to run for president the following year. Sarkozy won the election, and in May 2007 he succeeded Chirac.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Chirac, Jacques (René) — born Nov. 29, 1932, Paris, France President of France (from 1995). In 1967 he was elected to the National Assembly as a Gaullist. As prime minister (1974–76), he resigned over differences with Valéry Giscard d Estaing and formed a neo Gaullist… …   Universalium

  • Chirac, Jacques (René) — (n. 29 nov. 1932, París, Francia). Presidente de Francia (desde 1995). En 1967 fue elegido a la Asamblea Nacional como gaullista. Siendo primer ministro (1974–76), renunció por diferencias con Valéry Giscard d Estaing y formó un grupo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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